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Naming Compounds Writing Formulas

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1 Naming Compounds Writing Formulas
Day 1 Naming Compounds Writing Formulas

2 SWBAT Write and name binary and tertinary ionic compounds
Write and name covalent compounds

3 Systematic Naming There are too many compounds to remember the names of them all. Compound is made of two or more elements. Put together atoms. Name should tell us how many and what type of atoms.

4 Periodic Table More than a list of elements.
Put in columns because of similar properties. Each column is called a group.

5 Metals

6 Transition metals The Group B elements

7 Non-metals Dull Brittle Nonconductors- insulators

8 Metalloids or Semimetals
Properties of both Semiconductors

9 5 Types of Chemical Compounds
Binary ionic - metal ion – nonmetal ion Ternary ionic - at least one ion is a polyatomic ion Binary molecular - two nonmetals Binary acid - H – nonmetal Ternary acid - H – Polyatomic ion

10 Atoms and ions Atoms are electrically neutral.
Same number of protons and electrons. Ions are atoms, or groups of atoms, with a charge. Different numbers of protons and electrons. Only electrons can move. Gain or lose electrons.

11 F1- O2- Anion A negative ion. Has gained electrons.
Non metals can gain electrons. Charge is written as a superscript on the right. F1- Has gained one electron O2- Has gained two electrons

12 K1+ Ca2+ Cations Positive ions. Formed by losing electrons.
More protons than electrons. Metals form cations. K1+ Has lost one electron Ca2+ Has lost two electrons

13 Charge in groups 1A, 2A and 3A is the group number
1+ in 5A, 6A and 7A is the group number - 8 2+ 3+ 3- 2- 1-

14 Naming Cations Just Write the name K1+ Potassium ion

15 Naming Anions Anions are always the same.
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluorin

16 Naming Anions Anions are always the same.
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluorine

17 Naming Anions Anions are always the same
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluori

18 Naming Anions Anions are always the same
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluor

19 Naming Anions Anions are always the same
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluori

20 Naming Anions Anions are always the same
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluorid

21 Naming Anions Anions are always the same
Change the element ending to – ide F1- Fluoride

22 Naming Binary Ionic Compounds
Binary Compounds - 2 elements. Ionic - a cation and an anion. The name is just the names of the ions. Cation first anion second Easy with Group A elements. NaCl = Na+ Cl- = sodium chloride MgBr2 = Mg2+ Br- = magnesium bromide Na2S

23 Naming Binary Ionic Compounds
The problem comes with the transition metals. Cation name includes the charge. The compound must be neutral. same number of + and – charges. Use the negative charge to find the charge on the positive ion.

24 Naming Binary Ionic Compounds
Write the name of CuO Need the charge of Cu O is 2- copper must be 2+ Copper(II) oxide Name CoCl3 Cl is 1- and there are three of them = 3- Co must be 3+ Cobalt(III) chloride

25 Naming Binary Ionic Compounds
Write the names of the following KCl Na3N CrN Sc3P2 PbO PbO2 Na2Se

26 Polyatomic ions Groups of atoms that stay together and have a charge.
Covalently bonded You must memorize these.

27 A Few Polyatomic Rules:
PA ions which contain Oxygen contain endings of -ite ( the least amount of Oxygen )and –ate ( the greater amount). For ex. Sulfite SO32- and Sulfate SO42- Nitrite NO21- and Nitrate NO31-

28 Polyatomic Rules cont. Hydrogen is often indicated by an ions name when present. For ex.: Hydrogen sulfate HSO41- The prefixes mono- and di- are sometimes used. For ex.: Dihydrogen phosphate H2PO41- The prefix thio- means, replace an Oxygen with a Sulfur.

29 1- ions Acetate C2H3O21- Nitrate NO31- Nitrite NO21- Hydroxide OH1-
Permanganate MnO41- Cyanide CN1-

30 1- ions Perchlorate ClO41- Chlorate ClO31- Chlorite ClO21-

31 2- ions Sulfate SO42- Sulfite SO32- Carbonate CO32- Chromate CrO42-
Dichromate Cr2O72- Silicate SiO32-

32 3- ions Phosphate PO43- Phosphite PO33- 1+ ion Ammonium NH41+

33 Adding Hydrogen to Polyatomics
Hydrogen ions are 1+ Attach to other polyatomic ions- changes charge by one Sulfate SO42- Hydrogen sulfate HSO41- Phosphate PO43- Hydrogen phosphate HPO42- Dihydrogen phosphate H2PO41-

34 Ternary Ionic Compounds
Will have polyatomic ions At least three elements (3 capital letters) Still just name the ions NaNO3 CaSO4 CuSO3

35 Ternary Ionic Compounds
(NH4)2O Fe(OH)3 LiCN (NH4)2CO3 NiPO4

36 Writing Formulas The charges have to add up to zero.
Get charges on pieces. Cations from name or periodic table. Anions from periodic table or polyatomic. Balance the charges by adding subscripts. Put polyatomics in parenthesis if there is more than one of them

37 Writing Formulas Write the formula for calcium chloride.
Calcium is Ca2+ Chloride is Cl1- Ca2+ Cl1- would have a 1+ charge. Need another Cl1- Ca2+ Cl21-

38 Crisscross Switch the numerical value of the charges Ba2+ N3- 2 3 Ba3 N2 Reduce ratio if possible

39 Write the formulas for these
Lithium sulfide tin (II) oxide tin (IV) oxide Copper (II) sulfate Iron (III) phosphide gallium nitrate Iron (III) sulfide ammonium sulfide

40 Write the formulas for these
Ammonium chloride barium nitrate

41 Formula and charge from memory
Yes Charge from name Charge from table No Formula and charge from memory M+X Nm-Y MYNmX Ionic Roman Numeral? Polyatomic?

42 Things to look for If cations have (), the number is their charge. Not how many. If anions end in -ide they are probably off the periodic table (Monoatomic) If anion ends in -ate or -ite it is polyatomic The positive piece always gets written first Hydrogen- it depends on where it’s at If it is second, it’s a nonmetal -hydride

43 Writing names and Formulas
Molecular Compounds Writing names and Formulas

44 Molecular compounds made of just nonmetals
smallest piece is a molecule can’t be held together because of opposite charges. can’t use charges to figure out how many of each atom

45 Easier Ionic compounds use charges to determine how many of each.
Have to figure out charges. Have to figure out numbers. Molecular compounds name tells you the number of atoms. Uses prefixes to tell you the number

46 Prefixes 1 mono- 2 di- 3 tri- 4 tetra- 5 penta- 6 hexa- 7 hepta-
8 octa- 9 nona- 10 deca-

47 Naming Prefix name Prefix name -ide To write the name write two words
Exception - we don’t write mono- if there is only one of the first element. No ao oo double vowels when writing name, io, oi, and ai are okay.

48 Name These N2O NO2 Cl2O7 CBr4 CO2 BaCl2

49 Write formulas for these
diphosphorus pentoxide tetraiodine nonoxide sulfur hexaflouride nitrogen trioxide Carbon tetrahydride phosphorus trifluoride aluminum chloride diagram

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