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NEXTGEN311: ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION & PERFORMANCE Presentation prepared for: Association of Government Contact Center Professionals (AGCCP) Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "NEXTGEN311: ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION & PERFORMANCE Presentation prepared for: Association of Government Contact Center Professionals (AGCCP) Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEXTGEN311: ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION & PERFORMANCE Presentation prepared for: Association of Government Contact Center Professionals (AGCCP) Conference Sukumar Ganapati Director, Ph.D. Program in Public Affairs Florida International University Miami, FL 1

2 RESEARCH FOCUS  Broad focus  How does IT innovation adoption and implementation transform public sector organizations and affect their performance?  Case of 311 centers: NextGEN311  Transforming local government  Performance Orientation  Smart city?

3 INTRODUCTION  Emerging Paradigm Shifts  Transformation from City to Regional Model  City wide Performance Management  Paradigm Shift Enablers  Technology: Open 311 APIs, Mobile Apps  Organizational: Third Party Vendors  Financial: Scale economy  Political: Regional integration  Reality Check  Voice calls and Personal touch still important  NextGEN311 3

4 Stovepipe model Horizontal integration model Dept 2 Dept 1 Dept 3, etc. Call Centers PUBLIC STAGE 1STAGE 2 PRESENT CITY MODEL 311 Call Center Dept 2 Dept 1 Dept 3, etc. PUBLIC

5 311 Call Center Dept 2 Dept 1 Dept 3, etc. Dept 2 Dept 1 Dept 3, etc. 311 Call Center Dept 2 Dept 1. 311 Call Center Dept 2 Dept 1 Dept 3, etc. PUBLIC CITY A OPEN 311 STANDARDS (MOBILE APPS, THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS) CITY B CITY C STAGE 3 EMERGING NEXT GEN311 MODEL Regional Consolidation

6 ENABLER 1: OPEN 311  About 300+ cities have 311 contact centers or CRM systems  Inquiries about 70%; Service Requests about 30%  About 30 cities comply with Open 311  Open API for storing/ retrieving service request data in a standard format.  Online access to external actors and stakeholders


8 ENABLER 3: VENDORS  City Sourced  Over 250 customers; Mobile Apps + Backend CRM  FixMyStreet  UK Based, but expanded to other countries  Open source platform  Public Stuff  Over 200 cities; Mobile Apps  SeeClickFix  Over 290 cities; Service Request Management

9 ENABLER 4: ECONOMICS+POLITICS  Economics: Costs of customer contact centers  Small vs large cities  Size of customer centers  Scale Economy  Regional Cost Savings  Vendor aggregation of cities  Politics: Regional integration requires political coordination  Counties could integrate non-emergency functions for cities 9

10 REALITY CHECK  Voice calls matter  Mobile apps have grown; millennials use it  Still voice calls matter  Human coordination of unpredictable events  311 is non-emergency  Call overflow from 911 centers  Integration of existing 311 with other technologies  Social networks; Crowdsourcing; SMS; Augmented Reality

11 NEXTGEN 311  Customer centers will:  Diversify in their functioning  Take on multiple tasks  Principal elements of the Smart City  NOT only be customer contact centers  Economic Development  311 community services support planning and design  Public Engagement  311 as a citizen participation center

12 NEXTGEN 311  Data Repositories  Big (public) data  Emergency Recovery and Preparedness  311 as centers for mitigation and response  City-wide performance management  311 as indicators for performance across departments  Performance Dashboards and Visualizations Entrepreneurship + Innovation

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