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Consultation Webinar TAE. Consultation Session Overview of Process Standards for Training Packages Overview of Changes Review of: –Units –Assessment requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultation Webinar TAE. Consultation Session Overview of Process Standards for Training Packages Overview of Changes Review of: –Units –Assessment requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultation Webinar TAE

2 Consultation Session Overview of Process Standards for Training Packages Overview of Changes Review of: –Units –Assessment requirements –Qualifications Next Steps

3 Project Timelines NPRG and SME meetingSept/Oct 2013 Draft 1Oct 2013 Consultation/Review of Draft 1Nov/Dec 2013 Draft 2 ValidationJan/Feb/March 2014 Case for EndorsementApril 2014 Submission to NSSCMay 2014 EndorsedJune 2014

4 Standards for Training Packages

5 SCOTESE November 2012: New Standards for Training Packages Endorsed

6 Standards on NSSC website Standards for Training Packages Training Package Products Policy Training Package Development and Endorsement Policy Visit:

7 Standard 1 Training Packages consist of the following: 1. NSSC endorsed components: –units of competency; –assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency); –qualifications; and –credit arrangements. 2. One or more quality assured companion volumes.

8 Implications of Standard 1 New templates for –qualifications –units of competency; –assessment requirements Even if we wanted to keep everything the same, the template causes some changes to be made Advice about the content of Companion Volumes will be sought after we have draft 2 developed.

9 Qualifications

10 Qualification – NSSC template

11 Qualifications in TAE Now –TAE80113 Grad Dip Adult LLN Practice –TAE80213 Grad Dip Adult LLN Leadership Proposed to add –TAE40114 Cert IV TAA –TAE50114 Diploma of VET –TAE50214 Diploma of TDD –TAE80314 Grad Cert Web based learning

12 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Current: 7 Core plus 3 electives = 10 units Proposed: TAE40114 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 8 Core plus 2 electives = 10 units TAELLN411 (equivalent to TAELLN401) becomes Core, other changes to units to meet new Standards for Training Packages. Some units require higher level units to be held by assessors of that unit.

13 Qualification document

14 Questions for Consultation re Qualifications Core plus electives = total number of units Number and choice of electives? Mandatory entry requirements? (Note: entry requirements if used must be mandatory, advice about preferred pathways can go into Companion Volumes)

15 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training Current: TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training 6 Core plus 4 electives = 10 units Proposed: TAE50114 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training 6 Core plus 4 electives = 10 units Changes to units to meet new Standards for Training Packages.

16 Diploma of Training Design and Development Current: TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development 5 Core plus 5 electives = 10 units Proposed: TAE50214 Diploma of Training Design and Development 5 Core plus 5 electives = 10 units Changes to units to meet new Standards for Training Packages

17 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Digital Education Current: TAE80312 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Digital Education 3 Core plus 2 electives = 5 units Proposed: TAE80314 Graduate Certificate in Web based learning? Suggestion to rename and clarify purpose

18 Units and Assessment Requirements

19 Units of Competency template Template continues on next slide

20 Units of Competency template Template continued from previous slide

21 Units of Competency ENDORSEDCONTENT Provide specifications of applied performance standards Code and title Application Prerequisite unit (if applicable) Unit sector Elements Performance Criteria Foundation Skills Range of Conditions Unit mapping information Links 1.Foundation skills This is a mandatory field used to describe language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills essential to performance. 2.Range of conditions This is an optional field which can only be used to list essential operating conditions and any other variables essential to the work environment. NOTES

22 Sample unit of competency

23 Assessment Requirements template

24 Assessment Requirements ENDORSED Describe the assessment requirements for the unit of competency CONTENT Code and title Performance evidence Knowledge evidence Assessment conditions Links NOTES 1. Performance evidence: Specifies product and/or process evidence; frequency and/or volume of evidence. 2. Knowledge evidence: Information an individual must possess to safely and effectively perform the work task described in the unit of competency. 3. Assessment conditions: Mandatory conditions for assessment, eg equipment and materials, physical conditions, access to particular people, timeframe Assessor requirements.

25 Sample assessment requirements

26 Feedback – what to look for Units Clarity of elements and performance criteria Foundation Skills Does a Range of Conditions need to be added? Equivalence? Assessment Requirements 1. Performance Evidence More detail and clarity in AR Is the volume and frequency clear, sufficient? 2. Knowledge Evidence Type and depth, relationship to the unit requirements 3.Assessment Conditions Who can assess? What qualifications, experience MUST be held by an assessor of this unit? Core and electives? Numbers and Choice Entry requirements? Quals

27 Next Steps IBSA Website: Robert Bluer Feedback to IBSA by Wednesday 18 December. Draft 2 in early February

28 IBSA Contact details Innovation & Business Skills Australia Level 11 176 Wellington Parade East Melbourne Ph: 03 9815 7000; Fax: 03 9815 7001

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