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Preparing for a rapidly changing world. When our current Year 1 cohort reach employable age, 80% of the jobs they will be doing do not even exist yet.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for a rapidly changing world. When our current Year 1 cohort reach employable age, 80% of the jobs they will be doing do not even exist yet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for a rapidly changing world

2 When our current Year 1 cohort reach employable age, 80% of the jobs they will be doing do not even exist yet due to the rapid developments in technology.

3 Examples DVD players Medicine Travel Satellite TV Mobile Phones Computers Email & Internet

4 For Discussion With the employment market so open to change, what skills do we want Our Lady and St Gerard’s children to leave our school with?

5 Imagination, Purpose, Originality, Value.

6 Children’s Interests Computer games –Playstations etc. Cinema, films, cartoons etc. ‘Celebrities’ – Footballers, pop stars, movie heroes or heroines. TV (Loco parentis) – Soap operas, reality TV, X Factor etc. What do we, as teachers, do with this culture?

7 Excellence and Enjoyment Personalised learning. Embracing children’s interests. Engaging the whole child. ECM Enjoying and achieving through learning. Having FUN!

8 Examples of creativity Test out instructions by playing and making Stimulating starting points -Smell a scene Detective kits Sentence length - mood through music Walk through a story Feeling Taste Act out verbs, adverbs, sentences etc Narrative writing through dance

9 Retention Rates Lecture 5 % Reading 10% Audio-visual 20% Demonstrating 30% Discussion 50% Practice by doing 75% Teaching others 90%

10 What have other schools done? Used the children’s interests in their learning. Audited children’s different learning styles and preferences – VAK. Planned to include different styles. Introduced less traditional sports - Crown Green Bowling! See Grange Primary in Derbyshire.

11 Unusual pictures stimulate imagination

12 Good Friends!

13 A strange friendship!

14 Who’s that knocking at the door?


16 Something to think about!

17 Useful Websites unit/Information/ourprojects1/grangeton/?version=1#11020 29 unit/Information/ourprojects1/grangeton/?version=1#11020 29 yinschools/ yinschools/

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