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Consumer Choice  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference Curves  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Choice  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference Curves  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Choice  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference Curves  Utility  Consumer surplus  Budget Constraints  Indifference Curves

2 I. Utility Analysis  what is utility?  benefit you get from consuming a good  determined by your tastes/preferences (assume these are stable)

3 total utility (TU)  total benefit from consuming good  example  total benefit from 3 cookies

4  TU increases as consumption increases, to a point < TU 2 cookies TU 3 cookies

5 marginal utility (MU)  change in TU from consuming one more of a good  example  how much MORE utility from an additional pack of gum?

6 change in TU from 0 to 1 cookie change in TU from 1 cookie to 2 cookies MU of 1 st cookie MU of 2 nd cookie = = 0

7 diminishing marginal utility  MU falls as consumption rises  get sick of cookies

8 MU of 1 st cookie > MU of 2 nd cookie 0

9 TU cookie TU rises at slower and slower rate as MU declines MU cookie

10 How to maximize TU?  use available budget  equalize MU/$ across goods  Huh?

11  chose combination of cookies and milk where price of cookiesprice of milk MU cookies = MU milk

12 why?  chose combo of 6 cookies, 1 milk  suppose MU/$1 of cookies = 4, MU/$1 of milk = 15  by consuming fewer cookies, more milk … I would add more to my TU

13 TU vs. MU  Diamond-Water paradox  $10,000  one carat diamond  5 million gallons of tap water

14 why?  TU of water is greater than TU of diamonds  water is essential for life  BUT water is abundant, diamonds are rarer  MU of last diamond is higher  MU determines value

15 MU and demand  MU declines as consumption rises  willing to pay less for each additional unit  downward sloping demand

16 example : pizza P Q D $10 4 pizzas for 4th pizza willing to pay $10 for 2nd pizza $15 2 pizza willing to pay $15

17 II. Consumer Surplus  difference between what you pay for a good, any what you are WILLING to pay for a good

18 P Q D $10 my demand curve $12 3 my consumer surplus

19 P Q D $10 10,000 total consumer surplus area between D and price of pizza

20 III. The Budget Line  given:  consumer ’ s budget  prices  draw a line representing choices  consumption possibilities

21 example  2 goods: milk & cookies  bottle of milk = $1  cookie = $.50  daily budget = $4

22 possible combinations cookies milk 0246802468 4321043210

23 budget line milk cookies 8 4 2 6 0 4213

24 budget line milk cookies 8 4 2 6 0 4213 Affordable Unaffordable

25 what if prices change?  changes slope of budget line  suppose cookies = $1

26 budget line milk cookies 8 4 2 6 0 4213 cookie = $.50 cookie = $1

27 what if budget changes  budget line shifts  suppose budget = $5

28 milk cookies budget = $4 budget = $5 8 4 2 6 0 10 42135

29 IV. Indifference Curves  (appendix)  alternative way to show utility  curve shows combo of goods that deliver same total utility

30 example: milk and cookies milk 8 4 2 6 0 4213 cookies Indifference curve Every point on curve has same total utility

31 TU is higher as curve shifts right milk cookies higher TU lower TU

32 consumer equilibrium  maximize TU  stay on budget

33 consumer equilibrium cookies 8 milk 4 4 2 best affordable point

34 consumer equilibrium cookies 8 milk 4 4 2 best affordable point

35 sum it up  consumer decisions based on  preferences  budget constraint  consumer decisions made at the margin  marginal benefit of one more  compared to price of one more

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