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Human Resource Management

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1 Human Resource Management

2 Human Resource Management
The function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of people (employees) to achieve organizational and individual goals.

3 Human Resource Management (HRM) Activities: (1 of 2)
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) compliance Job analysis Human resource planning Employee recruitment, selection, motivation, and orientation

4 Human Resource Management (HRM) Activities: (2 of 2)
Performance evaluation and compensation Training and development Labor relations Safety, health, and wellness

5 Four descriptions of the HRM function:
It is action-oriented It is people-oriented It is globally-oriented It is future-oriented

6 Historical Foundations of HRM
Scientific Management Welfare Work Industrial Psychology Human Relations 4

7 Strategic Importance of HRM
The increased strategic importance of HRM means that: Human resource specialists must show that they contribute to the goals and mission of the firm The actions, language, and performance of the HRM function must be: Measured Precisely communicated Evaluated

8 The new strategic positioning of HRM means that accountability must be taken seriously

9 Key Strategic HRM Concepts That Must Be Applied: (1 of 2)
Analyzing and solving problems from a profit-oriented point of view Assessing and interpreting costs or benefits of HRM issues Using planning models that include realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals

10 Key Strategic HRM Concepts That Must Be Applied: (2 of 2)
Preparing reports on HRM solutions to problems encountered by the firm Training the human resources staff Emphasizing the strategic importance of HRM Emphasizing the importance of contributing to the firm’s profits

11 If the HRM function is to be successful, managers in other functions must be knowledgeable and involved

12 HRM and Organizational Effectiveness
Performance Legal compliance Employee satisfaction Absenteeism Turnover Training effectiveness Training return on investment Grievance rates Accident rates

13 Objectives of the HRM Function (1 of 3)
Helping the organization reach its goals Employing the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently Providing the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees Increasing to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization

14 Objectives of the HRM Function (2 of 3)
Developing and maintaining a quality of work life that makes employment in the organization desirable Communicating HRM policies to all employees Helping to maintain ethical policies and socially responsible behavior

15 Objectives of the HRM Function (3 of 3)
Managing change to the mutual advantage of the organization’s stakeholders Managing increased urgency and faster cycle time

16 Who Performs HRM Activities
In most organizations two groups perform HRM activities: HR manager-specialists (staff) Operating managers (line)

17 Competencies Needed by HR Professionals:
Communication skills Problem solving Leadership Recruiting/staffing Employment law Training and development Technology Forecasting Compensation design Benefits design and administration Accounting and finance Record keeping

18 The HR department has a responsibility to be a proactive, integral component of management and the strategic planning process

19 HRM’s Place in Management
HRM must: ascertain specific organizational needs for the use of its competence evaluate the use and satisfaction among other departments educate management and employees about the availability and use of HRM services

20 HRM Strategy The HRM strategy will help aggregate and allocate a firm’s resources into a unique entity on the basis of: Its internal strengths and weaknesses Changes in the environment The anticipated actions of competitors

21 Relationship Between Strategy, Objectives, Policies, and Rules:
Strategy – The plan that integrates major objectives More specific Objectives – Goals that are specific and measurable More specific Policies – Guides to decision making More specific Procedures/Rules – Specific directions for decision making

22 Summary HRM is action-oriented, individual-oriented, globally-oriented, and future oriented It focuses on satisfying the needs of individuals at work HRM is a necessary function Effectively performed, it can make the crucial difference between successful and unsuccessful organizations

23 Summary One of the challenges faced in HRM is that many decisions require input from both operating managers and HR specialists This dual role can lead to conflict, or it can result in more effective HRM decisions

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