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Human Resource Leadership Organizational Challenges and Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Leadership Organizational Challenges and Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Leadership Organizational Challenges and Solutions

2 Responding To “Special” Large-Scale Challenges Human Resource Leadership

3 Special Challenges?? Recruitment of Quality Employees Retention of Quality Employees Negative Workforce Culture Poor Workforce Skills Many Mistakes Many Misunderstandings Low Productivity High Costs Low Profit Outcomes

4 Special Challenges Require Special Solutions Soooooo... …the only thing that makes any sense is to create “Change” within the Organizational Culture

5 First… Do Some Old Fashioned Homework!!

6 Homework 1: Understand Pragmatic Objectives  Productivity Quality Pride Teamwork Loyalty Commitment Cohesion  Mistakes Misunderstandings Turnover Absenteeism Sabotage Complaints Frustration  PROFITS  REVENUE  COSTS

7 Homework 2: Understand Your Workforce Circumstances Technical Competence Poor/Fair/Superior/Outstanding Communication Skill Poor/Fair/Superior/Outstanding Professional Perspective Poor/Fair/Superior/Outstanding Workforce Health Poor/Fair/Superior/Outstanding Jerk Factor Jerks/Acts Like a Jerk/OK Folks/Heroes

8 Homework 3: Develop/Review Mission Statements 1.Financial Organizational Mission Statement 2.Public Organizational Mission Statement 3.Workforce Mission Statement a. Organization b. Department c. Program

9 Homework 4: Develop/Review Leadership Style

10 Homework 5: Explore Decision-Making Options Who makes What kind of decisions How? A.Alone B. Alone after Input C. Leadership Group D. Representative Workforce Group E. Workforce

11 Homework 6: Review Underlying Workforce Motivators  Brainstorm list of 100 Positive Motivators  Brainstorm list of 100 Negative Motivators Are these active motivations in your workforce? 1.Being more than mediocre 2.Achieving a role of significance 3.Reaping the rewards associated with a role of significance 4.Being accepted, admired and respected by leaders, peers and subordinates 5.Being associated with an organization that one can brag about with a great deal of pride 6.Working in a healthy, high-quality environment where: a. Misunderstandings are minimized b. Productivity is admired c. An atmosphere of teamwork, friendliness and competence abounds

12 Step #1 A ESTABLISH A MODEL OF EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE Share With Your Workforce A. Challenges (e.g. competition, costs, circumstances, mistakes, misunderstandings etc.) B. Dreams ( An extraordinary, healthy organization where employees and the organization are proud of each other!) C. Your Plan to overcome Challenges and generate the dream organization Request input on a model of employee excellence from all leadership levels and workforce units Compile prototype model of ideal employee Distribute model for review Obtain feedback Make decision PROCESS

13 STEP #1B ESTABLISH A MODEL OF EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE Fair set of expectancies. Reasonable set of expectancies. Simple, but complete. Buy-In. Well-being of the organization. Success of the workforce. CRITERIA

14 Step #1C ESTABLISH A MODEL OF EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE SAMPLE MODEL PROTOTYPE The Perfect Employee will have the following three qualities: 1. Technical Competency 2. Quality Communication a. Listening b. Talking c. Reading d. Writing 3. Professional Perspective a. Positive Approach b. Solution-makers c. Continual Improvement

15 Step #2 CLEARLY ESTABLISH THE NEW EXPECTANCIES FOR WORKFORCE SUCCESS THROUGHOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION Employees should never be able to say that they just didn't know that you were really serious about this new program. Everything must reflect the qualities in the new Model of Excellence! Meetings, Meetings, Meetings!! Position Descriptions Appraisal System Reward and Recognition System Employee Handbook Employee Orientation Program Employee Recruiting and Hiring Criteria Public Awareness Campaign Internal Newsletter Support Posters in all facilities

16 Step #3 A REALLY HELP YOUR WORKFORCE DEVELOP THE SKILLS THAT MEET THEIR NEW STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE!  Quality internal communication must become systematic and dependable. A. Conduct Communication Audit (Policies, Procedures, Practices, and Perceptions) B. Implement appropriate recommendations  Quality development sources must be used. A. Formal Education B. Vocational/Technical Schools C. Adult Education D. Community Education E. Special Programs (associations, SB Co-op, external consultants and trainers, vendors) F. In-house Development (mentors, apprenticeships)

17 Step #3 B REALLY HELP YOUR WORKFORCE DEVELOP THE SKILLS THAT MEET YOUR STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE! Motivational Internal Reinforcement for Continual Improvement Must be Provided! Enjoyable Support Activities for Participants Must be Provided !

18 Step #3B REALLY HELP YOUR WORKFORCE DEVELOP THE SKILLS THAT MEET YOUR STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE! Motivational Internal Reinforcement for Continual Improvement Must be Provided! Desired qualities must be in appraisal review Desired accomplishments must impact promotions Desired accomplishments must impact raises Desired accomplishments must impact assignments Desired accomplishments must receive public recognition Leadership must be bragging about workforce accomplishments

19 Step #3B REALLY HELP YOUR WORKFORCE DEVELOP THE SKILLS THAT MEET YOUR STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE! Wooden Nickel Give-away Contest Discussion Group Names Tips for the Needy Week Lunch/Break Spotlight Discussion Group Letters Improvement Buddy Week Pre-arranged Candid Conversations Distribution of Support Gifts Warm Fuzzy Week Bi-weekly/Monthly Newsletter Focus Newspaper Clippings of Best Example of Poor Communication Dear Dr. Communicate Column Complete Accuracy Week Save-a-Buck-a-Day Contest Holiday Tip Program Bulletin Board/Banner Update Responsibility Cross-group Coffee/Lunch Breaks Best Communication Suggestion Recognition Show-Me-What-You-Do Week Identify Improvement Areas in a Decoratively Prepared Food Dish Communication Joke of the Week Birthday Tip Program Recognition for Outstanding Customer Management Self-improvement Library Loan Program Customer Award for Best Communication Tip On-site Break-time Competitions Acronym Contest Community Charity Drives Quote-of-the-Week Recognition Unit-based Skit and Award Meeting Customer Involvement Programs Poetry Contest Enjoyable Support Activities for Participants Must be Provided! KICK-OFF CELEBRATION

20 Dr. Will Powers, Founder Concept Keys, Inc. 10165 Regent Row Benbrook, TX 76126 817/996-2808 Background Will Powers (Ph.D.) has been an executive consultant in the area of workforce leadership for over 30 years. His candid and pragmatic focus upon organizational leadership and communication systems has helped thousands of business owners and executives reduce the headaches and heartaches of managing to succeed during challenging times. During this time, Dr. Powers also served as Department Chair, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, and Acting Dean of the College of Communication at Texas Christian University where he is currently a Full Professor. Dr. Powers has published almost 200 books, articles, and papers. While maintaining a solid global perspective, he is in the unique and fortunate position of being able to focus intensively upon a small number of organizations each year. A sample of those organizations appears on the next slide:

21 Selected Consulting/Development Organizations Fredonia State Bank Northeast MO Bankers Assn. Chillicothe Bankers Assn. American Heart Assn. United Way American Lung Assn. Kelly Services Fisher Guide Motors Weber Aircraft Solstice Corporation Texas Forestry Assn. Grandy's Inc. Quaker Oats Dist. Center Fort Worth Texans Hockey Team Fort Wayne Komets Hockey Team Univ. of Nebraska Football Staff Purdue Univ. Football Staff Vanderbilt Univ. Football Staff U.C. Berkeley Football Staff North Carolina State Univ. Oklahoma Christian College Ball State University Football Staff Indiana School Board Assn: Indiana Principals Leadership Academy.. Ball Memorial Hospital Larue Carter Hospital New Castle State Development Center Indiana Health Care Administration Flow Memorial Hospital First Texas Medical Jay County Hospital Residential Management System Sparbanken i Kalmar, Sweden Indiana agriculture Leadership Program U.S. Plywood Corp. Great Potential Achievers, Inc. Snelling and Snelling Harcourt Road Internists ABB 3M Corporation Dynamerica Howard Community Hospital Kosciusko Community Hospital Key Plastics Thomson Consumer Electronics Cassidy Restaurants Girl Scouts of America NASA.

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