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Centralized Library Automation Preparation Grant Training Session Spring 2008 Connie Amon Christie Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "Centralized Library Automation Preparation Grant Training Session Spring 2008 Connie Amon Christie Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centralized Library Automation Preparation Grant Training Session Spring 2008 Connie Amon Christie Thomas

2 Congratulations! Where to begin? Weeding Processing Cataloging Inventory Cleaning Up Records Creating an electronic shelf-list Creating an electronic catalog

3 Weeding American Library Association on Weeding CPS Department of Libraries CREW Method of Weeding Weeding as Part of Collection Development Weed It! For an Attractive Useful Collection

4 Processing Attach barcodes, spine labels, label protectors, and date due card (if applicable) Stamp with school name

5 Cataloging CIP data OCLC Library DatabasesLibrary Databases→ OCLC First SearchOCLC First Search Authorization=100-111-270 Password=bxxd.puxx Library of Congress

6 Inventory Automated libraries: Set the system to inventory mode Scan the barcode of each item into the system (+) Run a missing items report Run a shelf-list report Un-automated libraries: See “Creating an Electronic Shelflist”

7 Cleaning Up Records Enhance short or brief records. All records must include: –ISBN –Title –Author –Publisher –Date –Format

8 Cleaning Up Records, cont. Locate and remove/merge duplicate records. Search for duplicate records by: –running a report and sorting by title, ISBN, and author –review reports for duplicate titles, ISBNs, and authors –compare fields of suspected duplicates carefully before merging/deleting

9 Cleaning Up Records, cont. Review records to confirm that the following fields have not been altered, contain extraneous information or spelling errors: –Author –Title –ISBN –Publisher –Date –Format

10 Creating an Electronic Shelf-list Use the spreadsheet given to you and fill out as much information as you have available for each title You do not have to enter information more than once for duplicate copies of the same publication of a title Use a scanner to scan in the ISBN to ensure accuracy Do NOT enter an LCCN if you have an ISBN

11 You must enter the call number for the title Enter the author last name, first name Only the first (primary) author name is required For pagination and runtime, only enter a number and no qualifiers such as p., pp., or min. Organize your shelf list by material type so you do not have to enter a material type (format) for each item. Creating an Electronic Shelf-list

12 Creating an Electronic Catalog You MUST have a complete and accurate shelf-list before contracting for an electronic catalog Once you complete your electronic shelf-list, complete the electronic retrospective conversion sheet Contact the Department of Libraries to have a purchase order generated and the request sent to the vendor

13 Staffing Can the names indicated on the acceptance agreement be changed? Yes. The more important information is the employee status: teacher, ESP, sub, etc. What if I work more or less hours than anticipated? You won’t be paid for more hours than your grant allows for. If you work less, you simply won’t be paid. How much should I estimate for sub pay? Ask your clerk for an estimate. The actual pay depends on the sub. What hourly rate of pay should I use/expect? $31.20 CLAP Grant FAQs

14 Inventory How do I create a shelf-list from my automation system? Do I need to? Shelf-list should be one of the report options. How do I get a list of books that are missing from the inventory? This should be a report option. What do I do with the inventory once it’s complete? Use it as necessary to help you clean up the records. Use it to order new or replacement books. My library is not automated, but I have some MARC records. How can I use these in terms of the shelf list? It may be possible to import MARC records into an Excel spreadsheet from a vendor’s diskette, but at this time, we are not aware of how this may be done. CLAP Grant FAQs

15 Electronic Catalog Which vendor should I use to convert the catalog? The Department of Libraries will contact the vendor. What program should I use to create the electronic catalog? Any program that saves text as tab-delineated will work; we recommend a spreadsheet program. What if my scanner doesn’t work with my laptop/ program? The scanners are programmable. Test it and let us know if there is a problem. What is the price to convert records from shelf-list cards? Over $1.00 a record (compared to.12 for an electronic record). CLAP Grant FAQs

16 Unanswered Questions?

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