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AP Human Geography Services and Urban Patterns Chapter 12 & 13 SERVICES AND URBAN PATTERNS AP Human geography Spring 2013 Chapters 12 & 13 llhammon Spring 2013
USA at Night
World at Night
Services Service = any activity that fulfills a human want or need
Services are located in settlements Location of services is important for profitability Affluent regions tend to offer more services Local diversity is evident in the provision of services
Where Did Services Originate?
Three types of services Consumer services About 44 percent of all jobs in the United States Business services About 24 percent of all jobs in the United States Public services About 17 percent of all jobs in the United States In the United States, all employment growth has occurred in the services sector
Services in early rural settlements
Early consumer services met societal needs Examples = burial of the dead, religious centers, manufacturing centers Early public services probably followed religious activities Early business services to distribute and store food Where Did Services Originate?
Ancient Ur Ur, in modern-day Iraq, was one of the earliest urban settlements. The ziggurat, or stepped temple, was surrounded by a dense network of residences Where Did Services Originate?
Catal (Titris) Höyük, Turkey
Schematic reconstruction drawing of a section of Level VI, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, ca. 6000–5900 BCE. (after J. Mellaart). Landscape with volcanic eruption(?) / goddess(?),wall painting from - Level VII, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, ca BCE. Where Did Services Originate?
Athens, Greece The hilltop site of the Acropolis, dating to about 500 B.C., still dominates the skyline of modern Athens. Where Did Services Originate?
Medieval Cities Services in medieval cities
Largest settlements were in Asia European cities developed with feudalism Where Did Services Originate?
Paris, France Paris was originally surrounded by walls which were expanded to include new neighborhoods as the city grew. Where Did Services Originate?
Clustered Rural Settlements
Zulu Village Circular Rural Settlements Kraal village in southern Africa, which have enclosures for the livestock in the center, surrounded by a ring of houses. Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Gewandorf Settlements, Germany
The services present in rural settlements are: 1.Agriculture 2.Personal Services a.Religious Structures b.Schools 3.Handful of Public, Retail, and Producer Services Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Linear Rural Settlements
French log-lot system houses were erected along a river, principal water source, Narrow lots – perpendicular to the river so each original settler had river access. This would later be used in Louisiana by the French. Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Clustered Settlements in Colonial America
Public buildings are grouped around a “common” which was used as a pasture. Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Services in urban settlements
Differences between urban and rural settlements Large size High density Social heterogeneity Increasing percentage of people in cities Increasing number of people in cities MDCs have higher % of urban residents, but LDCs have more of the very large urban settlements. Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Percentage of Population Living in Urban Settlements
Population of urban settlements exceeded that of rural settlements for the first time in human history in (urbanization) Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Urban Settlements With Populations of at Least 3 Million
Rapid growth of urban settlements in LDCs reflects increasing overall population plus migration from rural areas. Where Are Contemporary Services Located?
Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Central place theory First proposed by Walter Christaller (1930s) Characteristics A central place has a market area (or hinterland)
“Daily Urban Systems” Delineated by functional ties, especially commuting, to the nearest metropolitan area. Everyone in the US has access to services in at least one large settlement. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Central Place Theory Consumer services and business services do not have the same distribution. Consumer services generally follow a regular pattern based on size of settlements. Business services cluster in specific settlements, creating a specialized pattern. A central place is a market center for the exchange of goods and services by people attracted from the surrounding area. Central places compete against each other. This competition creates a regular pattern of settlements, according to the central place theory. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
The area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted is the market area or hinterland . To establish the market area, a circle is drawn around the node. The closer to the periphery of the circle, the greater is the percentage of consumers who will choose to obtain services from other nodes. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Central Place Theory Why hexagons to delineate market areas?
Circles are equidistant from center to edge, but they overlap or leave gaps. Squares nest together without gaps, but their sides are not equidistant from the center. The hexagon is a compromise. Offers a compromise between the geometric properties of circles and squares. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Central Place Theory Market areas are arranged into a regular pattern according to central place theory, with larger settlements fewer and further apart. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
According to geographers, the best location is the one that minimizes the distance to the services for the largest number of people. Gravity Model – predicts that the optimal location of a service is directly related to the number of people in the area and inversely related to the distance people must travel to access it. Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Supermarket and Convenience Store Market Areas
Market area, range, and threshold for Kroger supermarkets (left) and UDF convenience stores in Dayton, Ohio. Supermarkets have much larger areas and ranges than convenience stores.- Why? Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Optimal Location for a Pizza-Delivery Service
Geo-Pizza should located between 7th and 6th streets – Why? Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
PRIMATE CITY STATUS A country’s leading city is always proportionately large and exceptionally expressive of national capacity and feeling. The primate city is commonly at least twice as large as the next largest city and more than twice as significant Mark Jefferson Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
PRIMATE CITY STATUS Not all countries have a primate city
India – New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata China & Brazil – Beijing, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
PRIMATE CITY of the World
New York, New York The City That Never Sleeps! Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Rank-Size Distribution in the United States and Indonesia
Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
RANK-SIZE RULE ? • Paris (2.2 million) vs. Marseilles (800,000)
London (6.9 million) vs. Birmingham (1 million) Mexico City (21.8 million) vs. Guadalajara (3.7 million) Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern?
Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Hierarchy of business services Services in world cities Business: clustering of services is a product of the Industrial Revolution (transportation and communications) Consumer: retail services with extensive market areas May include leisure services of national importance due to large thresholds, large ranges, and the presence of wealthy patrons. Public: world cities are often the center of national or international political power
World Cities World cities are centers for the provision of services in the global economy Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Business services in LDCs Offshore financial services
Two functions: Taxes – low or nonexistent Privacy - businesses or individuals evade disclosure in their home countries Back offices - business process outsourcing (BPO) Ex. Call centers. LDCs are attractive because of: Low wages Ability to speak English (many Asian countries) Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Business-Service Cities in the U.S.
Below the world cities in the hierarchy of U.S. cities are command and control centers, specialized producer-service centers, and dependent centers. Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Economic base of settlements
Two types: Basic industries – exports primarily to consumers outside he settlement. Nonbasic industries – enterprises whose customers live in the same community – consumer services. Specialization of cities in different services Distribution of talent Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Economic Base of U.S. Cities
Cities that have a high proportion of their labor force engaged in the specified economic activity shown. Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
Distribution of Talent
Individuals possessing special talents are not distributed uniformly among cities. The principal reason enticing talented individuals to cluster in some cities more than others is cultural rather than economic. Significant positive relationship between the distribution of talent and the distribution of diversity in the largest U.S. cities. Attracting talented individuals is important for a city, because these individuals are responsible for promoting economic growth and innovation. Why Do Business Services Cluster in Large Settlements?
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