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Enabling Advanced Net8 Features. Configuring Advanced Network Address and Connect Data Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Advanced Net8 Features. Configuring Advanced Network Address and Connect Data Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Advanced Net8 Features

2 Configuring Advanced Network Address and Connect Data Information

3 Creating a List of Listener Protocol Addresses (1/) A database service may be accessed by more than one network route, or listener address. – (description= (address_list= (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=sales1-server)(port=1521)) (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=sales2-server)(port=1521))) (connect_data= (

4 Creating a List of Listener Protocol Addresses (2/) Start Net8 Assistant: In the navigator pane, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming. Select either a net service name or a database service. In the Address Configuration box, click "+". Select the protocol and enter appropriate address information. Order the protocol addresses according to where they should be in the address list with the left-arrow and right- arrow buttons. Unless multiple address options are configured, the first address in the list is contacted. Click Apply.


6 Configuring Address List Parameters (1/3) When multiple protocol addresses have been configured for a net service name or database service, the following options may be configured: –SOURCE_ROUTE (Source Routing) Instructs Net8 to use each address in the order presented until the destination reached when set to ON. –This parameter is required when reaching the destination requires more than one address stop. –This feature is typically used to enable Oracle Connection Manager features. –FAILOVER (Connect-Time Failover) At connect time, instructs Net8 to fail over to a different listener if the first listener fails when set to ON. –The number of addresses in the list determines how many addresses are tried. When set to OFF, instructs Net8 to try one address. –LOAD_BALANCE (Client Load Balancing) When set to ON, instructs Net8 to progress through the list of listener addresses in a random sequence, balancing the load on the various listeners. When set to OFF, instructs Net8 to try the addresses sequentially until one succeeds.

7 Configuring Address List Parameters (2/3) Start Net8 Assistant In the navigator pane, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming. Select either a net service name or a database service. In the Address Configuration box, click Advanced. Select one of the address list options, then click OK. In the right pane, click Apply.


9 Configuring Address List Parameters (3/3) Try each address, in order, until one succeeds –FAILOVER=ON for release 8.1 clients –SOURCE_ROUTE=OFF for pre-release 8.1 clients. Try each address, randomly, until one succeeds –LOAD_BALANCE=ON –FAILOVER=ON Try one address, selected at random –LOAD_BALANCE=ON Use each address in order until destination reached –SOURCE_ROUTE=ON Use only the first address –LOAD_BALANCE=OFF –FAILOVER=OFF –SOURCE_ROUTE=OFF

10 Configuring Advanced Connect Data Parameters Start Net8 Assistant In the navigator pane, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming. Select either a net service name or a database service. In the Service Identification box, click Advanced. Enter fields or select options as appropriate, then click OK. In the right pane, click Apply.


12 Configuring Client Attributes for Names Resolution

13 Configuring a Default Domain for Clients (1/4) In environments where the client often requests names from a specific domain, it is appropriate to set a default domain in the client's sqlnet.ora file with the NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter. When a default domain is set, it is automatically appended to any unqualified net service name given in the connect string, and then compared to net service names stored in a tnsnames.ora file or Oracle Names server.

14 Configuring a Default Domain for Clients (2/4) For example, if the client tnsnames.ora file contains a net service name of, the user can enter the following connect string: –CONNECT scott/tiger@sales –In this example, sales gets searched as If the connect string includes the domain extension, such as in CONNECT scott/, the domain is not appended.

15 Configuring a Default Domain for Clients (3/4) If a net service name in a tnsnames.ora file or Oracle Names server is not domain qualified and this parameter is set, the net service name must be entered with a dot ("."). For example, if domain is set to and the client tnsnames.ora file contains a net service name of sales, the user would enter the following connect string: –CONNECT scott/tiger@sales.

16 Configuring a Default Domain for Clients (4/4) Start Net8 Assistant In the navigator pane, expand Local > Profile. From the list in the right pane, select Naming. Click the Oracle Names tab In the Default Domain field, enter the domain. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.


18 Routing Connection Requests Start Net8 Assistant In the navigator pane, expand Local > Profile. From the list in the right pane, select General. Click the Routing tab Click the preferred way you want connection requests routed. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.


20 Configuring Advanced Profile Information (1/2) The sqlnet.ora file can be configured with the following advanced parameters: –SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME (TNS Time Out Value) Sets a dead connection time-out value. –SQLNET.CLIENT_REGISTRATION (Client Registration ID) Sets a unique identifier for this client machine. This identifier is passed to the listener with any connection request. The identifier can be any string up to 128 characters long. –BEQUEATH_DETACH (Turn Off UNIX Signal Handling) Since the client application spawns a server process internally through the Bequeath protocol as a child process, the client application becomes responsible for cleaning up the child process when it completes. When the server process completes its connection responsibilities, it becomes a defunct process. Signal handlers are responsible for cleaning up these defunct processes. Setting this parameter configures the client profile to pass this process to the UNIX init process by disabling signal handlers. –DISABLE_OOB (Disable Out-of-Band Break ) If deselected or turned OFF, enables Net8 to send and receive "break" messages using urgent data provided by the underlying protocol. If selected or turned ON, disables the ability to send and receive "break" messages using urgent data provided by the underlying protocol. Once enabled, this feature applies to all protocols used by this client.

21 Configuring Advanced Profile Information (2/2) Start Net8 Assistant In the navigator pane, expand Local > Profile. From the list in the right pane, select General. Click the Advanced tab Enter the values for the option(s) you would like to set. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.


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