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01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 1 Futures Subcommittee Proposed “New” Futures Subcommittee To create,

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Presentation on theme: "01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 1 Futures Subcommittee Proposed “New” Futures Subcommittee To create,"— Presentation transcript:

1 01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 1 Futures Subcommittee Proposed “New” Futures Subcommittee To create, discuss and draft IBIS/ICM updates Tasks for IBIS 4.2 and Following “Clean up” of language and resolve conflicts Example: [S. Pin Mapping] (BIRD87), [Driver Sched.] (BIRD88) [External Model] integration issues Example: Acceptable digital states for input ports [External Circuit] usage issues User-definable measurement parameters and delay fixtures Specification “hooks” between ICM and IBIS ANSI ballot approval as 656-B Tasks for ICM Add frequency-dependent RLGC matrix support Resolve known parser assumptions and keyword conflicts

2 01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 2 Cookbook & Training Proposed Cookbook Subcommittee Joint action with Quality Subcommittee Creates, edits and distributes Cookbooks Practical examples of new keywords Hints for data extraction and correlation See S. Peters’ 1997 IBIS 2.1 Cookbook Suggest following model of HTML specification guides Describe all keywords Use “deprecated” for those no longer encouraged e.g., [TTpower] Separate ICM and IBIS publications

3 01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 3 Previous Cookbook 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Quick Overview of an IBIS File 1.2 Steps to creating an IBIS Model 2.0 Pre-Modeling Steps 2.1 Basic Decisions Model Version and Complexity Specification Model vs. Part Model Fast and Slow Corner Model Limits Inclusion of SSO Effects 2.2 Information Checklist 2.3 Tips For Component Buffer Grouping 3.0 Extracting the Data 3.1 Using Spice to IBIS (s2ibis) 3.2 Extracting I/V and Switching Data via Simulations 3.2.1 Extracting the I/V Data Simulation Setup 3-state Buffers Output Only Buffers Open Drain Buffers Input Buffers Sweep Ranges Making Pullup and Power Clamp Sweeps Vcc Relative Diode Models Diode Transient Time Data 3.2.2 Extracting the Ramp Rate or V/T Waveform Data Extracting Data for the [Ramp] Keyword Extracting Data for the Rising and Falling Waveform Keywords Minimum Time Step Multi State Drivers 3.3 Obtaining I/V and Switching Information via Lab Measurement

4 01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 4 Previous Cookbook (2) 4.0 Putting the Data Into an IBIS File 4.1 IBIS File Header Information 4.2 Component and Pin Information 4.3 The [Model] Keyword Parameter section Temperature and Voltage Keywords I/V data section Pulldown Ground Clamp Pullup Power Clamp Extrapolation Errors [Ramp] and Waveform Tables 4.4 External Package Models 4.5 Verifying the IBIS file 5.0 Validating the Model 6.0 Correlating the Data 7.0 Resources

5 01/30/04 *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners Page 5 13 AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMar Q2’04Q3’04Q4’04Q1’05 26395213 AprMayJunJulAugSep Q2’05Q3’05 2639 Development Timeline Not Shown July, 2002: IBIS 4.0 approved Sept., 2003: ICM 1.0 approved Spec Activities 1 JanFebMar Q1’04 IBIS 4.1 Approval IBIS 4.1 Parser DesignCon Summit DATE PCB East IBIS 4.2 Proposal ICM 1.5 Proposal IBIS 4.1 Cookbook ICM 1.5 Approval ICM 1.0 Cookbook IBIS 4.2 Approval DAC Summits “E-Roadshow”

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