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Constellations. Capricorn (Dec.22~Jan.19) Strengths: Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self- control, dark sense of humor. Weaknesses: Know-it-all,

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Presentation on theme: "Constellations. Capricorn (Dec.22~Jan.19) Strengths: Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self- control, dark sense of humor. Weaknesses: Know-it-all,"— Presentation transcript:

1 constellations

2 Capricorn (Dec.22~Jan.19) Strengths: Responsible, good managers, disciplined, self- control, dark sense of humor. Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst. Charismatic marks: Medium build, can get in shape with effort but tends to be a bit soft. Likes: Family, tradition, quality craftsmanship, understated status, music. Dislikes: Almost everything at some point. Best environment: Positive work situation, urban environments with culture and style, anyplace to be in charge.


4 Aquarius (Jan.20~Feb.18) Strengths: Progressive, original, humanitarian, independent. Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof. Charismatic marks: Good looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build. Likes: Fun with friends, fighting for causes, helping others, intellectual conversation, a good listener. Dislikes: Limitations, being lonely, broken promises, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them. Best environment: Any gathering of people to exchange ideas.


6 Pisces (Feb.19~Mar.20) Strengths: Intuitive, compassionate, artistic, gentle, wise, musical. Weaknesses: Can be a victim or martyr, fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality. Charismatic marks: Soft, sometimes frail to medium build. Face easily shows emotion. Likes: Spiritual themes, alone, visual media, time to sleep, romance, music, swimming. Dislikes: Know-it-alls, the past coming back to haunt, being criticized, cruelty of any kind. Best environment: On or near water, especially the sea. The movie theater.


8 Aries (Mar.21~Apr.19) Strengths: Courage, determination, self-confidence, enthusiasm. Weaknesses: Impatience, silly arguments, allowing fear to limit choices. Charismatic marks: Athletic body, youthful attitude, a need to take the lead. Likes: Comfortable clothes, taking the physical challenges, individual sports. Dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that doesn't use one's talents. Best environment: Any situation that requires action, courage in the face of fear, competition, and freedom of choice. Aries individuals are better outside being active than staying close to home.


10 Taurus (Apr.20~May.20) Strengths: Dependable, patient, musical, practical. Weaknesses: Stubborn, uncompromising, possessive. Charismatic marks: Solid, big bones, tendency to gain weight. Likes: Gardening, cooking, working with hands, music, romance, high-quality clothing. Dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics. Best environment: A secluded home close to nature. Good food is also important. Beauty and comfort are a must.


12 Gemini (May.21~Jun.20) Strengths: Curiosity, ability to share ideas, adaptable, affectionate, kind. Weaknesses: Scattering energy in too many places at once, fickle in love, nervous, short attention span. Charismatic marks: Expressive eyes, bright, often small-boned, refined features. Likes: Music, magazines, books, music, blogs, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around town. Dislikes: Repetition and routine, being alone, being confined. Best environment: Any busy neighborhood, places where people gather to gossip, bookstores, museums.


14 Cancer (Jun.21~Jul.22) Strengths: Compassion, emotional sensitivity, fierce protection of loved ones, tenacity. Weaknesses: Manipulative, indirect conflict, clinging to the past, insecure Charismatic marks: Medium build, round face, prominent breasts, a tendency to take charge. Likes: Relaxing near or in water, art, home-based hobbies, a good meal with friends, helping loved ones. Dislikes: Strangers, revealing of personal life, any criticism of Mom. Best environment: Cancer will always be most comfortable at home, close to family, familiar things, and dear friends.


16 Leo (Jul.23~Aug.22) Strengths: Warmth, humor, pride, joy, creativity, passion, generosity. Weaknesses: Arrogance, stubbornness, inflexibility, self-centeredness, laziness. Charismatic marks: Regal manner, powerful, strong, muscular. Likes: The theater, being admired, taking holidays, fun with friends, expensive things, bright colors. Dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being king or queen. Best environment: In the sun! Also any place where Leo has a chance to be creative or shine in front of others.


18 Virgo (Aug.23~Sep.22) Strengths: Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind. Weaknesses: Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play. Charismatic marks: A certain, reserved manner marks the classic Virgo. Virgos are generally medium to slight in build. Likes: Cleanliness, animals, healthy foods, books, nature. Dislikes: Taking center stage, rudeness, asking for help. Best environment: Virgo is most at home in the company of animals and close to nature. Virgo likes power and enjoys being the sidekick or indispensable assistant.


20 Libra (Sep.23~Oct.22) Strengths: Social, fair-minded, cooperative, diplomatic, gracious. Weaknesses: Indecisive, will carry a grudge, avoids confrontations, self-pity. Charismatic marks: Attractive, graceful, medium build, no sharp features. Likes: Harmony, sharing with others, gentleness, the outdoors. Dislikes: Injustice, violence, conformity, and loudmouths. Best environment: Any place that is beautiful where the company is harmonious. Very social and happiest doing things in the company of another.


22 Scorpio (Oct.23~Nov.21) Strengths: Passionate, stubborn, resourceful, brave, a true friend. Weaknesses: Jealous, distrusting, secretive, violent, caustic. Charismatic marks: An intense look in the eyes, muscular. Likes: Truth, facts, being right, teasing, longtime friends, a grand passion, a worthy adversary. Dislikes: Dishonesty, passive people, revealing secrets. Best environment: Dark, sensuous places, any situation that offers power or rouses strong feelings.


24 Sagittarius (Nov.22~Dec.21) Strengths: Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous. Weaknesses: Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic, promises more than can deliver, can be impatient to the point of rudeness. Charismatic marks: Generally tall, strong legs. Clothes for comfort, not style. Women act in a "tomboy" manner. Likes: Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy. Dislikes: Details, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, clingy people. Best environment: Outside, on the move.


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