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Preparing for Interviews

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1 Preparing for Interviews
This Module consists of three individual portions: Part 1: Interviewing Part 2: Interview Follow-up and Evaluation Interviewing

2 Learning Objectives Summarize main characteristics of good and bad interviews Identify the interviewer’s purposes in interview questions Conduct mock interviews Interviewing

3 Standard Interview Questions
Tell us about yourself What have you done? Is this the “right” job for you? Do you get along well with coworkers and management? Do you take initiative? What do you know about our company or the job? What are your goals? Tell us your strengths/weaknesses? Why do you want to work for us? Are you really interested in this job? Interviewing

4 Interview Questions: Purposes
When you are asked… The Interviewer wants to know… Tell me about yourself. Who are you? Are you able to represent yourself confidently and provide relevant information? Tell me about your work experience and skills. What have you done? What are your strengths? Or tell me about an on the job accomplishment. What are your natural abilities? Is this the “right” job for you? Can you do this job well for us? Tell me about a time you worked with your team or a coworker to complete an assignment. Do you get along well with coworkers and management? Do you value the contributions of others? Tell me about a time you did more than you were asked or went above and beyond the call of duty. Do you take initiative? Interviewing

5 Interview Questions: Purposes (cont.)
When you are asked… The Interviewer wants to know… Where do you want to be in 5 years? What are your goals? Do you have any plans? Are you realistic and on track? Are you going to stay with the company? What kind of work environment do you prefer? Do you fit our company culture? What are your weaknesses? Are you aware of the skills you will need to build or work on? What did you like least about the job, your manager, or your co-workers? What’s wrong with you? Are you a complainer? What did you like most about your previous job or this kind of work? Why do you want to work for us or work in this field? Do you have any questions for me? Are you really interested in this job? What do you really know about our company and the job? Interviewing

6 Interview Tips Before the Interview:
Compare the job description requirements to your work/college background. Research the company and position ahead of time. Write down several questions and print company information to take with you. Try to find out who will be interviewing you, and what the interview format will be. Interviewing

7 Interview Tips (cont.) Before the Interview: Dress the part.
Know how (hint: how long it will take) to get to the interview. Formulate answers to “typical” interview questions, and practice your responses. Put your portfolio and materials together. Prepare outfit the night before, not right before you leave. Interviewing

8 Interview Tips (cont.) The Interview:
Plan to arrive 5 – 10 minutes early, but no more than 10 minute early. Confidently walk in, introduce yourself and offer a firm handshake to the interviewer. Offer a copy of your resume to the interviewer and have extra copies available. Maintain your posture at all times. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Interviewing

9 Interview Tips (cont.) During the Interview: Speak up and smile.
Give clear answers and examples that prove your qualifications for the position. Be professional, AND try to be yourself. Inquire about when they are likely to make a decision. Re-state your interest in the position if you like what you hear during the interview. Interviewing

10 Interview Tips (cont.) After the Interview:
Thank the interviewer for his or her time, ask for a business card, and write a “thank you” note within 24 hours. Evaluate the interview. Determine what went well, and what might have gone better (eg what questions might have been answered a little differently) Interviewing

11 Interview Tips (cont.) After the Interview:
In your note, reference your key strengths. Have someone else proofread your “thank you” note. Call within two weeks to reaffirm your interest in being hired for the position. Interviewing

12 What do you think of Answer 1?
“I usually do anything I can to make the customer happy. The customers are always happy with my service and tell me so. Sometimes I stay late to finish their orders when there is too much to do.” Interviewing

13 What do you think of Answer 2?
“While working for ABC Photo Lab last Christmas, we became very backed up with customer orders. We were also short staffed, so I stayed last to print customer orders because I knew that customers needed their photos for the holidays. I called a customer to let her know that her order would be late, and she said that she could not come to pick it up the next day because she was flying to Florida at 6:00 a.m. So I asked her to prepay the order over the phone, and I dropped the order off at her house on my way home that evening. She was so happy with the service that she brought the staff a bag of Florida oranges when she returned.” Interviewing

14 A Sequential Model – for answering questions
Beginning Middle End Interviewing

15 Another Sequential Model
Past Present Future Interviewing

16 Interview Response Method
What was the challenge of the situation? What action did you take? What was the newsworthy outcome? Interviewing

17 Interview Worksheet (Q1)
1. PAST (Your history and what you have done) 2. PRESENT (What are you doing?) 3. FUTURE (What do you want to do?) A little personal information What was your field of study? What kinds of jobs have you had? What fields have you worked in? Quantify if possible Where do you work now? What are you doing now? What would you like to be doing or what skills would you like to use on your next job in the near future? “I graduated from Addis Ababa College with an Accounting Diploma and worked as an accounts payable clerk for 2 years.” “Since I moved to the US, I have been working as a Cashier for XXX for 2 years. I have also been taking accounting classes at NOVA to update my skills.” “I would like to continue my career in accounting and continue as an accounts payable clerk. I have good computer skills too, so I would like to be in a position where I can continue to learn more accounting functions and take on additional responsibilities.”

18 Interview Worksheet (Q2)
Identify what you like. Don’t say what you don’t like! Explain why you like it How is this relevant to the job you are applying for? “I like handling the cash and counting and balancing my drawer at the end of the day.” “I like this because I like to see everything balance out at the end of the day.” “I’m very accurate, so my drawer usually balances to the penny.” Interviewing

19 Interview Worksheet (Q3)
Keep it positive. Identify a skill you are not able to use on the job or something that is not related to anything you will do in the job you are applying for. Why does this bother you? State that this is one of the reasons you are pursuing the job you are interviewing for. “I usually have to work alone.” “I understand that this is a part of the job, but I’m really a people person, and I know that I do my best work face to face.” “That’s why I have applied for this Customer Service position. I know that I’ll be in constant contact with customers.” Interviewing

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