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Vance Wilson: Major Research Streams (showing selected publications) 20041994 - 2003200520062007200820092010 Lankton, Speier, & Wilson, Internet-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Vance Wilson: Major Research Streams (showing selected publications) 20041994 - 2003200520062007200820092010 Lankton, Speier, & Wilson, Internet-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vance Wilson: Major Research Streams (showing selected publications) 20041994 - 2003200520062007200820092010 Lankton, Speier, & Wilson, Internet-based knowledge acquisition, DSS Wilson & Addo (1994), Computer-displayed graphs, Information & Management Wilson & Addo (1994), Interactions between display and task, ICIS Proceedings West & Wilson (1995), Simulation of strategic decision making, Simulation & Gaming Wilson & Zigurs (1999), Decisional guidance, Accounting, Management, and Info Technologies Morrison, Morrison, Wilson, & Melrose (2002), Visual code inspection approach, J End User Computing Decision Support 2011201220132014 Sporadic IT Use Wilson, Mao, & Lankton, Modeling sporadic IT use, AMCIS Lankton, Wilson, & Mao, Antecedents of IT habit, Information & Management Wilson, Mao, & Lankton, Predicting sporadic use of IT, CAIS Wilson & Lankton, Effects across sporadic use and frequent use of IT, CAIS Group Work Pressure Wilson & Sheetz, Demands-resources model of IT student work pressure, Comp & Education Wilson et al., Testing the GTD-R model among IT professionals Under Review Wilson (1995), Distributed group support systems, Dissertation Wilson Morrison, & Napier (1997), Perceived effectiveness of CMC and FTFC, JCIS Wilson & Morrison (1999), Effects of educational context in CMC, JCIS Wilson (2000), Student characteristics and CMC, Computers & Education Wilson & Zigurs (2001), Interpersonal influence goals and CMC, J Org Computing and E-Commerce Wilson (2002), Email winners and losers, CACM Wilson (2003), Interpersonal persuasion strategies in CMC, Computers in Human Behavior Computer-Mediated Communication Wilson, Persuasive effects of system features in CMC, J Org Comp and E-Commerce Wilson & Lu, Communication goals model of compliance-gaining, Computers in HB Wilson & Sheetz, Context counts, CAIS Wilson & Djamasbi, Feedback and coherence measures, CAIS Wilson & Djamasbi, Interpersonality theory of email persuasion, Working Paper Wilson & Djamasbi, Antecedents of intention to comply with spam email, Under Review Health-IT Stream Wilson & Tulu, Rise of a health-IT academic focus CACM Wilson et al., Trust and privacy-risking e-health uses, IJISP Lankton & Wilson, Online service expectations, IEEE Trans Eng. Management Lankton & Wilson, Expectations of ehealth services, e-Service Journal Wilson & Lankton, Patient-centered e-health, Book Wilson (2003), Asynchronous health care communication, CACM Wilson & Lankton (2003), Strategic implications of asynchronous health care communication, Intl J Healthcare Technology and Management Health-IS Wilson & Lankton, Interdisciplinary research and publication opportunities, CAIS Wilson et al., Guiding theory of patient-centered e-health, CAIS Wilson et al., Trends in U.S. consumers’ use of e-health services, CAIS Wilson & Strong, Editor’s introduction to patient-centered e-health, CAIS LeRouge, Mantzana, & Wilson, Healthcare IS research, European J of IS Wilson et al., Trends in adoption of e-health services, HICSS Wilson & Lankton, Modeling patients’ ehealth acceptance JAMIA Wilson & Djamasbi, Editors’ introduction to HCI in health and wellness, Working Paper Wilson & Lankton, Role of facilitating conditions, Book Chapter

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