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Memory Hierarchy Registers Cache Main Memory Fixed Disk (virtual memory) Tape Floppy Zip CD-ROM CD-RWR Cost/Bit Access/Speed Capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Hierarchy Registers Cache Main Memory Fixed Disk (virtual memory) Tape Floppy Zip CD-ROM CD-RWR Cost/Bit Access/Speed Capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Hierarchy Registers Cache Main Memory Fixed Disk (virtual memory) Tape Floppy Zip CD-ROM CD-RWR Cost/Bit Access/Speed Capacity

2 Connection of memory to the Processor MAR MDR Memory Up to 2k addressable locations Word length = n bits K-bit address bus N-bit data bus Control lines R/W’, IRQ,IE, etc…

3 Control Connections MEMMEM Data[N-1:0] Address[log2(K)-1:0] CS OE WE Chip Select – must be asserted before Memory will respond to read or write operation. If negated, data bus is high impedance. May have more than one – if so, all must be asserted. OE – Asserted for read operation, Memory will drive data lines. WE – Asserted for a write operation (Memory inputs data from data pins, processor writes to memory). There may only be one control line (R/W)

4 Main Memory Characteristics Semiconductor Chips  Housed in DIP Packages  DIP Packages Mounted on SIMM, DIMM Circuit Boards Characteristics  Access Times(read,write,erase)  Faster is Better (varies from minutes to a few ns)  Volatility  Ability to Retain Data After Power is Removed  Power Consumption  Less is Better (mW to nW typical)  Density  Larger is Better (bits/sq. micron or transistors/bit)  Cost  Less is Better

5 Timing Characteristics Memory Access Time – –The time from a valid address being placed on the address bus until valid data appears on the data bus. Memory Write Time – –The time from when a valid address is placed on the address bus until the value on the data bus is captured by memory. Faster is Better!!!!

6 Address/Data Connections MEMMEM Data[N-1:0] Address[log2(K)-1:0] K x N K locations, N bits per location Address bus has log2(K) address lines, data bus has N data lines. Address pins labeled A n-1 – A 0 where A 0 is least significant Data pins labeled D n-1 – D 0 where D 0 is least significant

7 Memory Chips Most devices are 8-bits wide (Byte- addressable); some are 16-bits, others 1 bit wide. Listing refer to memory locations x bits/location –1Kx8, 16Kx8 Often classified by total bit capacity –1Kx8 (8K device) –64Kx4 (256K device)

8 Can see use of CS, W and OE signals. Pentium Memory System – 4G capacity 64 bit data bus, 32 bit Address Bus

9 Semiconductor Memory Device Architecture 2  4 Decoder A1A1 A0A0 D3D3 D2D2 D1D1 D0D0 D4D4 Storage Cell Array Buffers

10 DECODER REVIEW n×2 n Device – n encoded inputs – 2 n decoded outputs 2  4 Decoder A1A1 A0A0 D3D3 D2D2 D1D1 D0D0 A1A1 A0A0 D3D3 D2D2 D1D1 D0D0 0 0 1 10 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

11 Buffers Differential Amplifier – Gain:A v – 2 input voltages, 1 output voltage referenced to common ground V in V out = A v V in AvAv Single-Ended Amplifier – Gain:A v – 1 input voltage, 1 output voltage referenced to common ground V1V1 V out = A v (V 1 -V 2 ) AvAv V2V2 + -

12 ROM ROM – Read Only Memory - a type of memory that cannot be written, can only be read. Contents determined a manufacture time. –ROM is non-volatile – contents remain even when power is off. PROM – Programmable ROM – a type of memory whose contents can be programmed by the user –OTP – One Time Programmable, a PROM is OTP if contents can be programmed only once. EEPROM – Electrically Erasable PROM – contents can be erased electrically by the user. –Memory is not alterable under ‘normal’ operation.

13 4x5 PROM Organization 1-Bit Storage Cell

14 Basic Types of RAM RAM – Random Access Memory –memory that can be both read and written during normal operation. –Contents are non-volatile, will be lost on power off. Static RAM Fast access time (used for off-processor cache) Does not have to be refreshed Dynamic RAM Slower access time Must be refreshed much more dense

15 Static RAM Fastest access time of memory types. Typically the type of RAM used primarily in Level -2 cache. Read, Write operations take equal amounts of time. Access to any ‘random’ location takes same amount of time. Basic memory cell is a latch, takes 6 transistors per memory bit.  SRAM –static - high speed memory that does not require a refresh operation. Much faster than dynamic RAM, with speeds between 8-12 nsec. PBSRAM – pipeline burst - static RAM that has been enhanced by the use of burst technology. Multiple requests can be collected together and sent as a single pipelined request. Bus speeds of 75MHz or higher.

16 Static RAM Cell

17 Dynamic RAM Must be refreshed within less than a millisecond Most main memory is dynamic RAM (least expensive) –FPO Fast Page Mode – Can only match speed of 30MHz data bus –EDO Extended Data Out – 66MHz motherboards or less –BEDO – burst enhanced data-out – –SDRAM – Synchronous dynamic – operates synchronously with system clock and data bus. Can handle 100MHz or more –DDR – Double Data Rate – can transmit data on both edges of the clock –RD – Rambus – operates in a serial fashion rather than

18 SIMMS and DIMMS Mount Memory Device Packages on Circuit Boards to Conserve Space 30-Pin SIMM – First – Single Byte Access Used in “Pairs” Since in x86 1 Word=16 bits 72-Pin SIMM – Four Byte (32 bit) Access Need Pairs for Pentium+ Since 64 bit Data Bus 168-pin DIMM – Eight Byte (64 bit) Access SIMM – Single In-Line Memory Module DIMM – Dual In-Line Memory Module

19 8M x 32 (32MB) SIMM

20 Flash Memory Hybrid of RAM/ROM Have basically replaced EEPROMs Memory parts can be electrically erased and reprogrammed without removing the chip. The entire chip (or block) must be erased at one time. Individual byte erasure is not possible. Silicon Hard Disks – PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) – credit card size ROM BIOS, Font cards for printers, automotive industry diagnostic codes, modems, Ethernet cards

21 Flash Memory Examples Computer BIOS Memory Compact Flash (In Digital Cameras) Smart Media (Digital Cameras) Memory Stick (Digital Cameras) PCMCIA Type I and Type II (solid state disks in laptops) Memory Cards for video game consoles

22 Main Memory Technologies 1.(12) Match each of the phrases below with one or more of the following memory technologies. Main Memory Technologies

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