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Published byJack Maxwell Modified over 9 years ago
Business Informatics Group Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Vienna University of Technology Favoritenstraße 9-11/1883, 1040 Vienna, Austria phone: 43 (1) 5880118804 (secretary), fax: 43 (1) 5880118896, Martin Fleck UTP – Introduction to the UML Testing Profile
Introduction 2 Why do we need the UML Testing Profile? UML natively lacks concepts for the testing of systems Identified need for… Domain-independent test modeling Test case specification Test data specification Test deployment specification Test result visualization specification OMG sends RFP for test-related UML Profile in 2001 Requirements System Code Test Code «derive» «generate» ?
Introduction 3 The UML Testing Profile (UTP) History Involved Partners Industrial partners (Ericcson, Telelogic, IBM, Softeam, SINTEF, …) Academic partners (University Luebeck, University of Göttingen, …) 2001 RFP 2003 Initial Submission July 2005 Adopted as Standard, v1.0 April 2012 Updated to v1.1 April 2013 Updated to v1.2 December 2013 Possible RFP for v2.0
Introduction 4 What is the UTP? Goals Minimality: Reuse UML constructs and benefits of MDE Clarity: Separate testing concepts Extensibility: Generic profile extendable for specific domains Key Aspects Design and configuration of test systems Model-based test specifications on top of existing systems Test cases and test data Test environments UTP focuses on Black-Box Testing
Introduction 5 What is not in the UTP? Not specifically addressed by the UTP Test case generation White-Box approaches Audits and Reviews Test management (only partially addressed) Test methodology Combine with other standards and profiles ISO/IEC 29119 – Software Testing SysML for combination with requirements BMM for combination with goals, objectives, and risks … UML SysML UTP …SoaMLUPDMTelcoMLBPMNMARTE
Introduction 6 How is the UTP organized? UTP standard provides Pre-defined Type library Native UML profile OCL for abstract syntax description Standalone MOF-based meta model (obsolete in 1.2) Mappings to JUnit and TTCN-3 «profile» UTP «modelLibrary» UTPTypes «profile» StandardProfileL2 UML «apply» «import» 154 pages
UML Testing Profile 7 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1
Native UML Profile 8 Logical packages Type Library Pre-defined types and interfaces Test Architecture Structural aspects of a test environment and test configuration Test Behavior Dynamic test behavior and defaults to stimulate and observe the SUT Test Data Stimuli and responses to and from the SUT, Definition of initial state Test Management Test Planning and Scheduling, Test Monitoring and Control, Test Result Analysis
Example 9 Overview Petstore Online store for animals Animal name: String type: String price: Double ApplicationController + login(String, String) + logout(String) + findAnimal(String) + addAnimalToCart(Animal) + removeAnimalFromCart(Animal) + confirmOrder() EntityManager + findCustomer(String, String) + queryAllItems() + persist(Entity) CustomerService + login(String, String) + logout(String) CatalogService + findAnimal(String) + createCategory(Category) + removeCategory(Category) Category title: String description: String OrderService + addAnimalToCart(Animal) + removeAnimalFromCart(Animal) + resetOrder(String) + confirmOrder(String)
UML Testing Profile 10 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1 Type Library
Pre-defined Type Library 11 Overview Verdict Result of a running test case none < pass < inconclusive < fail < error Arbiter Assigns and retrieves verdicts of test cases Timer Observe and controls test behavior through time measurement Time Primitives Data types to define points in time, durations and time zones «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «primitive» Timezone «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() read(): Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict)
UML Testing Profile 12 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1 Test Architecture
Native UML Profile 13 Test Architecture SUT (System under Test) System, subsystem, or component being tested Only public methods available (black box) Test Component Communicate with the SUT and other test components Drive test cases by stimulating the SUT Used in architectural design and deployment specification «Stereotype» SUT «metaclass» Property «Stereotype» TestComponent zone: Timezone [0..1] «metaclass» Class
Native UML Profile 14 Test Architecture Test Context Group Test Cases Classifier behavior can describe order of execution Test Configuration Collection of test components Connection between test components and the SUT «Stereotype» TestContext arbiter: Arbiter testLevel: ValueSpecification [*] «metaclass» StructuredClassifier «metaclass» BehavioredClassifier
Example 15 Test Architecture Simple Unit Test Context Prepare for Unit Tests of EntityManager and CatalogService Define specific test levels for Petstore No additional test components required, e.g., no mocking «enumeration» TestContextLevel Unit Integration System Acceptance «TestContext» { testLevel = Unit } PetstoreTestContext - «SUT» em: EntityManager - «SUT» cs: CatalogService petstore.test petstore «import»
UML Testing Profile 16 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1 Test Behavior
Native UML Profile 17 Test Behavior Test Case Specifies interaction of test components with the SUT to realize test objective Can access all parts of the test model through test context Returns a verdict (arbitrated through arbiter or not) «Stereotype» TestCase priority: ValueSpecification [0..1] testType: ValueSpecification [*] «metaclass» Operation «metaclass» Behavior
Native UML Profile 18 Test Behavior Test Actions ValidationAction: Set verdict in test behavior with optional reason DetermAlt: Deterministic, operands evaluated in order of the model FinishAction: completes test case LogAction: Log entries during analysis «metaclass» CombinedFragment «metaclass» OpaqueAction «metaclass» InvocationAction «metaclass» SendObjectAction «Stereotype» DetermAlt «Stereotype» FinishAction «Stereotype» LogAction «metaclass» CallOperationAction «Stereotype» ValidationAction reason: ValueSpecification
Native UML Profile 19 Test Behavior Defaults Help make incomplete specifications complete Separate common situations from exceptional ones Different strategies of how to resume after default behavior has been executed Repeat Continue Conclude «metaclass» Behavior «metaclass» Dependency «Stereotype» Default «Stereotype» DefaultApplication repitition: UnlimitedNatural
Native UML Profile 20 Test Behavior Timer-related Concepts Timezone Co-ordination «metaclass» TimeEvent «metaclass» Message «Stereotype» TimeOut «Stereotype» TimeOutMessage «metaclass» AcceptEventAction «Stereotype» TimeOutAction «metaclass» ReadStructuralFeatureAction «Stereotype» TimerRunningAction «metaclass» CallOperationAction «Stereotype» ReadTimerAction «metaclass» CallOperationAction «Stereotype» StartTimerAction «metaclass» CallOperationAction «Stereotype» StopTimerAction «metaclass» ReadStructuralFeatureAction «Stereotype» GetTimezoneAction «metaclass» WriteStructuralFeatureAction «Stereotype» SetTimezoneAction
Example 21 Test Behavior Test Context Prepare for Unit Tests of EntityManager and CatalogService (SUT) Define specific test level for Petstore Test Cases the for Petstore Test Context Define Test Cases Define specific test case priority Reuse pre-defined verdicts «enumeration» TestCaseType Functionality Usability Reliability Performance Supportability «enumeration» TestCasePriority High Medium Low «enumeration» TestContextLevel Unit Integration System Acceptance «TestContext» { testLevel = Unit } PetstoreTestContext - «SUT» em: EntityManager - «SUT» cs: CatalogService + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + queryAllItems_shouldReturn5(): Verdict + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + catalogService_shouldPersist(): Verdict «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error
Example 22 Test Behavior Unit Test Case for CatalogService Call findAllCategories() object result «TestCase» { testType=Functionality, priority=High } PetstoreTestContext::catalogService_shouldPersist() Verdict: Verdict «ValidationAction» pass result [false] [true] first assertEquals result second Call createCategory() category Call size() object result Create CatalogService first add result second Create 1 Call findAllCategories() object result Call size() object result Create “Giraffidae” Create Category Create “Ruminant…” result object «ValidationAction» fail result title description result verdict: Verdict
UML Testing Profile 23 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1 Test Data
Native UML Profile Test Data Test Data Specification Data Pool Physical containers of data Data partition Subsets of concrete sets of instances Data Selector Specify which data values should be retrieved «metaclass» Classifier «metaclass» Classifier «metaclass» Property «metaclass» Operation «Stereotype» DataPartition «Stereotype» DataPool «Stereotype» DataSelector 24
Native UML Profile 25 Test Data Test Data Values Coding Rules for encoding/decoding of communcation Wildcards for loose specification of test data values Modification: Test data value reuse «metaclass» Namespace «metaclass» ValueSpecification «metaclass» Property «metaclass» LiteralSpecification «Stereotype» LiteralAny «metaclass» LiteralSpecification «Stereotype» LiteralAnyOrNull «metaclass» Dependency «Stereotype» Modification «Stereotype» CodingRule coding: String
Example 26 Test Data Specify test data to be used in the test context Data: All animals in the shop Restrict to two Birds and two Dogs «DataPool» PetstoreAnimalPool «DataPartition» Dog + «DataSelector» + getDog(): Animal Animal name: String type: String price: Double «DataPartition» Bird + «DataSelector» + getBird(): Animal 1 22 «TestContext» { testLevel = Unit } PetstoreTestContext - «SUT» em: EntityManager - «SUT» cs: CatalogService + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + queryAllItems_shouldReturn5(): Verdict + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + catalogService_shouldPersist(): Verdict «initialTestData»
Example 27 Test Data Use modification to re-use InstanceSpecifications „dog“ specification is incomplete (missing price) Full specification through modification No Cyclic modification allowed Animal name: String type: String price: Double fifi: Animal name = „Fifi“ type = „Dog“ streetFifi: Animal price = 30.0 luxusFifi: Animal price = 1500.00 «modifies»
UML Testing Profile 28 Overview Test Management TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1
Native UML Profile 29 Test Management Test Planning and Scheduling Specify the objective of test cases Test Monitoring and Control Re-use already introduced behavior Test Result Analysis Logging of test behavior «Stereotype» TestObjectiveSpecification id: String text: String priority: ValueSpecification [0..1] reference: String [*] «metaclass» Class «Stereotype» TestLog tester: ValueSpecification [0..1] executedAt: Timepoint [0..1] duration: Duration [0..1] verdict: Verdict verdictReason: ValueSpecification [*] «metaclass» Behavior «metaclass» Dependency «Stereotype» TestLogApplication «Stereotype» TestLogEntry timestamp: Timepoint «metaclass» OccurenceSpecification
Native UML Profile 30 Test Management Test Planning and Scheduling Specify the objective of test cases Test Monitoring and Control Re-use already introduced behavior Test Result Analysis Logging of test behavior «Stereotype» TestObjectiveSpecification id: String text: String priority: ValueSpecification [0..1] reference: String [*] «metaclass» Class «Stereotype» TestLog tester: ValueSpecification [0..1] executedAt: Timepoint [0..1] duration: Duration [0..1] verdict: Verdict verdictReason: ValueSpecification [*] «metaclass» Behavior «metaclass» Dependency «Stereotype» TestLogApplication «Stereotype» TestLogEntry timestamp: Timepoint «metaclass» OccurenceSpecification «Stereotype» ManagedElement owner String [0..1] description: String [0..1] version: String [0..1] «metaclass» Class
Example 31 Test Management Test Objective Specification Textual description of objective Multiple ways to connect with test cases or test contexts «TestContext» { testLevel = Unit } PetstoreTestContext - «SUT» em: EntityManager - «SUT» cs: CatalogService + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + queryAllItems_shouldReturn5(): Verdict + «TestCase» + { testType=Functionality, priority=High } + catalogService_shouldPersist(): Verdict «enumeration» TestObjectivePriority High Medium Low «TestObjectiveSpecification» TestObjective_01 id = TO_01 text = „Ensure the correct querying of all items for the entity manager“ priority = High reference = „See DoW, Section 2.1“ «TestObjectiveSpecification» TestObjective_02 id = TO_02 text = „Ensure the correct creation of categories through the catalog service“ priority = Medium «trace» «realization»
UML Testing Profile 32 Overview TestLogEntry TestLogApplication TestObjectiveSpecification LiteralAnyOrNull LiteralNull InstanceValue LiteralAny TestLog «enumeration» Verdict none pass inconclusive fail error SUT DataSelector DataPoolDataPartition Modification CodingRule TestContextTestComponent Behavior «primitive» Timepoint «primitive» Duration «interface» Arbiter getVerdict(): Verdict setVerdict(Verdict) «interface» Timer isRunning: Boolean start(Timepoint) start(Duration) stop() «primitive» Timezone TestCase 0..* 1 1..* 1 1 0..* 1 1 1..* 1 1 0..11 0..* 1..* 0..* TimeOut TimeOutMessage TimeOutAction TimerRunningAction ReadTimerActionStartTimerActionStopTimerAction GetTimezoneActionSetTimezoneActionDetermAlt FinishAction LogAction ValidationActionDefaultApplicationDefault 1
Summary 33 Key Points of UTP Profile for creation, documentation, visualization, specification and exchange of model-based test specifications Focus on Black-Box Testing Recently more active work to improve the UTP Requirements System Code Test Code «derive» «generate» «test» «reference»
Business Informatics Group Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Vienna University of Technology Favoritenstraße 9-11/1883, 1040 Vienna, Austria phone: 43 (1) 5880118804 (secretary), fax: 43 (1) 5880118896, Thank you! Martin Fleck
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