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5S Improving safety & efficiency

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Presentation on theme: "5S Improving safety & efficiency"— Presentation transcript:

1 5S Improving safety & efficiency
© Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

2 Focus on using the English words - much easier to remember!
5S Translation Focus on using the English words - much easier to remember! Step Japanese Literal Translation English Step 1: Seiri Clearing Up Sort Step 2: Seiton Organizing Set In Order Step 3: Seiso Cleaning Shine Step 4: Seketsu Standardizing Standardise Step 5: Shitsuke Training & Discipline Sustain © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

3 Why 5S? 5S is a structured program to implement:
Workplace organisation Standardisation Improved safety Improved work efficiency Improved productivity Improved flow Reduced variation Reduced waste The 5S management program facilitates an excellent performance: Safety: a well organised and orderly workplace is a safer workplace. 5S activities remove clutter, visual indicators alarm people for hazardous situations. Improving production efficiency: 5S supports a smooth production process in various ways. Searching for tools is eliminated, flow principles are applied, tools storage is done where they are needed most. Location indicators visualise how things have been organised, and non conformities are seen at once. Quality improvement: Daily activities like inspection help to keep the production process in the right condition. Defects are prevented, because deviations are spotted before they result into defects. Controlling your workplace: 5S helps to control the workplace by: determining what is needed, and where it is needed. defining the appropriate location for tools and other materials. maintaining these standards. Time is not wasted by looking for things Enables team to focus on root cause of waste Systematic focus for continuous improvement A well organised workplace motivates people Focuses on process not people © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

4 Before 5S © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

5 If only we had more space!
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6 How safe is this? © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

7 How easy is it to find what you are looking for?
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8 Is this a safe working environment?
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9 Is this SAFE? Heater! Open top bin
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10 How clean is your working environment?
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11 5S in practice Sort Set in Order Shine Standardise Sustain
Sort: Deals with the contents of a workplace and removes all items that are not needed there. Set in Order: Designating locations to enable easy access to needed items. Shine: Refers not just to cleaning, but to "being proud" about the way the workplace is organised. Standardise: Refers to having standards that everyone has to adhere to. Visual management is an important aspect to facilitate easy understanding of these standards. Sustain: Refers to training of all employees and communication to all employees to ensure 5S application. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

12 SORT - Decide what is needed
Define target area Remove everything Only put back necessary items Unnecessary items - Red Tag it! Holding area Safety: a well organised and orderly workplace is a safer workplace. 5S activities remove clutter, visual indicators alarm people for hazardous situations. The first stage of 5S is to organize the work area, leaving only the tools and materials necessary to perform daily activities. When “sorting” is well implemented, communication between workers is improved and product quality and productivity are increased. Define area to target Remove everything Only put back essential items Tag items that are not required and relocate them to a holding area All staff should review the items in the holding area, and after a period of time, items should be discarded, donated, or returned to original area © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

13 A method for sorting © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015 Dispose
Useless Sorting Red Tag / Holding area Unknown Item Keep & Store Useful ABC Storage 5S usually begins with a great initial cleaning, where sorting out the items is a highlight. For each item, it must be stated if it is useful, useless or undetermined. For some items the statement may be touchy, as nobody seems to know if they are really useful or not and what is their frequency of use. Always start with the easiest items to classify. Difficulty should be no excuse, go for it, starting with easiest. Sort each item according to 3 categories: Useful Useless Unknown The two first categories are problem to sort as their status is clear. Dispose of immediately any useless items, because they just clutter the workspace, lead to loss of time, confusion and poor quality. For items in the unknown category or the frequency of use is unclear, keep them where they are for a predetermined period of time and if found that they are not used, dispose of them. For items that are useful, there is also a method for determining how and where they should be stored to help you achieve a clean and orderly workplace. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

14 Where should we put this?
A B C Frequency of Use Distance Use this graph as a general guide for deciding where to store items along with the table below. After you have determined the usefulness of an item, set three classes for determining where to store an item based on the frequency of use and the distance to travel to get the item. “A” is for things which are to be kept close at hand, because the frequency of use is high. “B” is if the item is used infrequently but approximately on a weekly basis, do no put it on your work surface, rather keep in easy walking distance, i.e. on a bookshelf or in a nearby cabinet, usually in the same room you are in. For “C” items it is ok to store in a somewhat remote place, meaning a few minutes walk away. By rigorously applying the sort action and the prescribed method, you will find that the remainder of the 5S items will be quite easy to accomplish. It is very difficult to order a large number of items in a given space and the amount of cleaning increases with the number of items. Your work place should only contain those items needed on a daily to weekly basis to perform your job. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

15 SET IN ORDER – arranging necessary items
‘A place for everything and everything in its place’ Think about how work FLOWS Put the items in the BEST LOCATION Use VISUAL MANAGEMENT - labels, tape, signs and shadow outlines, coloured areas Mark off common areas with coloured tape and label them The second stage of 5S involves the orderly arrangement of needed items so they are easy to use and accessible for “anyone” to find. Orderliness eliminates waste in production and clerical activities. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

16 Clearly defined areas for equipment and samples
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17 What you need, where you use it
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18 SHINE – Cleaning the Workplace
Clean everything and find ways to keep it clean Cleanliness should be part of the daily work - not an occasional activity initiated when things get too messy “Everything in its place” frees up time for cleaning Create a plan to clean the area How often? By whom The third stage of 5S is keeping everything clean and swept. This maintains a safer work area and problem areas are quickly identified. An important part of “shining” is “Mess Prevention.” In other words, don’t allow litter, scrap, shavings, cuttings, etc., to land on the floor in the first place. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

19 STANDARDISE – Creating consistency
How you are going to ensure the first 3S are being maintained and incorporated into everyday activities? Create a set of standards that everyone has to adhere to Visual Management is to facilitate easy understanding of these standards Standardising includes measuring, recording and training Ensure everyone is working the same way to improve safety work efficiency productivity The fourth stage of 5S involves creating a consistent approach for carrying out tasks and procedures. Orderliness is the core of “standardization” and is maintained by Visual Controls which might consist of: Signboards, Painted Lines, Color-coding strategies and Standardizing “Best Methods” across the organization. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

20 Standardised workstation layout helps sustain
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21 Looks just like the picture!
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22 SUSTAIN – maintaining 5S
Train, communicate with and empower all staff Develop a system that enables everyone in the workplace to see problems when they occur. Develop schedules and check lists - 5S area audits Why sustain? Cleaner Safer Improved quality Improved Job Satisfaction Improved Productivity This last stage of 5S is the discipline and commitment of all other stages. Without “sustaining”, your workplace can easily revert back to being dirty and chaotic. That is why it is so crucial for your team to be empowered to improve and maintain their workplace. Keeping a 5s program vital in an organization creates a cleaner workplace, a safer workplace, it contributes to how we feel about our product, our process, our company and ourselves, it provides a customer showcase to promote your business, product quality will improve – especially by reducing contaminants and efficiency will increase. When employees take pride in their work and workplace it can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher productivity. © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

23 © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

24 Tools available to sustain
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25 BEFORE AFTER © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

26 BEFORE AFTER © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

27 Good inventory management & stock control
Missing manuals become obvious © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

28 Clear orderly working BEFORE AFTER
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29 Before you get started….
Take lots of photos of the area before you start Designate a holding area and ‘red tags’ Effective communication is paramount Give all staff plenty of notice to remove all personal items from the work area Everyone in the area should be involved You will need electrical tape to mark off areas and a labeller © Copyright NHS Improving Quality 2015

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