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PORTFOLIO! By: Katlyn Pierce. WHAT IS PORT? Aside from being fun, the portfolio program is a four year selective course that helps students to track their.

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1 PORTFOLIO! By: Katlyn Pierce

2 WHAT IS PORT? Aside from being fun, the portfolio program is a four year selective course that helps students to track their progress and success over their four years, while engaging in a variety of activities. Unlike most classes PORTfolio is only offered at Virginia Wesleyan College Not to mention, the instructors, Mr. Wansink and Mrs. Tackas, are amazing and will always help guide you in the right direction! PORTfolio is a chance to discover who you really are and to enhance your skills.

3 WHY SHOULD I TAKE PORT? Whether you are someone who is shy and has trouble making new friends or someone who is outgoing and could become friends with anyone (or anything… Jared). Port is a great chance to meet new people and find someone with at least one thing in common with you. Plus if you like cupcakes, bananas, candy, etc. Mrs. Tackas is almost always bringing in snacks from her office

4 HOW DOES PORTFOLIO TIE INTO LIBERAL ARTS? It helps students discover that the liberal arts are both enriching in terms of personal development and enabling in terms of future careers. PORTfolio students develop a liberal arts perspective on the world and learn how to question, deal with change, solve problems and utilize critical thinking, working independently or in a group. To simplify portfolio gives students a more broad perspective on the world to help prepare them for a lifetime of success.

5 TOP 10 REASONS THAT MAKE THE PORTFOLIO PROGRAM DIFFERENT! 1.PORTfolio is open to ALL students and ANY major at VWC. 2.The entire program replaces a minor in terms of credit hours – it takes only 19 credit hours to complete over your four years at VWC. 3.The classes and seminars are team-taught – so you get the benefit of two faculty members for the same course! 4.Community Service is incorporated into our curriculum during the semester with service learning opportunities and also in a special Winter Session course. 5.Experiential Learning or active learning - means that you learn by doing. Dr. Hultgren, the PORTfolio Program director, always says that you learn more when you do more. Every PORTfolio course will include hands-on learning opportunities to help expand your learning potential.

6 TOP 10 REASONS THAT MAKE THE PORTFOLIO PROGRAM DIFFERENT! 6.Field Trips – every course includes field trips that apply to what you are learning during that semester. Taking a large group of almost 50 students and faculty anywhere is always a challenge – but we will have great adventures. 7.Externships – a three-week Winter Session course where you will shadow a professional in the field of your choice. This is a great place to test drive a potential career during your sophomore year at college. 8.Internships – a full semester long experience in your junior or senior year in your major field of study. If your major program at VWC does not provide an internship within the curriculum, then PORTfolio will facilitate an internship designed to meet your needs and interests. 9.Capstone Experience – In The President's Senior Seminar you will meet with the College President each week during spring semester of your senior year to discuss world events and plans after graduation. 10.The Electronic PORTfolio – a web site designed by you and for you! We begin the electronic portfolio during the freshman year to become a place to organize and store your work over the next four years. You will learn web design skills and modify and add to your portfolio throughout your journey through the program. Eventually this will become a 3-D collection of your experiences, coursework, and photos that you will use to market yourself to prospective graduate schools or potential employers.

7 Portfolio is….. ALL ABOUT YOU!!!

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