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Speech Language Pathology Lunch and Learns Apps and the iPad.

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Presentation on theme: "Speech Language Pathology Lunch and Learns Apps and the iPad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speech Language Pathology Lunch and Learns Apps and the iPad

2 Questions for today How do we purchase iPads? What is the process for purchasing? How do we search for apps? What are some of the best resources for apps? How do we decide on which apps to use? What are the apps being used for?

3 How do we purchase iPads? We purchase our iPads directly through Apple Canada. It is a little better pricing and then we get support as well. We purchase our cases from a variety of places. We like certain cases the best but there are so many to choose from.

4 Cases Big Grips:

5 Grip case:

6 Easel cases When the student does not require a specialized case then we use an easel case from Targus.

7 What is the process for purchasing? AT team We require a trial period of up to 3 months A request goes to the AT team but along with that PPP goals have to be written. The PPP goals have to include transition from year to year (up to three years) We recommend that they use the SETT framework for all AT decision making. The forms and PPP goals are sent to the team. We meet monthly and then go over the requests and make the decisions at that time. We use the Apple Volume Purchase program

8 How do we search for apps? There are so many options it can be a little overwhelming. We use the SETT framework to decide on what it needed for the student and then we start searching. -Pintrest/Facebook -iTunes/App store (Education Store) App Shopper Autism Apps -Variety of education and special education sites -Ask the kids and families

9 Sites to look at 2/120403/Internet--In-Search-of-the-Perfect- Speech-Language-App/ 2/120403/Internet--In-Search-of-the-Perfect- Speech-Language-App/ apps-and-accessibility.html apps-and-accessibility.html (this is from Mark Coppin)

10 Sites to look at us/leadership/directors/assistive-technology/ us/leadership/directors/assistive-technology/

11 How do we decide on which apps to use? We use SETT framework to guide decision making We have used an app Rubric (see attached) We have a half hour before each SLP meeting that is call Appitime We use the websites to help guide us as some of them have already done an evaluation of the app Look at PPP goals and how to support those outcomes

12 What are the apps being used for? Support the development of a variety of areas. Expressive and receptive language development Apraxia Inclusion Assessment and Intervention Articulation/Oral Motor Literacy Story telling

13 What are the apps being used for? Leisure skills for home Writing Note taking Development of fine motor skills Scheduling/Visual timer Voice to text Hearing impaired Visually impaired

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