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Performance Management 2013-2014 Spring 2014 1.  Shared Responsibility  Performance Management Cycle  Gonzaga’s Performance Review Process  Coming.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Management 2013-2014 Spring 2014 1.  Shared Responsibility  Performance Management Cycle  Gonzaga’s Performance Review Process  Coming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Management 2013-2014 Spring 2014 1

2  Shared Responsibility  Performance Management Cycle  Gonzaga’s Performance Review Process  Coming Attraction 2 Session Agenda

3 Shared Responsibility

4  Establish clarity on job expectations, position description and duties  On-going communication  Regular meetings  Weekly email updates  Project status reports  Document year-round 4

5 5 Performance Coaching Give effective feedback Recognize area of development Coach for better performance Document Annual Performance Review GU Performance Review Mistakes to Avoid Behavior Based Statements 1 2 3 Setting Goals & Expectations Define job criteria by which performance will be measured based on job description Communicate expectations Rework objectives or performance standards, if necessary Establish goals and objectives Performance Management Cycle

6 Goal Statements 6  Strategically aligned  Objective in measurement  SMART formula (Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Relevant, Timed)  May be necessary to revise or eliminate certain goals  Objectives may change based on the organization’s needs

7 7 Performance Coaching Give effective feedback Recognize area of development Coach for better performance Document Annual Performance Review GU Performance Review Mistakes to Avoid Behavior Based Statements 1 2 3 Setting Goals & Expectations Define job criteria by which performance will be measured based on job description Establish goals and objectives Communicate expectations Rework objectives or performance standards, if necessary Performance Management Cycle

8 8 Setting Goals & Expectations Define job criteria by which performance will be measured based on job description Establish goals and objectives Communicate expectations Rework objectives or performance standards, if necessary Performance Coaching Define coaching Give effective feedback Recognize area of development Coach for better performance Document Annual Performance Review GU Performance Review Mistakes to Avoid Behavior Based Statements 1 2 3 Performance Management Cycle

9 9 Performance Review Process

10  Complete by first week of July  Manager forwards to dept. head, dean, or area vice president for signature  Send original to HR  Give copy to employee  Manager to conduct on-going performance discussions  Any employee concern regarding their review should be addressed within their area vice president division

11  Overview document – performance management philosophy, timeline, guidelines and annual review rating definitions  Employee self-review document - contains self assessment and employee goals  Include any specific job criteria added to the review  Annual performance review document - performance and behavior criteria 11 GU Performance Review Packet

12  Launch an on-line staff performance management system through PeopleAdmin – university’s talent management solution  University wide training to begin August 2014  Look for announcements in Morning Mail and on the HR website under Performance Management 12 Performance Management Coming Attractions

13 13 Upcoming Trainings:  Resolving Conflict: July 11 th Performance Management PowerPoint, Self Reviews and Review Forms are located at: Next Steps

14 Questions?

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