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Welcome to Year 3 Thank you for coming tonight.. Welcome to our school Transition Our Values Creativity Harmony Life long learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Thank you for coming tonight.. Welcome to our school Transition Our Values Creativity Harmony Life long learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Thank you for coming tonight.

2 Welcome to our school Transition Our Values Creativity Harmony Life long learning

3 The Teachers: Vikings Mrs Sajic Celts Miss Malone Romans Mrs Newman Saxons Mrs Wood Mrs Thorne Teaching Assistants: Mrs Leaver Mrs Hyland, Mrs Mott and Miss Guppy Mrs Da Costa SEN Mrs Guest Mrs Loder Mrs Simmons The Year Three Team

4 Integrated Curriculum  Makes learning purposeful  Children working towards a clear outcome  Makes learning fun  All topics begin with a hook – designed to engage and enthuse  Link objectives from different subjects to create each topic  Literacy focus for every topic- Daily Literacy lessons. In Reading Workshop children usually read books of the same text type as the topic.  Discreet Teaching Programmes  Some topics are taught separately to ensure all areas of learning are covered  Daily Numeracy lessons – 4 ability sets – target the teaching to meet children’s needs  PE and Outdoor games, French, RE  Wordwise and handwriting We plan opportunities for the children to work together across the curriculum

5 Year 3 Topics Autumn Term Rotten Romans It’s Showtime! Sculpt and shape Santa’s Little Helpers Spring Term Magical Myths Healthy Happy Meals Summer Term Beautiful Poole Optional SATs May Blooming Marvellous Au Revoir! Termly Curriculum Newsletter

6 It’s Showtime! Hook- Joe Gladwyn (puppeteer) Outcome – shadow puppet show performance Literacy focus – dialogue and plays ICT – word processing - combining text and graphics Design Technology- making shadow puppets Gymnastics- shadowing partners moves Music – composing sound effects This is a Science and Literacy based topic.The children will learn the story of the‘Papaya who spoke’,noting how dialogue is written in narratives. They will then read and perform plays learning how they are written and why. Finally they will write a playscript by innovating ‘The Papaya who spoke’. They will learn about how shadows are made and change through science investigations and exploration. Using what they have learnt they will make shadow puppets and perform a shadow puppet show for the children in other Year 3 classes.

7 Visits and Visitors Joe Gladwyn –puppet maker- 3 rd – 5 th October TBC Darrell Wakelam – artist – Thursday 8 th November Graham Rogers – storyteller- Thursday 10 th January Russell Beardsmore – week beginning 25 th February TBC Visit to Poole Park - week beginning April 25 th Climbing wall – Tuesday 9 th July

8 Rights Respecting School Level 2 Global citizens Behaviour policy Rights and Responsibilities

9 Supporting your child’s learning at home! Reading Maths Spellings Topic Projects  Write story, poem or facts, DT/Art activity or research linked to the current topic  Children can choose what to do and how to present it  Work is displayed and shared with class  Certificates are given to all children who participate Class Toy  Gives the children a purpose for writing and encourages them to practise their writing skills  Children can choose between writing an adventure story, a diary recount or captions about photographs or pictures explaining what is happening

10 We love Maths! Creating Confident Mathematicians Practise number facts:quick recall of bonds to10 and 20, tables, doubling and halving numbers, addition and subtraction facts for each number to 10 and then 20, counting on and back in steps of 1,2,3,4,5,10,100 and1000 Play maths games: Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, Dominoes and games we send home Computer games – for useful websites google: coxhoe, ICT games, woodlands junior, mathletics- need to subscribe £39 1child, £69 for 2

11 Spelling  Practising the spellings will enable your child to become a more fluent writer  Weekly spellings are differentiated  Tests are on Fridays of the following week – date in book

12 Handwriting Whole school focus Practice for 10 minutes in the morning Celebrate handwriting with each class awarding a child ‘Hand writer of the week’.Child is given a certificate and a coloured gel pen to use for the following weeks’ handwriting practice

13 PE and Games Dance / Gymnastics Monday (Vikings & Celts) Thursday (Saxons & Romans) Outdoor Games – Tuesday (All classes) Swimming Tuesdays from January No earrings on PE days Hair tied back Labelled kit – warmer clothes after half term PE bags not rucksacks

14 Promoting Independence changing reading books letters jumpers and cardigans Home spelling books and reading record books

15 Home School Communication We want to support you:  Weekly surgeries on Wednesdays  Consultation Evenings – October 23 rd and 24th  Pastoral care worker – Mrs Rance  TA’s on the gate in the morning  Website – regularly updated  Newsletters  Email  Office staff- hot school meals, holiday requests, to report absences  Appointment with SENCO

16 We value your support: Parent helper - meeting on Friday 21 st September at 2:15 Reading volunteer - Friday 21 st September at 2:15 Parent Support Group Volunteer to help on school visits Volunteer to help with swimming Read all letters and return, when appropriate How can you help?

17 Assessment Assessment – In every year group children are regularly assessed. Assessments inform the planning of the next steps in your child’s learning Weekly mental maths tests so they are confident mathematicians who are not phased by optional year 3 mental maths test Optional SATs -May 7 th –May 24th

18 Thank you for coming ! Questions and tour of the Year 3 base

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