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Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, IWR Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen H. Marten GridKa plans for SC4 and beyond Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47 th Session of the GridKa TAB, 2.-3.3.2006

2 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 LCG Service Deadlines full physics run first physics cosmics 2007 2008 2006 Pilot Services – stable service from 1 June 06 LHC Service in operation – 1 Oct 06 over following six months ramp up to full operational capacity & performance LHC service commissioned – 1 Apr 07 Service Challenge 4

3 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 WLCG MB defines a set of High Level Milestones 2006 SC4-128.02.06All required software for baseline services deployed and operational at all Tier- 1s and at least 20 Tier-2 sites OPN-231.03.06Tier-0/1 high-performance network operational at CERN and 6 Tier-1s, at least 3 via GEANT. SC4-228.02.06Use cases and service level support defined for SC4 CAS-115.03.06Castor2 Readiness Review SC3-431.03.06All services on all Tier-1 sites monitored SC3-531.03.06Proposal on availability levels specified in Annex 3 of the WLCG MoU SC4-330.04.06Service Challenge 4 Set-up: Set-up complete and basic service demonstrated, capable of running experiment-supplied packaged test jobs, data distribution tested. DRC-330.04.061.0 GB/s data recording demonstration at CERN SC4-431.05.06Service Challenge 4: Start of stable service phase SC4-530.09.06Service Challenge 4: Successful completion of service phase To be shifted by 1 month (see later)

4 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 WLCG MB asks Tier-1s to provide site milestone plans Specifies hardware installation and configuration plans (see also TAB#46). In detail: 03/ 2006: tape access and I/O optimization tests 03/ 2006: installation of 2nd 10 Gbps OPN from GridKa to CERN 03/ 2006: delivery and installation of CPUs 04/ 2006: dCache server & write pool upgrade (throughput) 04/ 2006: 2nd Tape I/O upgrade 05/ 2006: disk delivery installation, configuration, tests 06/ 2006: start of stable SC4 services

5 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 experimentkSI2000Disk / TBTape / TB Alice363 59106 Atlas250 56 55 CMS220120180 LHCb194 49 52 BaBar430104 50 CDF120 81100 Dzero430135300 Compass 80 33 95 GridKa resources after all upgrades Σ 2087 636 938

6 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 experimentkSI2000sharepercentage Alice36336 30017.4 Atlas25025 00012.0 CMS22022 00010.5 LHCb19419 400 9.3 BaBar43043 00020.6 CDF12012 000 5.8 Dzero43043 30020.6 Compass 80 8 000 3.8 1-Apr-2006 The default (test) queue is not handled by the fair share. These 20-30 CPUs are kept free for test jobs. PBSPro fair share after delivery of CPUs in production 49 % LHC 51 % nLHC

7 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 WLCG MB asks the TCG to provide a middleware deployment plan TCG = Technical Coordination Group Combines users requirements and middleware development plans (great work done by Flavia Donno). Resulted in SC4 Middleware (deployment) Plan Specifies, which middleware component and version will be deployed for SC4 and when. Important message: LCG 2_7_0 released for production end of January 2006 gLite 3.0 released for pre-production end of February 2006 gLite 3.0 released for production end of April 2006

8 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 February March April May June July August September October gLite-3.0gLite-3.2 p-ps deploy production certification SC4 LHC Pilot service gLite-3.x Middleware release schedule 2006 (acc. to Maite Borosso Lopez, EGEE ROC managers meeting, 21-feb-2006) Likely not the final schema !

9 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Middleware deployment plans per site have been prepared by all Tier-1s were discussed in Mumbai (SC4 workshop) together with mw development plans mw requirements by LHC VOs (applications) time scales for activities of LHC VOs A summary of the Mumbai workshop was prepared by J.Shiers, I.Bird, T.Cass, L.Robertson submitted to LCG MB for comments submitted to LCG GDB for comments and approval

10 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Services & packages Needed byPre-productionProduction gLite Service deployed Installation gLite 3.0 Tests by all VOs LCG Service deployed Installation gLite 3.0 SC4 VOMS serverCOMPASS & others-- (VO server)MayJun-Sep VOMS clientsAll VOs1.3.- testedMayJun-Sep MyproxyAll VOs-- XMayJun-Sep Site BDIIAll VOs1.3.- Top level BDIIAll VOs-- XMayJun-Sep FTSAlice, Atlas, LHCb1.3.- LFCAlice, Atlas, CMS1.3.- RBAll VOs1.3.- CEAll VOsX1.3.- SEAll VOs1.3.- SRM / dCacheAll VOs?21.3.-30.4.XMayJun-Sep VOBoxAlice, Atlas-- XMayJun-Sep UIAll VOs1.3.- WN packagesAll VOsX1.3.- Lcg-utilsAll VOsX1.3.- GFALAll VOsX1.3.- R-GMAAll VOsX1.3.- ApelAll VOsX1.3.- 3D DB servicesAll VOs (incl. SQUID)-- not yet27.2.-? / testsJun-Sep Middleware deployment (gLite 3.0) at GridKa

11 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 MonthwhoPre-production env.Production environment MarchGridKaDeployment gLite 3.0 ALICETesting gLite 3.0Bulk production at T1/T2; data back to T0 ATLASTesting gLite 3.03-4 weeks Mar / Apr T0 tests (not at GridKa) CMSTesting gLite 3.0PhEDEx integration with FTS (development; not at GridKa) LHCbTesting gLite 3.0Start generation of 100M B-physics + 100M bias events AprilGridKaSupport gLite 3.0SC4 throughput tests ALICETesting gLite 3.0First push out of sim. Data; reconstruction at T1s ATLASTesting gLite 3.0See above (not at GridKa) CMSTesting gLite 3.010 TB to Tape at T1s at 150 MB/s LHCbTesting gLite 3.0Generation of B-physics and bias events continues MayGridKaDeployment of gLite 3.0; Main hardware setup ALICE-- ATLASTest distributed operations (cont.)-- CMS-- LHCb-- JuneGridKaDeployment gLite 3.2Support for SC4 ALICETesting gLite 3.2 ATLASTesting gLite 3.2Tier-0 test (phase 1) with data distribution to Tier-1s (last 3 weeks) CMSTesting gLite 3.22-week re-run of SC3 goals (beginning of month) LHCbTesting gLite 3.2Reconstruction/stripping: 2 TB/day out of CERN; 125 TB on MSS @ Tier-1s LHC activities at GridKa March - June

12 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 MonthwhoPre-production env.Production environment JulyGridLaSupport gLite 3.2T0-T1 at full nominal rates (tape); via dTeam ALICETesting gLite 3.2Reconstruction at CERN and remote centres ATLASTesting gLite 3.2Distributed processing tests(part I; 3 weeks CMSTesting gLite 3.2Bulk simulation (2 months) LHCbTesting gLite 3.2Reconstruction/stripping: 2 TB/day out of CERN; 125 TB on MSS @ Tier-1s AugustGridKaDeployment of gLite 3.2 ?? ALICE ATLASDistributed analysis tests part I (2 weeks in July - August) CMSBulk simulation continues LHCbAnalysis on data from June / July … until spring 07 or so… Sept.GridKa ALICEScheduled + unscheduled (T2s?) analysis challenges ATLASTier-0 test phase 2 with data to Tier-2s (3-4 weeks in September - October) CMSPreparations for Computing Software Analysis Challenge 2006 (CSA06) LHCbAnalysis on data continues OctoberGridKaPrepare for re-installation with Scientific Linux 4.x ?? ALICE ATLASDistributed processing tests part 2 (3 weeks) CMSExecute CSA06 LHCbAnalysis on data continues LHC activities at GridKa July - October

13 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 WLCG medium term evolution 3D distributed database services development test SC4 SRM 2 test and deployment Plan being elaborated October? Additional planned Functionality to be agreed & completed in the next few months then - tested deployed Subject to progress & experience New functionality Evaluation & development cycles Possible components for later years ??

14 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Tier 1/2 Meeting and 47. Session GridKa TAB, 2.-3. March 2006 Two grid infrastructures are now in operation, on which we are able to build computing services for LHC Reliability and performance have improved significantly over the past year The focus of Service Challenge 4 is to demonstrate a basic but reliable service that can be scaled up - by April 2007 - to the capacity and performance needed for the first beams. Development of new functionality and services must continue, but we must be careful that this does not interfere with the main priority for this year – reliable operation of the baseline services Summary (taken from Jamie Shiers / SC4 Mumbai)

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