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KM3NeT IDM/TeVPA conference 23  28 June 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Maarten de Jong on behalf of the KM3NeT collaboration The next generation neutrino.

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Presentation on theme: "KM3NeT IDM/TeVPA conference 23  28 June 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Maarten de Jong on behalf of the KM3NeT collaboration The next generation neutrino."— Presentation transcript:

1 KM3NeT IDM/TeVPA conference 23  28 June 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Maarten de Jong on behalf of the KM3NeT collaboration The next generation neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean 1

2 Introduction Discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in Universe – field of view includes central region of our Galaxy – synergy with Earth & Sea sciences KM3NeT is a new Research Infrastructure – network of cabled observatories – located in deep waters of Mediterranean Sea – hosting multi-km 3 neutrino telescope 2

3 Astro-Particle Physics p  p + p  +,  ‒,  0  ±  ±, , e  0  e +  Electro-Magnetic Hadronic 3 ?

4 Detection principle muon wave front 12345 ~ km ~ 100 m neutrino interaction time resolution1ns position resolution10cm angular resolution 0.1 deg 4

5 PDF of light  t [ns] R = 50 mR = 100 m 1 TeV muon optical background R S/N ~ 10 2

6 KM3NeT Architecture neutrino telescope shore station remote access to data remote operation onoff computer center 6 0.1  1 Tb/s 10  100 Mb/s

7 Design ~ 600 m Optical module Launcher vehicle ‒31 x 3” PMTs ‒low-power HV ‒LED & piezo inside ‒FPGA readout ‒White Rabbit ‒DWDM ‒rapid deployment ‒autonomous unfurling ‒recoverable 7 17”

8 1 st prototype April 2013KM3NeT@Antares 8

9 Multiplicity Rate [Hz] PMT orientation [deg.] atmospheric muons K40 random coincidences + data photon counting directionality 1 st prototype ¶ atmospheric muons + data (M ≥ 7) shadowing Rate [a.u.] 0 10 20 30 40 50 ¶ 9

10 2 nd prototype 10

11 2 nd prototype Rate [Hz] Multiplicity May 2014, KM3NeT-It online monitoring Atmospheric muons 11 number of events  t [  s] Time difference between optical modules Atmospheric muons

12 Phase Total costs ¶ [M€] Primary deliverableStatus 131 Proof of feasibility of network of distributed neutrino telescope Funded 1.580–90 Measurement of neutrino signal reported by IceCube Letter of Intent 2220–250Neutrino astronomyESFRI road map Phased implementation 12 ¶ Total costs ≡ Total cumulative costs.

13 KM3NeT phase-1.5 Measurement of neutrino signal reported by IceCube 13

14 IceCube 14

15 Cascade analysis 1.0  cut & count 1.Online data filter – 5 (or more) coincidences between PMTs in same optical module (  T = 10 ns) 2.Event filter – number of hits ≥ 2000 3.Vertex cut – veto atmospheric muons 4.Energy cut – total time-over-threshold ≥ 15  s 5.MRF/MDP cut – 2D cut based on Boosted Decision Tree & energy estimate 15

16 3.) Atmospheric muon veto cosmic neutrinosatmospheric muons 16 R 2 [10 3 m 2 ] z [m] vertex cut detector volume

17 5.) Signal / Noise 17 BDT (topology of event)  events / 6 months atmospheric muons atmospheric neutrinos (tracks) atmospheric neutrinos (showers) cosmic neutrinos (tracks) cosmic neutrinos (showers)

18 Sensitivity ¶ 18 ¶ Standard footprint; 30% better FOM with 30% larger inter-string distance. years significance [  ] 01234567 1 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 cascades

19 KM3NeT phase-2 Neutrino astronomy 19

20 Galactic sources 20 RXJ1713 ¶ Vela X § years significance [  ] RXJ1713-3946 Vela X ¶ S.R. Kelner, et al., Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 034018. § F.L. Villante and F. Vissani, Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 103007. (binned analysis)

21 sudden Eddy currents Temperature France observatory food supply Bioluminescence short lived (rare) events dominate deep-sea life permanent observatory time profile Earth & Sea sciences 21

22 Addendum 22 ORCA is a feasibility study for a measurement of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos with the KM3NeT research infrastructure – ORCA (and other detectors) can use same technology but with different topologies of the photo-sensor grid – ORCA (and other detectors) can be embedded in the KM3NeT research infrastructure at (relatively) low cost

23 KM3NeT outlook Neutrino physicsNeutrino astronomy m 0 123 0 1 2 3 4 5 ORCA +40 M€ Phase-2 +130  170 M€ Phase-1.5 +50  60 M€ years significance [  ] 23 1 2 3 4 5 0 123 456 years Vela X RXJ1713 years 01234567 1 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 muon tracks cascades combined cascades tracks

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