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Student Learning Objectives The SLO Process Student Learning Objectives Training Series Module 3 of 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Learning Objectives The SLO Process Student Learning Objectives Training Series Module 3 of 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Learning Objectives The SLO Process Student Learning Objectives Training Series Module 3 of 3

2 Agenda Review and Preview The SLO Process A Note on Baseline Data Selecting Assessments Determining Performance Targets

3 Session Objectives By the end of this session, participants will be able to: – Identify the three steps of the SLO process, along with their more nuanced sub-steps. – Define possible sources for baseline data that describes both student performance and behavior. – Identify the critical steps in selecting high quality assessments.

4 Review and Preview We have covered: – An introduction to Student Learning Objectives. – The components of a Student Learning Objective. – The template for communicating Student Learning Objectives and supporting implementation tools. Next, we will cover: – The process for developing Student Learning Objectives. – The process for gathering and analyzing student performance data.

5 The SLO Process

6 The process for setting Student Learning Objectives emphasizes the importance of collaboration to establish long-term, measurable, academic goals for their students.

7 The SLO Process: An Overview Step 1: Set SLOs Teacher Teams Review Course Objectives & Standards Teachers Collect & Review Baseline Data Teachers Draft Learning Objectives & Set Targets Teachers Select Assessments to Measure Student Progress Teachers and Evaluators Review Learning Objectives & Selected Assessments Step 2: Monitor SLOs Teachers Plan & Deliver Instruction Teachers Monitor Progress Toward Goals Teachers Adapt Instruction in Response to Data Collected Teachers & Evaluators Discuss Progress Toward Goals Teachers & Evaluators Revise Support Plans As Necessary Teachers & Evaluators Make Mid-Year SLO Adjustments As Necessary Step 3: Evaluate SLO Attainment Teachers Conduct End-Term Assessment Teachers Collect, Analyze & Report Final Evidence of Student Learning Teachers & Evaluators Review Student Data Evaluators Review Individual SLO Attainment Evaluators Assign an Attainment Rating Teachers & Evaluators Reflect on Outcomes & Revise Professional Growth Plan

8 Key Questions for Teachers Through the SLO Process, teachers become fluent in the answers to the following questions: 1.What do I expect my students to learn during their time in this course? 2. How will I know if they’ve learned it?

9 Teachers’ SLO Development Process Teachers with teams: -Review the standards with grade- level or content team. -Analyze baseline data and student performance trends. -Select common measure(s) for student learning. Teachers without teams: -Review the standards with teachers across LEA network or -Collaborate with teachers from other grades/subjects within the LEA. -Analyze baseline data and student performance trends. -Select measure(s) for student learning.

10 Step 1: Setting SLOs July - August School Leadership Sets & Shares School Priorities Teacher Teams Set Grade Level / Subject Area Priorities (Where Applicable) August - September Teachers Review Course Objectives & Standards Teachers Collect & Review Baseline Data Teachers Draft SLOs Teachers Select Assessments September Teachers & Evaluators Review SLOs Evaluators Approve SLOs Step 1 Outcome: Approved SLOs

11 Step 2: Monitoring SLOs September – January Teachers Plan & Deliver Instruction Teachers Monitor Student Progress Toward Goals September – January Teachers Adapt Instruction in Response to Student Achievement Data Collected Teachers Receive Ongoing Professional Development & Support January - February Teachers & Evaluators Discuss Progress Toward Goals Teachers & Evaluators Revise Support Plans & Make Mid-Year SLO Adjustments As Necessary Step 2 Outcomes: Mid-Year Check In, Revised Professional Support Plans and SLOs

12 Step 3: Evaluating SLOs May - June Teachers Conduct End- Term Assessment May – June Teachers Collect, Analyze & Report Final Evidence of Student Learning Teachers & Evaluators Review Student Data June Evaluators Review Individual SLO Attainment & Assign a Rating Teachers & Evaluators Reflect on Outcomes & Revise Professional Growth Plan Step 3 Outcome: Final SLO Rating, Revised Professional Growth Plan

13 Baseline Data Selecting Assessments & Setting Targets

14 Selecting high quality assessments (or other measures of student performance) is an integral component of the Student Learning Objective process.

15 A Note on Understanding Baseline Data Baseline data that is useful for understanding students’ prerequisite skills and content includes, but is not limited to: – beginning of course diagnostics and / or performance tasks, – prior year tests, – tests in other subjects, – teacher-, school- or state generated tests, – student grades in previous courses, – student mobility rates, – student behavior data, – Individualized Education Plans.

16 Framework for Selecting Assessments

17 Determining Performance Targets

18 Feedback Please take a moment to take a short survey. Your feedback is important to us! (For printable versions of this survey, please visit here.)here

19 Learn More About SLOs Please visit OSSE’s SLO technical assistanceOSSE’s SLO technical assistance pagepage for more information about Student Learning Objectives and to find the SLO Toolkit with resources intended to aid in implementation. To view sample SLOs and additional toolkit resources, visit

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