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KM3Net and EMSO: joint approach for the Earth and Sea Sciences Giuditta Marinaro on behalf of EMSO Consortium KM3Net Collaboration Meeting – Catania –

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Presentation on theme: "KM3Net and EMSO: joint approach for the Earth and Sea Sciences Giuditta Marinaro on behalf of EMSO Consortium KM3Net Collaboration Meeting – Catania –"— Presentation transcript:

1 KM3Net and EMSO: joint approach for the Earth and Sea Sciences Giuditta Marinaro on behalf of EMSO Consortium KM3Net Collaboration Meeting – Catania – 25 June 2013

2 I EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory

3 Geosciences Seismicity Gas hydrate stability Seabed fluid flow Submarine landslides Geo-hazard early warning Physical Oceanography Ocean warming Wind-driven circulation Deep-ocean circulation Benthic-water column interactions Marine forecasting Biogeochemistry Solubility pump & ocean acidification Biological pump Continental shelf pump Deep-ocean biogeochemical fluxes Marine Ecology Climate forcing of ecosystems Molecules to microbes Fisheries Marine noise Deep biosphere Chemosynthetic ecology Science Objectives

4  In order to explore the time changing properties of the oceanic environment, sustained observations are essential at a sufficiently high frequency  These provide the means to examine complex interrelations between processes and properties: - Short-time scales (minutes, hours to days) - Longer-time scales (up to decades)  A key attribute of many current fixed observatories is that they are real-time multidisciplinary interactive and some cover several environments from the top of the ocean to the seabed Fixed-point observatories

5 Socio-economically important topics which cross-cut the outlined science areas include themes spanning numerous spatial and temporal scales such as:  Natural and anthropogenic change  Interactions between ecosystem services, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, physics and climate  Impacts of exploration and extraction of energy, minerals and living resources  Geo-hazard early warning capability for earthquakes, tsunamis, gas hydrate release and slope instability and failure  Connecting scientific outcomes to stakeholders and policy makers EMSO and Society

6 What are fixed stationary platforms? Unmanned, multi-sensor platforms to make measurements from above the air-sea interface to below the seafloor, and with different configurations related to the communications: Stand-alone and delayed mode Mooring and seafloor platforms with acoustic/cabled capabilities

7  Novel scientific achievements  Technological innovation  Data harmonisation and quality control so that data are in the public domain immediately after collection  Develop links with data users: modelling, operational and civilian communities, etc.  Outreach so that the public and funding bodies use and appreciate the value of observatories EMSO Goals Develop a global system of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary sustained observatory networks Integrate and enhance the existing infrastructures Expansion of observatories in critical, representative locations in particular environments

8 Towards EMSO-ERIC Italian Ministry Letter sent to the Funding Agencies DONE MoU Signature process IN PROGRESS Interim Office establishment DONE ERIC Application submission NEXT ERIC Application review process NEXT ERIC APPROVALNEXT Signatory Countries: Italy, UK, Portugal, Romania, Greece, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain * *officially announced Foreseen: Norway, Turkey Postponed: Sweden

9 EMSO nodes Koljö Fjord OBSEA Molènes SmartBay

10 EMSO environment science extending MEUST infrastructure EMSO & KM3Net: the Ligurian node  Hydrodynamic – Circulation  Biogeochemistry  Marine Ecology  Geosciences MEUST SITES 4 sites are under evaluation With autonomous mooring lines ANTARES Prefered site

11 EMSO & KM3Net: the Ligurian node ANTARES infrastructure Instrumented Interface Module (MII) secondary junction box (SJB) sismomete r Seismology module CTD Oxygen sensor Turbidity sensor ADCP Absolute pressure sensor Optical camera

12 Canyon du Var Canyon du Paillon EMSO & KM3Net: the Ligurian node The VAR valley and canyon The Var submarine canyon is characterized by its direct connection to the Var River Average flow of the Var river at Nice: 50 m 3 /s Side Basin: 3000 Km 2 Average seasonal flow (20 years) of the Var river at Nice After 2017 Long term strategy: monitoring intermediate and deep variability with core parameters acquisition (T, S, currents, O 2, turbidity, particle fluxes)

13 EMSO & KM3Net: the Western Ionian Sea Geo-hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity) Bio-acoustics (mammal tracking) Oceanography (e.g., deep water circulation, current intensity and direction, temperature, salinity)

14 EMSO & KM3Net: the Western Ionian Sea EMSO-MedIT: action and cohesion plan - enhancement of public research Infrastructures Italian Project (19.9 M€) Partners: INGV, INFN, CNR, ISPRA, SZN MIMED: multidisciplinary shallow and Deep-sea Infrastructure in the MEDiterranean Sea Italian Project (7.2 M€) Partners: CNR, INGV, INFN, OGS Fixed Infrastructures Relocatable infrastructures Cabled infrastructures EMSO Cabled nodes ISPRA INFN CNR INGV SZN CNR INGV CAMPANIA PUGLIA North-Western SICILY CNR South-Western SICILY North-Eastern SICILY Eastern SICILY Geographic distribution of the marine infrastructures enhanced in the frame of EMSO-MedIT

15 Final design of the Sea-floor network in Portopalo Activities will include: the final design of the multidisciplinary station that will be connected to the Junction Box on the site of Portopalo. the construction of the first prototype of the new generation of multiparameter underwater cabled stations. the construction of the Junction Box that will be connected to the termination frame of the electro-optical cable in Portopalo. the definition of the procedures for implementation of the underwater node, consisting of Junction Box and multiparametric station. Enhancement in Portopalo site Definition of the technical specifications for the monitoring of the water column and associated transmission systems and data management. Integration of equipment and instrumentation acquired and development of laboratory testing Planning and carrying out the installation and start of the test phase of the installed infrastructures. EMSO & KM3Net: the Western Ionian Sea

16 EMSO & KM3Net: the Earth Science (Sroi et al., 2007) tsunamis 2 h 2 days 40 cm 2 cm 3 m 1 month Pressure: 1cm H 2 O ~ 1mbar Early detection of tsunamigenic events: Seismic waves Absolute pressure Low f sound waves Geohazards: Sumatra – M w 8.5 (March 28, 2005)

17 SN-1 submarine landslides Geohazards: earthquakes EMSO & KM3Net: the Earth Science

18 EMSO & KM3Net: the Sea Sciences Oceanography: oxygen temperature salinity turbidity pressure EMSO & KM3Net: the Sea Sciences

19 Oceanography: EMSO & KM3Net: the Sea Sciences current radioactivity Gamma Energy Marine Spectrometer detects total gamma spectrum in ocean seawater

20 EMSO & KM3Net: the Sea Sciences biology: Acoustic array Other EMSO instrumentation that could be useful for KM3Net calibration: Light transmissometers Sedimentation and biofouling monitors Cameras Sediment traps …..

21 Thank you for your attention

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