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Sunday, June 14 Wednesday, June 24.  Chalice Lighting  Opening Words  Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Sunday, June 14 Wednesday, June 24.  Chalice Lighting  Opening Words  Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sunday, June 14 Wednesday, June 24

2  Chalice Lighting  Opening Words  Welcome

3  Ministry is the responsibility of all of us  Being in Covenant is how we do shared ministry  Volunteerism is key to shared ministry

4 The Mission of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values in the broader world, guided by reason and compassion. We serve each other in this mission by Being present as witness to each other’s lives. Seeing each other and being seen, listening to each other and being listened to. Agreeing to be open to the differences of belief and values that we hold individually. Learning to build ever-deepening connections with individuals and the community. Inviting each other’s potential into the light, in an atmosphere of encouragement and love.

5 We gather in safe and compassionate community, seeking our spiritual truths. We affirm our interdependence, celebrate our differences, and create a thoughtful and harmonious voice for liberal religion. Through the practice of the principles of our faith, we promote social, economic and environmental justice and continue our legacy of respect and acceptance. We covenant together in a spirit of love and freedom.

6 We are an oasis. We are fertile ground for growth. We gather in sacred space. We create beloved community. We celebrate our lives together. Our church is a spiritual community. Our voices promote the cause of liberal religion. Our minds are open for new learning. Our hands do the work of social justice. Our hearts share hope and compassion with our community and our world

7  We learn much from our organizational chart…



10 Section 7.3 Duties Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order. The duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Duties of the President (1) preside at board meetings and at congregational meetings; (2) sign, with another officer, all legal documents; and (3) act for the Board or the Congregation only with the prior authorization of the Board or the Congregation. (b) Duties of the Vice-President/President-Elect (1) serve a board liaison between the Board and Elected Committees; (2) Oversee the Council Chairs; (3) plan and coordinate, with the Church Councils and the Church staff, the Church's calendar of events; and (4) assume the duties of the president, …

11  Know your committee charge.  Talk or meet with the previous chair.  Give Communications Committee web team the email addresses that should receive committee emails.  Ensure the keeping of the committee’s institutional memory via a notebook, Yahoo group, or other means.  Call regular committee meetings, reserve meeting spaces, publishing agendas, distribute minutes.  Recruit committee members.

12  Delegate responsibilities, offer support and encouragement.  Attend council meetings, including the retreat  Attend calendaring meetings.  Become familiar with FUUN bylaws, policy, and procedure, making recommendations for change.  Submit budget requests, live within approved budget.  Prepare annual report to congregation.




16  How many councils does FUUN currently have?  Where are board member responsibilities listed?  What is a committee’s charge?  Where can you find a list of current staff, board members and committee chairs?  Where are FUUN’s policies found?

17  Yes, we do have a typical year…

18 July Church year begins July 1 Board, program council, and many others have retreats to start the year August Sunday school, youth group, and choirs start Water Communion September New member class and signing

19 October Mid-year calendar meeting November Room in the Inn begins Auction Thanksgiving potluck December Poinsettia & Craft Sale Mid-year budget adjustments due

20 January New member class and signing Board determines stewardship goals Mid-year congregational meeting (if called) February Budget requests due for upcoming fiscal year Leadership Development Retreat March Stewardship Campaign kickoff Youth Sunday

21 April New member class and signing Annual calendar meeting Herb & Craft Fair Regional Annual Assembly May Annual reports due Board reviews and finalizes budget RE Sunday multigenerational worship service June Annual congregational meeting Annual leadership orientation UUA General Assembly






27 Newsletter for May 2015 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville, A Welcoming Congregation  VOLUME 64 NUMBER 11

28 And, finally… Consider communications among your committee/group members  Discuss communication preferences at the beginning of the church year  Agree on a common practice for communicating with each other

29  Where will you find a calendar of all FUUN special events?  Where might you hear about other important dates for reports, budgets, and other events?  What tool allows you to submit an announcement to the blog, weekly email, and order of service all at once?  Where should newsletter articles be sent?

30  The Office Administrator ◦ Office hours are:  Tuesday-Thursday: 10-5  Friday: 10-3 ◦ The office is closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday

31 What you need the administrator for…  To pick up a key Those needing keys on a very regular basis: ◦ Should be committee chairs, council members, etc. ◦ No more than one per committee (if possible)  Procedure for key use: ◦ Fill out a form (in the office or in church copy room) ◦ Get key from Monti ◦ If using only one time, return key immediately

32 What you need the administrator for…  To pick up a key  To reserve a space ◦ Call or email Monti to reserve rooms. Be sure to reserve rooms for meetings rather than just “trying to find an open room.” ◦ Can schedule room even the day before a meeting. ◦ For a regular meeting time/space, need to reserve it each year. Done on a first come, first served basis.

33 What you need them for…  To pick up a key  To reserve a space  To reserve the A/V equipment ◦ Located in closet in Classroom A in Social Hall. ◦ Procedure is same as for checking out keys. ◦ 2 sets of projector/screen plus a Mac laptop with speakers. Let Monti know exactly what you wish to reserve.

34 What you need the administrator for…  To pick up a key  To reserve a space  To reserve the A/V equipment  To get a mailbox (if needed) ◦ Located in church copier room ◦ Be sure to check it regularly

35 What not to call for…  Reserving Childcare: Email Aubrey Weaver McMillan:  Financial Information: Email Mitzi Stafford:

36 Expense Reimbursement Form:  Found in church copy room or office.  Put in Bookkeeper (Mitzi Stafford) mailbox. Tax Exempt Form:  Found in church copy room or office.  Can save the church money!

37 Church WiFi  username: UUGuest  password: WelcomeToFUUN Members Only Section of Website:  username: generous  password: hearts Church Copier Code:  0383 then press ID

38 How do you reach the administrator:  Church Administrator or 383-5760, ext 305  Or see the website or order of service


40  Lock Doors when you leave  Replace anything you moved  Put temperature settings back to what they were  Turn off the lights  Leave the space in better condition than you found it

41  Observe standing policies and procedures, such as the Alcohol Policy, Safe Congregation Policy  If in doubt, ask administrative staff for the handout that is provided to outside users

42  We are part of the Southern Region…  …which is part of the Unitarian Universalist Association  Connects us with other congregations and resources


44  Information about events happening around our region  You can sign up for the newsletter by going to the Southern Region homepage: and choosing “Subscribe to Our Newsletter"

45  Bike rack  What else?

46  Chalice extinguishing  Closing words

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