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Published byMalcolm Dickerson Modified over 9 years ago
NWOCA Spring 2011 EMIS Meeting Nwoca - Defiance/Fulton Rooms Tuesday May 10 th 9am – Noon / 3 Contact Hours * Some slides taken or modified from ODE sessions from the OEDSA/OAEP conferences
Today’s Agenda Introductions FY11N Yearend EMIS Test load process 11N EMIS changes eSIS did you know? Agg/Rdet updates EMIS-R update/demo 11H Update FY12 Update 2
Introductions NWOCA EMIS/Student Services staff New team members 3
Test Load Process Test Load Documentation Reminder – eSIS and Powerschool – don’t forget to load the Fall 2010 OGT results Remember to load your AASWD results and or any OTELA results available early MAY ODE’s Valid Test Combinations website 4
Testing Foreign Exchange If not passed, must test Graduation plan makes no difference on requirement to test If not tested, report record with score not reported Score will only count if 2 nd year student 5
And now for the 11N EMIS updates 6
Career Tech Changes Sharon will cover this afternoon CTE Program of Concentration Element (FN290) Tech Prep Completer (FN280) District CTE Tech Prep Consortium Mapping Record (DC) 7
Who is a CTE Concentrator? 8 A student who has completed half of a CTE Workforce Development Program and has enrolled in the next portion of the same CTE program. See handout.
9 CTE Concentrator Guidance – ODE Web: CTE Programming and EMIS Reporting Appendix A
CTE Program of Concentration Element (FN290) – NEW in FY2011 Report “CTE Program of Concentration” when CTE Concentrator status is reached. Report only one CTE Program of Concentration for each student. Report in EMIS at Yearend (N). 10
Career Field, CTE Program, Subject Crosswalk NEW FY2011 resource KEY PURPOSE: Identify the “CTE Program of Concentration” for each CTE Concentrator – Report in EMIS. New “CTE Program” codes drive other changes. 11
12 Career Field Career Field Code CTE Program EMIS CTE Program Code CTE Subject Name CTE Subject Code Agricultural and Environmental Systems 01 Agribusiness and Production Systems A0 Agribusiness and Production Systems Environmental and Agricultural Science Plant and Horticultural Science Agronomic Systems Floral Design and Marketing Greenhouse and Nursery Production Landscape Design and Build Landscape Systems Management Turf Science and Management. Employability Skills Entrepreneurship Skills 010301 010001 010155 010620 010625 010610 010630 010615 010635 990362 990361 Agricultural and Environmental Systems 01 Agricultural and Industrial Power Technology A1 Agricultural and Industrial Equipment Environmental and Agricultural Science Employability Skills Entrepreneurship Skills 010201 010001 990362 990361 Agricultural and Environmental Systems 01 Animal Science and Management A2 Animal Science and Management Environmental and Agricultural Science Employability Skills Entrepreneurship Skills 010901 010001 990362 990361 Agricultural and Environmental Systems 01 Biotechnology for Food, Plant and Animal A3 Biotechnology for Food, Plant and Animal Environmental and Agricultural Science Employability Skills Entrepreneurship Skills 012000 010001 990362 990361 Agricultural and Environmental Systems 01 Food Science and Technology A4 Food Science and Technology Environmental and Agricultural Science Employability Skills Entrepreneurship Skills 011001 010001 990362 990361 Career Field, CTE Program, Subject Crosswalk EXAMPLE: If CTE Concentrator is in “Animal Science and Management” course, report “A2” for this student.. If student reported as CTE Concentrator in “A2,” student MUST be enrolled in “Animal Science and Management” course.
Career Field, CTE Program, Subject Crosswalk Web address: ges/ODE/ODEDetail.aspx?page=3&TopicRel ationID=1759&ContentID=91429&Content=9 1876 13
Tech Prep Completer Element (FN280) – NEW in FY2011 Has TP student successfully completed secondary portion of TP program? –Must meet all applicable TP “completion” criteria. –Successful TP “completers” may become Postsecondary TP students. Report in EMIS Yearend (N). Also report students to TP Consortia. 14
Tech Prep Completer Element (FN280) Secondary TP “Completer” Criteria: Technical courses – 2.0 GPA or higher; meets graduation requirements. Courses eligible for articulation – “C” or higher. Completes Technical Assessment (if available). Postsecondary-approved assessment – Meets benchmark. 15
District CTE Tech Prep Consortium Mapping Record (DC) Used to connect district (or building) Tech Prep program to a Tech Prep consortium One row of data per program/consortium set Vast majority of mappings at district level If reported at district, applies to all buildings Each IRN/program combo only once Report only at Yearend (N) 16
District CTE Tech Prep Consortium Mapping Record (DC) KEY PURPOSE: Tech Prep (TP) Consortium Accountability When a TP program is “mapped” to a TP consortium, TP students reported with “CTE Program of Concentration” in that program are counted in the mapped TP consortium. 17
Staff Changes Position Status –Only staff who worked no days in current year should be reported with U –If worked in current school year, report Position Status as of Separation Date –Therefore, should not be any position status U reported 18
Work To Do Now Special Ed events- enter and/or log MOA and Accountability IRN cleanup Enter Score Not Reported test records IEP Future Fund and Open Enroll- be ready to collaborate 19
Missing Data Overrides Temporary overrides on OAA Program counts from 10N ready Otherwise, same as usual –Override if prior mistake made –No override just because easier than reporting something that can be reported Similar dates and progression as 10N 20
Key Dates Yearend (11N) 5/6/2011 through 7/15/2011 Data submission requirements begins 5/27/2011 Graduate (11G) 5/27/2011 through 11/18/2011 Same as FY10 Financials (11H) 7/1/2011 through 9/30/2011 21
eSIS Extract, FTP, Eload_11N Process Searching Importing Exporting 22
Searching Navigate to your esisextracts folder Edit the file of the record type you are questioning (ie: FS, GE…) Use Notepad/wordpad/pspad textedit Use the FIND option to search for the eSIS student number to verify if the student is in your extract. Review agg reports (emsagg5 and/or emsrdet) 24
Importing EMIS-FFE Can be used as an option/last resort towards the end of a reporting period Must let NWOCA know Import or manually add a record/s 25
Exporting When exporting rename file Notify Nwoca of the file name and remind us to load in UPDATE mode Choose correct reporting period Choose correct record types prior to exporting (uncheck all and then re- check…) Similar process you used for your CC/CJ records in years past 26
Agg Updates Open FS and no corresponding open FD - fatal error 836 invalid combination of Open/Closed FS/FD records Updated First required FS record missing – will be a warning or a fatal Updated GE date validation for date range encompassing Feb 2010 for leap year. Early agg flag will turn off on June 13 th. 27
EMSRDET updates This is your staff validation error report Updated position code 230 check Active employees must have course master – inactive ones do not as long as they have a sep date and reason Fatal Error 497 – separation date from a prior fiscal year. Fatal Error 713 – pos status of “U” Only valid for October Reporting Warning 720 – pos status of “C”- current- must have attendance days reported 28
EMIS-R Update/Demo Yearend Manifests will come out a few weeks into the reporting period Not mandatory that you participate for 11N Staff data will utilize the agent for USPS districts Student data will utilize flat files Usernames/passwords 29
Financials Reporting More important than ever For first time, do GEN_MISSING –Measures still being developed –Concept is to compare receipts to money from ODE –Compare expenditures to receipts & cash Several new GEN_ISSUES related to impact of data (especially MOE) 30
FY11H Missing Measures Following measures will be included –Building General Information- Financial –District General Information- Financial –Receipts –Expenditures –Cash –Operational Units –Capital Assets Following is DRAFT plan for calculation Will be some variation by reporting entity type Feedback and questions IN WRITING via helpdesk will be most helpful 31
FY11H Missing Measures Building General Information- Financial Numerator: count of required building records reported Denominator: count of buildings required based on 11N building data Overrides not likely, but possible About 15% would have missed in FY10, but easy to fix 32
FY11H Missing Measures 33 District General Information- Financial Numerator: one if reported, zero if not Denominator: always one Overrides not likely No districts missed in FY10, but ESCs did not report
FY11H Missing Measures 34 Receipts Numerator: sum of actual amounts for 3xxx receipt codes Denominator: net distribution amount from ODE on settlement report Overrides not likely About 1.3% of traditional districts would have missed in FY10
FY11H Missing Measures 35 Expenditures Numerator: sum of current actual expenditures Denominator: sum of cash begin balance + sum of actual receipts – sum of final balance Overrides not likely About 5% would have missed in FY10, half > 99%
FY11H Missing Measures 36 Cash Numerator: count of FY11 distinct fund codes that match FY10 reported codes Denominator: count of FY10 distinct fund codes if final balance <> 0 Overrides not likely About 4% would have missed in FY10
FY11H Missing Measures 37 OPU Numerator: count of expenditure records with matching OPU + count of receipt records with matching OPU Denominator: count of expenditure records + count of receipt records Overrides not likely No districts would have missed in FY10
FY11H Missing Measures 38 Capital Assets Numerator: zero if none reported, one if any reported Denominator: always one Overrides not likely, but possible No districts would have missed in FY10
FY11H Missing Measures 39
FY11H Missing Measures Issues to keep in mind –Can not wait until data is “done” to submit unless it is “done” by Sept. 2 nd –Measures impact each other… OPU by changes in Receipts and Expenditures Expenditures by changes in Receipts and Cash –GEN_ISSUES will list what is missing on Building, OPU, and Cash measures 40
FY12 Overview General Student Changes Assessment Courses and Teachers Building/District Record Redesign Special Ed OSEP Compliance Period Career Tech Updates Overrides via Record Type Miscellaneous Changes Clarifications to Manual 41
The Usual Reminders… Not enough time today to cover all the details of each change More information will be included in the manual As always, if conflict between this presentation and manual, manual prevails 42
General Student Changes Exemption from CORE requirements Military Compact students & OGT Additional Free/Reduced Lunch info Admitted From & Withdrawn To IRNs Expected Attending Building IRN for next school year Instruction during suspension- K vs N 43
Assessment New tests in pipeline- can not continue current path A single record type for all assessments Add element to indicate which test the score is from (GA, GX, GO, GB, etc.) Only one score per row- so multiple rows for some tests (e.g., OTELA) 44
Assessment Move elements not related to scores to other locations –Test Building IRN now derived based on schedule for Math assessment for a particular building and grade level –Required for grad to new record type –Acceleration information to new record type –No longer report INV, PNO, and NSA as scores- now Score Not Reported 45
Assessment New Special Education Graduation Requirements record Reported at time of IEP Only reported if a student is exempted from one or more OGT subject passes, or… If previously exempted but exemption removed 46
Assessment In long run, separate record type works better than addition to the GE record Student with an IEP could have anywhere from 0 to 5 rows reported as exempted for a subject, report again for each IEP if still true No longer need to re-report most recent score if status changes 47
Assessment New Acceleration record Combines several elements in one place –Y4 accommodation from OAA record –Special rules for reporting Building IRN on test record of accelerated student –Acceleration count from FN record 48
Courses and Teachers Multiple teachers per course Multiple enrollment ranges per course Dates on all Course Masters Exceptions to course dates for all Student Course Credit Flex 49
Multiple Teachers per Course Add a new record type- Teacher Course Allow multiple teachers to be associated with a single group of students –At same time (team teaching) –Change in teacher during year Report role and date range if different from CN In future, may include other staff types (intervention, assistant, etc) Move items related to teacher from Course Master to Teacher Course 50
Multiple Student Enrollments Same student in course more than once Date range must be different All courses Remove need to figure out which enrollment date range to report Simply report what is ODE will use dates in business rules 51
Multiple Student Enrollments Same student in course more than once Date range must be different All courses Remove need to figure out which enrollment date range to report Simply report what is ODE will use dates in business rules 52
Building/District Record Redesign Building record to be split –Calendar information- own record by grade and attendance pattern –Report one row per grade/AP combo –Other dates, counts, or codes- 1 per row District record to have one data point per row- now have multiple rows 53
Building/District Record Redesign Building and District records have same layout for all reporting periods New data to be collected –Date of scheduled math administration –Phys Ed Performance Measures –School Improvement Grant required data –Teacher evaluation results (aggregate) –Principal evaluation results (aggregate) 54
Special Ed OSEP Compliance Period New reporting period(s) Only collect data on students on list from Office for Exceptional Children at ODE Only record type will be the GE record Will add a column to record to indicate type of correction (add, delete, update) Window could go back three years if ETR involved Good chance this will be handled outside the SIS 55
Special Ed OSEP Compliance Period U.S. Dept. of Education Office of Special Education conducted site visit Issues found in match between data in EMIS and data in districts (first year GE) Corrective action requires ODE to have district submit corrected data when –Issue with a specific student identified, that –Impacts one of the Federal SE measures Will count against Data Quality measure 56
Career Tech Updates Usual annual updates –Subject codes –Assessment codes –Programs of Concentration –Tech Prep Consortia codes Updates to GV follow-up record New program code for HOSA Name update- Work & Family Studies to Family & Consumer Sciences 57
Overrides via Record Type New record type Submit overrides for most students and staff along with the rest of the data –Students who should have been withdrawn in previous period –Staff who separated and should have been reported with reason and date in previous period Will still be some staff/student overrides via Helpdesk requests No change to other measure overrides 58
Miscellaneous Changes All ECE students take ASQ/SE, including repeat students Subject Code 120000 (music) CTAG Program Code definition Add GE record consent outcome codes A few Social Studies subject code updates 59
Clarifications to Manual Staff- values as of count week or updates? When to change disability to ** GE records and non-pub students Open Enrollment into a JVSD Combined Attendance reporting Admission date and reason changes Using Credential/Z ID as Employee ID Period of time for CTE follow-up 60
Questions Remember the Helpdesk
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