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Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 1 History and Philosophy Week.

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 1 History and Philosophy Week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 1 History and Philosophy Week 2 - September 7

2 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 2 Homework 1 Review ml ml Any highlights from the reading you want to discuss? Collages

3 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 3 Homework 2 ml ml

4 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 4 Finding info with search engines General purpose search engines Google, Yahoo, Altavista, A9, etc. Clustered searching Vivisimo, Dogpile Search CS research literature Research and Communication Skills

5 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 5 Advanced searching Boolean searching Operators: AND, OR, NOT, NEAR Implied operators: AND is often implied Parentheses for grouping Wildcards Quotes Getting to know the ins and outs of your favorite search engines Many search engines do not use pure boolean searching Most search engines have some special syntax Search engines use different algorithms to determine best match Research and Communication Skills

6 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 6 Advanced Googling See Google.html Google.html Ranks results using PageRank algorithm, taking into account popularity, importance, word proximity Special syntax intitle, inurl, site, intext, filetype, daterange, numrange Boolean operators: OR, - Fuzzy searching: ~,.., * Exact phrases: “” 10-term limit Special searches Definitions (define), calculator, area codes, flight searches, and more Research and Communication Skills

7 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 7 What is privacy? “Being alone.” - Shane (age 4)

8 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 8 Westin “Privacy and Freedom” 1967 “Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others” Privacy is not an absolute

9 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 9 Westin’s four states of privacy Solitude individual separated form the group and freed form the observation of other persons Intimacy individual is part of a small unit Anonymity individual in public but still seeks and finds freedom from identification and surveillance Reserve the creation of a psychological barrier against unwanted intrusion - holding back communication

10 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 10 Westin’s four functions of privacy Personal autonomy control when you go public about info Emotional release be yourself permissible deviations to social or institutional norms Self-evaluation Limited and protected communication

11 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 11 Information vs. decisional privacy Information privacy concerns the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information Decisional privacy concerns the freedom to make decisions about one's body and family

12 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 12 Different views of privacy Privacy as limited access to self the extent to which we are known to others and the extent to which others have physical access to us Privacy as control over information not simply limiting what others know about you, but controlling it this assumes individual autonomy, that you can control information in a meaningful way (not blind click through, for example)

13 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 13 Privacy as deprivation? Deprived of being heard and seen by others Deprived of being contacted by others Deprived of benefits that come as a result of your personal information being available to others

14 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 14 Privacy as animal instinct Eagles eating a deer carcass Is privacy necessary for species survival?

15 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 15 Information privacy In 17th century America, colonists began to collect information about each other Census, birth and death records, school records, tax records Informants reported people who behaved badly Disorderly children, nightwalkers, Sabbath breakers, atheists, drunks

16 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 16 Privacy of personal space Historically, depended a lot on the type and proximity of available housing In 18th century Europe, most people lived in cities where houses were close together, but small number of people lived in each house In 18th century America, people lived far away from each other but many people lived in each house and even shared beds

17 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 17 Communication privacy When all communication was oral, communication privacy depended on Communicating without someone overhearing Communicating with people who wouldn’t tell others Written communications brought new opportunities for privacy violations In 18th century America, postal mail was not necessarily private Sealing wax, basic encryption used to increase privacy 1782 - Congress made it illegal to open other peoples’ mail Later the invention of the adhesive envelope increased communications privacy

18 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 18 Telegraph In the late nineteenth century the telegraph became a popular means of long distance communication Messages could be coded, but you could not recover damages due to transmission errors if the message was coded Telegraph operators were supposed to keep messages confidential Occasional subpoenas for telegraph messages

19 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 19 Cameras Cameras, especially portable “snap” cameras (1888), raised new privacy concerns Telephoto lenses Video cameras Hidden cameras Web cams Satellite images

20 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 20 Multiple facets of privacy How can posting personal information about myself on my web site result in a reduction of my privacy? How can it result in an increase in my privacy?

21 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 21 Privacy History References Robert Ellis Smith. 2000. Ben Franklin’s Web Site: Privacy and Curiosity from Plymouth Rock to the Internet. Providence: Privacy Journal. Alan Westin. 1967. Privacy and Freedom. New York: Atheneum.

22 Privacy Policy, Law and Technology Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2005 Lorrie Cranor 22 More homework 1 review Web cams Privacy in the news Issues privacy groups are working on Any questions about plagiarism?

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