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Supporting Housing & Residential Education from a Central IT Role Christopher Martinez Director, IT Student Affairs University of South Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Housing & Residential Education from a Central IT Role Christopher Martinez Director, IT Student Affairs University of South Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Housing & Residential Education from a Central IT Role Christopher Martinez Director, IT Student Affairs University of South Florida

2  Trending in I.T. organizations.  Universities moving to Central IT Model  Student Affairs organizations may make the move on their own.  USF SA developed SASS-C: Student Affairs Shared Services  Ga Tech- University Level  UConn - Student Affairs Level

3  Tampa, Florida  > 45,000 Students  > 4,500 Residents  49 Residence Hall Buildings

4  June 1998  < 2500 Residents  12 Buildings  1998 – 2008 : Building Housing I.T.  100% Ethernet  100% Wireless Access  100% Card Access Entry  Improved Cable Television  3 Resident Only Computer Labs  ARROW Paperless Maintenance

5  Staff  1 Full-Time  Help Desk / Sys Admin  2 – 4 Student Resident Computer Technicians  20 hours per week  10 – 15 Student Lab Employees

6  Disparate Student Affairs IT  Administration  Counseling/Career Center  Marshall Center (Student Union)  Recreation Center  De-Centralized University IT  Academic Computing- Separate Colleges  Information Technology- Separate Departments

7  Fall 2007  System VP of Information Technology  Centralized all USF-Tampa IT  Alignment along Services, not Functional Areas  April 2008  Create “Student Affairs Computing”

8  Understand what you have.  Organization and Staff Levels  Who can handle which roles.  Inventory – how big an undertaking will this be?  Funding, Financial Support  Primary Services – what have you been good at?  User and IT Technical proficiencies

9  Challenges  Haves vs. Have Nots  There cannot be a drop in Service Level  Departments not used to “paying” want to see benefits.  Expectations  Individual Departments/Users  Student Affairs  University I.T.

10  Challenges (cont.)  Staff  New Roles. Poor fits.  Loss of autonomy  Reluctance of Department staff to follow new model.  Used to calling “their guy”.  Centralized model seen as impersonal/inefficient.  Must be the outsider/insider.  IT role will require use of the word “No”.

11  Understand Strategic Plans  University  Central I.T.  Student Affairs  Anticipate Future IT Service and Technology Needs.

12  Align existing roles with Strategic Plans  Don’t totally re-invent the wheel.  Strengthen the services that you are best at/that people want.  Create/change business processes through the Division  Manage Expectations… be aware of perceptions.  Be clear with Staff  Staff must fully understand where the organization is meant to go.  Get Buy-In.

13 Director Application Support Web Dev/Support Desktop Administration

14  Larger “Help Desk” Organization  Better support opportunities for Residents  Some Items were “Applications”  Card Access, Cable TV  More Computer Support than in past  Centralized Ordering/Inventory  More efficient service to Residents with stream- lined computer inventory  Round-about achievement of earlier “single-vendor” plan  More closely aligned with University IT goals  Align University IT goals with Resident Needs  Faculty-in-Residence support

15  Staffing  Finding the right mix.  Replace Student RCTs with full-time Professionals  Central, clearing-house/dispatch, triage in addition to classic help desk roles  Emphasis on decision-making, not rote actions.  Loss of server/system/network autonomy will affect staff differently.  Clear goals, clear idea of where the organization wants to be can get staff through the settling-in period.

16  Getting “Discovered”.  More departments begin to take advantage of new resources.  Small departments take up large amount of resources.  Project Management  Implementation, transition and support of new software and services.  Semantics matter.

17  Daily work for transitioned staff can be very different from what it was.  Heavy Project Management  Business Analysis  Find Solutions to Department Needs  Student Affairs goals balanced with University strategic plan within framework of IT model.  Old roles do not disappear.  Efficient Daily Operations  But…

18  Better, more comprehensive support.  Their needs/desires play a role in overall IT planning.  Leverage services to and from Residence Halls  Cable TV  Wireless Access  Card Access

19  Future Services  Classroom capture  Classroom/Labs “anywhere”.  Remember where you came from, ResNet background can drive better services.

20  VP of Information Technology  Sr. Director of SASS-C  VP of Student Affairs  23 Department Directors  Student Government

21  Evaluations at:   Christopher Martinez   813-974-4726  THANK YOU!

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