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Welcome to 5th Grade Back to School Night! Mrs. Altilio Room 24.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade Back to School Night! Mrs. Altilio Room 24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade Back to School Night! Mrs. Altilio Room 24

2 Welcome Back to School Tonight’s Topics Weekly Schedule 5th Grade Curriculum Homework Grading Scale Behavior Expectations Assessment/grading Absences Class Parties

3 Contact Information Email

4 Social Studies Harcourt Series – U.S. History –Overview of Geography of U.S. –First Settlers –Exploration –Colonial America –Revolutionary War –American Government –Movement Westward –Civil War

5 Social Studies Grades could consist of chapter tests, lesson quizzes, worksheets, and projects There will be plenty of notice for test with plenty of review and study guides. Individual or group projects will be done mostly in class. In some cases students who do not complete work during class time, will have to finish at home.

6 Language Arts Literacy Reading: Comprehension is gained through short stories in the textbook, literature novels, and independent reading: Harcourt Journeys – short stories in textbook Sign of the Beaver - novel Number the Stars - novel We are working on developing good reading strategies: –Accessing Prior Knowledge –Inferring –Asking Questions –Identifying the important information –Monitoring Comprehension –Creating Mental Images –Story Elements –Summarizing –Cause and effect –Main idea and details –Text features and graphics

7 Language Arts Literacy Vocabulary words, Comprehension skill, Spelling, Grammar Independent reading– goal: 20 books (using independent reading books to practice skills taught in stories) Reading comprehension and vocabulary tests are given every other Friday (some weeks will change) Spelling, and grammar tests will be given the Fridays opposite the reading test Website for Harcourt – http://www-k6.thinkcentral.com

8 Language Arts Literacy Writing Workshop- Writer’s notebook/projects: –Personal narrative –Fiction writing –5 paragraph essays with a thesis statement – NJASK writing prompts- speculative/ fiction writing and explanatory/expository essay

9 Homework According to district policy, each 5th grader can receive up to 50 minutes of homework per day. If your child is taking longer than this to complete homework, please contact the teacher. Assignments pads are given to each student and should be filled in daily. (Homework is always written in the same spot on board daily.) Also, the homework is written on the teacher’s website.

10 Assessments LAL grades -(split into 2 sections) 1. Reading – comprehension, vocabulary, open-ended responses (rubric #1-4), class participation, homework participation, and class assignments 2. Language grade - consists of writing (writing rubric-#1-5), spelling, grammar, class participation and homework participation

11 Assessments Social Studies – tests, quizzes, graded worksheets, open-ended responses (rubric #1-4), class participation, and homework participation

12 Grading Scale Reading Tests and projects50% Class work & Participation10% Homework10% Quizzes 30% Language Tests and writing projects40% Class work & Participation10% Homework10% Grammar assessments 25% Spelling15%

13 Grading Scale Social Studies Tests and projects50% Class work & Participation10% Homework10% Quizzes 30% *Tests will be sent home in a test folder *Parents can view grades via the parent portal

14 Absences Students are required to make up all work that is missed for absences. If a child is absent from school, arrangements can be made to have work sent home. If a student is involved in band or enrichment that may cause a student to miss a class, then he/she must see the teacher for the assignment missed.

15 Student Behavior Expectations 1. I will always do my best. 2. I will complete all assignments on time. 3. I will not use “put downs” or harass others. 4. I will respect other people’s differences and opinions. 5. I will actively listen when others are speaking.

16 Classroom Parties We have 2 parties a year Halloween and December Holiday Party We acknowledge birthdays but are not allowed to have any treats

17 Your Turn ……… Your Turn ……… Any Questions? Any Concerns?

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