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Does abortion raise the risk of psychological problems in women?

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1 Does abortion raise the risk of psychological problems in women?

2 Research has shown that 44% of post-abortion patients complained of nervous disorders only 8 weeks after. 36% experienced sleep disturbances 31% had major regrets 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor

3 Psychological reactions to abortion fall into many categories, some women experience all or some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The lowest incidence rate of PTSD reported following abortion is 1.5%, which would translate to over 600,000 cases of abortion induced PTSD.

4 Relief may be experienced right after an abortion, but as days and months go by, women may notice that the life that was once inside of her is no longer there. They feel guilty or like someone is out to get them for what they done (pay-back)

5 Depression Regret Anger Difficulty being intimate or in a relationship Desire to replace aborted baby with a new baby Over-interest in babies Distance from god or religion Keep themselves away from babies or pregnant women

6 Some women experience "impacted grieving," which reflects an inability to complete the grieving process. Other women get person issues such as eating disorders sexual dysfunction, and substance abuse. A widely used term for these emotional problems is "post-abortion syndrome" or PAS.

7 Reasons why women would have abortions are: Can not afford it Partner does not want a baby To young, scared of responsibility Rape (couldn’t deal with that memory every day) Risk of maternal health

8 Why would a women have a late abortion? Didn't know she was pregnant or misjudged gestation Found it hard to go to the doctor so she kept putting it off Took a while for her to decide Wasn’t educated, didn’t know the timing mattered A fetal problem was diagnosed late in pregnancy

9 Sometimes, a woman may have excessive bleeding or hemorrhaging that requires surgical intervention Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea May result from retained pregnancy products, undiagnosed STD or possible destruction of the body's white blood cells Heart attack, heavy and extended bleeding, impaired future fertility can occur

10 The cervix may be lacerated (cut or torn) requiring repair in order to stop significant bleeding. Sometimes the suction device may miss the baby the uterus may be badly scarred during this procedure. Women, most of the time, have to take a lot of medication to recover Death can occur during or after abortion

11 Critics say abortion is murder They say some rape victims have no excuse, conception can usually be prevented if they seek immediate medical treatment Women are killing innocent babies who could grow up to be doctors and help out our society

12 It is a law, in the US, that teens under age 18 are not allowed to have an abortion without a parent signature stating that its okay. This law is because teens are really not mature enough to make huge decisions like that

13 They say that women’s rights are what keep law from banning abortion in general but do innocent children not have a right to live? Women always have the choice of adoption if they do not think they are able to keep the child or take care of him/her Killing children should be against the law as well

14 Women and even men get harassed for choosing abortion People criticize them on the internet and in person People gang up on abortion choosers and are sometimes violent Women's homes are also being vandalized

15 Cahill, L.S (2010)-Abortion services: The need to include men in care provision (10 pages) Gilde Sedgh (2008)- Legal abortion worldwide in 2008 (9 pages) Sheelagh McGuinness (2009)- Abortion: Prohibitions and Exceptions (12 pages)

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