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SOL Review Rock/Rock Cycle Fossil Structure of the Earth Weathering/ Erosion Volcano/Earth quake 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy.

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4 SOL Review Rock/Rock Cycle Fossil Structure of the Earth Weathering/ Erosion Volcano/Earth quake 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

5 Rock/Rock Cycle 100 When small pieces of soil or rocks, organic matter, minerals are deposited at the bottom of streams, rivers, or lakes, it forms _________ rock. A Igneous Rock B Metamorphic Rock C Sedimentary Rock C

6 Rock/Rock Cycle 200 The process that changes sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks into metamorphic rock. F Weathering G Heat and Pressure H Erosion J Nuclear fission G

7 Rock/Rock Cycle 300 Which of the following rock samples contains fossils? J

8 Rock/Rock Cycle 400 G Tectonic plates movement H Heat and Pressure I Weathering J Erosion Which one of the following is NOT a process that change rocks? G

9 Rock/Rock Cycle 500 GHGH JIJI Which one of these rocks hardened fast? J

10 Fossil 100 Fossil fuels are usually found — F in the atmosphere G below ground H at the surface of the ocean J on mountain peaks G

11 Fossil 200 Which part of a dinosaur is least likely to be found as a fossil? F Bones G Claws H Teeth J Muscle J

12 Fossil 300 J Which of the following rock samples contains fossils?

13 Fossil 400 Which one of these layers contains the oldest fossil ? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 12341234 D

14 Fossil 500 Which of these information cannot be determined by investigating a fossil? G Different life on earth H Temperature of the earth I Earth’s surface J Support theory of continental drift. H

15 Structure of the Earth100 The internal structure of the earth does not consist of this part. F Core G Mantle H Crust J Volcano J

16 Structure of the Earth 200 What does the mantle mostly consist of ? F Solid metal G Molten rocks H Tectonic Plates I Volcanoes G

17 Structure of the Earth 300 What is the earth’s core made of? A Magma B Rocks C Metal D Plates C

18 Structure of the Earth 400 The plates float on this structure of the Earth. A Ocean B Core C Mantle D Rocks C

19 Structure of the Earth 500 The constant changing of the earth’s surface is due to_______. F Pangea G Oceanic drift H Continental Drift J Convectional Current H

20 Weathering/Erosion 100 What is weathering? A The breakdown of bones. B The process of moving sediments. C The cooling of lava. D The breakdown of rocks. D

21 Weathering/Erosion 200 Which one of these choices is NOT the agent of weathering and erosion? A Wind B Glacier C Water D Heat D

22 Weathering/Erosion 300 H Which one of these human activities has the most impact on weathering and erosion? F Raise more grazing animals G Spraying water H Deforestation J Digging

23 Weathering/Erosion 400 When it rains, water seeps into tiny holes in the rocks. What happens to the rock if the water freezes? F The rock swells G It will carve the rock H Nothing happens to the rock because the rock is solid J The water expands and it will break the rock J

24 Weathering/Erosion 500 G A type of mass movement is a ______________. G mudslide H Glacier I Delta J Terminal moraine

25 Volcano/Earthquake 100 Most earthquake is caused by ____. F Movement of earth’s crust. G Tsunamis H Sinking of the ocean floor. J Heating of the atmosphere. H

26 Volcano/Earthquake 200 Where are most of the active volcanoes located? A In the earth’s mantle B On land C Border of different countries D Plate Boundaries D

27 Volcano/Earthquake 300 The movement of the rock up or down along a fault results in the formation of ___ mountains. F Folded G Dome H Volcanic J Fault Block J

28 Volcano/Earthquake 400 Many strong earthquakes are caused by __________. A Plates sliding past each other B Lava flowing down the side of a volcano. C Plates spreading apart D Hot magma A

29 Volcano/Earthquake 500 How do many of the highest mountains form? F Continental plates collide and push together causing their edges to crumple and fold. G When the plates separate, magma bubbles up between the plates. H When the volcano erupt, the lava piles on top. F


31 Final Jeopardy B

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