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. Trademark of Cartoon Pizza, Inc. and Sesame Workshop. Character s Setting Dialogue Events Roles Ending.

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Presentation on theme: ". Trademark of Cartoon Pizza, Inc. and Sesame Workshop. Character s Setting Dialogue Events Roles Ending."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Trademark of Cartoon Pizza, Inc. and Sesame Workshop. Character s Setting Dialogue Events Roles Ending

2 And then the friendly dragon defeated the evil prince, and lived happily ever after. Not just Imagination

3 Children Creating Stories, And How Technology Can Help

4 Virtual Storytelling Environment Tangible and Mobile Interfaces

5 TellTale Image: Record RePlay Connect

6 Exploratio n Inspiration Productio n Sharing What a pretty butterfly! What would happen if… I’m going to draw a picture about it. Look at this!

7 Cognitive PhysicalSocialSkill


9 Fun ! Why did it take that long to figure it out?

10 Image: StoryMat

11 StoryRoo ms Images: Children create the set Children can program the interaction


13 POGO World

14 Making movies motivates children to dwell in their story and step back to view it Helps the cognitive juices flow

15 Images: Moving Pictures

16 Making movies is fun… But this is foremost about telling a story.

17 Picture this! Uses the child’s toys Gestural language to control capturing and editing of video Images:

18 My name is Sile. Nice to meet you Fred. Nice to meet you too. What about wanna do something? Sure let’s go explore somewhere. Like find the Peruvian treasure. Right over there! Images:

19 What will come next?

20 Stock Images: Bibliography: Phillips, L. (2000) storytelling: the seeds of children's creativity. Australian Journal of Early Childhood. Justine Cassell (2004) Towards a model of technology and literacy development: Story listening systems. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Volume 25, Issue 1, January–February 2004, Pages 75–105 Mona, Leigh Guha, et al. (2007) A Theoretical Model of Children's Storytelling using Physically-Oriented Technologies (SPOT) Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 16.4: 389-410. Vaucelle, Cati, and Hiroshi Ishii. (2009) Play-it-by-Eye! Collect Movies and Improvise Perspectives with Tangible Video Objects. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing : AI EDAM 23.3: 305-16. Rizzo, A., Marti, P., Decortis, F., Rutgers, J., & Thursfield, P. (2003). Building narratives experiences for children through real time media manipulation: POGO world. In Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment (Blythe, M.A., Overbeeke, K., Monk A.F., & Wright, P.C., Eds.), pp. 189-199.

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