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1 Mr. H. Wadhwa, Head Product Testing & GM Technical Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE) O-45, Lajpat Nagar – II New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mr. H. Wadhwa, Head Product Testing & GM Technical Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE) O-45, Lajpat Nagar – II New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mr. H. Wadhwa, Head Product Testing & GM Technical Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE) O-45, Lajpat Nagar – II New Delhi 110024 email:, Website: Consumer Perspective on Energy Efficiency & Labeling of Appliances: VOICE Endeavors

2 2 VOICE: Vision & Mission Vision : Protecting consumer rights by creating synergy between technological advances, traditional knowledge and right policies through its Testing & Research activities. Mission : Promoting sustainable and ethical consumption. Providing consumer education for all. Projecting right choices for the safety & health of consumers and environment. Mobilizing public opinion to change the laws/policies for the benefit of consumers

3 3 VOICE :Major activities Comparative Testing of Products & Services Consumer education through 3 magazines Standards Advocacy to protect consumer’s interests Legal advise on consumer complaints/ grievances Organizing workshops & seminars on various issues across the country

4 4 VOICE Strengths Full member of Consumers International,UK Member of International Consumer Research & Testing, UK Partnership with International Consumer Testing & Research Organizations Working experience over 29 yrs Involved since 1991 in Comparative Testing of product & services Publishes 3 magazines in English, Hindi & Online Regular Promotion & Outreach for Energy Efficiency Standards & Labeling across India Organizing of workshops /seminars for pan-India dissemination

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6 6 Product Standards Advocacy to safeguard consumer interests through: Member of various Standard formulation committees of BIS Member of various Technical & Steering committees of BEE Member of various committees of MoEF, DoCA, MoH, MoFPI, TRAI etc.

7 7 Execution of 3 projects under SARI/E (USAID) Small Grant Program: Two with Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association (SLEMA), Sri Lanka and one with Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan (CRCP), Pakistan on improving the National Standards to address Energy Consumption & Efficiency issues.

8 8 Promotion & Outreach of S&L products with NGO partnership (2008 & 2011) by CLASP & CWF Support Dissemination and Outreach of S&L of Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, TVs, Geysers, Ceiling Fans was carried out across the country through 20 NGO’s partnership by publishing informative articles in their periodicals as well as commercial magazines, Newspapers etc. Distribution of 150 K prepaid flyers across the country: Received over 10% response Holding of 12 S&L & Fuel efficiency promotional workshop across India with NGOs.

9 9 VOICE Endeavors in promoting Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling (EES&L) Testing for benchmarking of various Washing Machines for BEE, assigned by M/S PWC Gurgaon (2008-09) Testing of (74 models of CFL) for Quality and (96 CFLs) for Mercury on various National & International models under Eco-Asia CDCP of USAID. (2008-09).

10 Types of Energy labels 10 1. Endorsement label is a seal of approval indicating that the product meets certain specified criteria 2. Comparison label shows the relative energy use of a product compared to other models available in the market

11 Objectives of Energy Labeling Program: 11 Informed choices to the consumers on energy consumption & saving among the labeled products To create impact on the energy savings in the medium and long run To compete in international markets where norms for energy efficiency in many countries are mandatory

12 Products covered under S&L program 12 Mandatory Stage 1. Frost Free Refrigerators 2. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 3. Room Air Conditioners 4. Distribution Transformers Voluntary stage 1. Electric Motors 2. Pump Sets 3. LPG Stove 4. Direct Cool Refrigerators 5. Ceiling Fans 6. Electric Geysers 7. Color TVs 8. Washing Machines 9. Inverters & UPS


14 14 VOICE participation in BEE’s Steering & Technical committees 1. Washing M/cs 2. Colour TVs 3. Gas stoves 4. Refrigerators 5. Air conditioners 6. Set top Box 7. Compact Fluorescent lamps 8. Ceiling Fans 9. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 10. Inverters, UPS & Batteries

15 15 Performance test findings/data shared with BEE for MEPS 1. Colour Televisions: 12 brands 2. CFLs : 16 Models 12 Indian & 58 international models 3. Ceiling Fans: 13 brands (48”) & 10 brands (56”) 4. TFL Ballasts: 15 brands & 10 brands (2012) 5. Domestic Pump sets: 11 brands 6. Storage Water Heaters: 10 brands 7. Inverters:9 brands 8. Washing M/cs: 12 brands 9. Set top Box: 14 brands 10. Refrigerators: 8 brands each of Frost Free & Direct Cools 11. T-5 Tubular Fluorescent Lamps: 10 brands 12. Steam Irons: 9 brands 13. Microwave Ovens: 11 brands

16 16 Role of VOICE to make S&L implementation effective : Sharing its test data on benchmarking of star ratings for various products Act as catalyst to balance the decision making process to be consumer friendly Counter-veiling force in the standards setting to safeguard consumer interests Counter-checks by comparative testing about authenticity of label declaration Dissemination & promotion of S&L program through integrating over 20 NGOs across the country to reach-out to remote & grass root level Operating a resource centre to guide & empower consumers on purchase of labeled products Grievances handling about product complaints and redresses Acting as a market watchdog on check of fake labeled products

17 17 Issues/Concerns & Recommendations Only 12 products implemented so far: Requires accelerating growth and more products under S&L Lower availability of labeled products: Fiscal benefits to mfrs especially to encourage S&ME Higher cost factor of 5 star label products: Lowest taxes on 5 star & highest on 1 star labeled products Low consumer awareness on potential benefits of labeled products: Wider & pan India promotion needed. Reliability of star ratings: Third party testing necessary S&L program is limited to premium products i.e. Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Color TVs etc. : Should cover products of mass consumption Lower effectiveness of SDAs to promote & monitor the S&L program: Needs effective monitoring across the country by SDAs/Nodal Agencies

18 18 Way forward onHigher Impacts of S&L program: Stakeholder perspectives BEE: Effective implementation & monitoring of labeled products Enhance the basket of S&L products of mass consumption Massive awareness about S&L benefits across country Capacity building of the stake holders especially NGOs Policy makers: Least taxes on higher star rated products Financial incentive to manufacturers & consumers to encourage production & buying of labeled products Manufacturers: Know-how transfer of technology for making highly/super-efficient products NGOs: Setting of consumer resource centers and integrating a network of NGOs across the country for regular empowerment. Test Labs: Create & enhance lab test facility & capacity to cover all the products under S&L & upcoming products

19 19 Way forward on Higher Impacts of S&L program: NGOs/CSOs perspectives Setting up of a nodal EE resource center to be a hub for networking & dissemination Creating a network/coalition of like minded regional NGOs for promotion & out reach in their areas Linkages of regional NGOs with the respective state SDAs for joint promotion and monitoring of S&L program Knowledge & data/test findings sharing by the lead NGOs to update other grass root/local NGOs for further EE promotion Capacity building & training of regional NGOs for sustained promotion of EE S&L prog ram

20 Thank you for your attention 20 H.Wadhwa VOICE Email:

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