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Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) 14 th and 15 th July 2011 HUMAN RESOURCE & TRAINING National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) 14 th and 15 th July 2011 HUMAN RESOURCE & TRAINING National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) 14 th and 15 th July 2011 HUMAN RESOURCE & TRAINING National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India

2 2 Human Resource & Training Contents of Presentation Human Resource Trainings under IDSP :-  Introduction  CSU Trainings  Achievements in 2010-11  Action Plan

3 3 Human Resource Health Professionals Total no. of sanctioned positions In positionTrained Epidemiologists646295269 Microbiologists855146 Entomologists352218 Total766368333 Joining status of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Entomologists (till 30 th June 2011 )

4 Contractual Manpower Status of World Bank funded States under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned pos t In posi tion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posit ion Traine d Andhra Pradesh 241613332111 Gujarat 2622300111 Karnataka 2796322110 Maharashtra 362220322100

5 Contractual Manpower Status of World Bank funded States under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanc tione d post In pos itio n Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned Sanc tione d post In positi on Traine d Punjab 211211222111 Rajasthan 332827333111 Tamilnadu 3100332100 Uttarakhand 1412 333111 West Bengal 19108333111

6 6 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist San ctio ned pos t In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posit ion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posit ion Trained Andman & Nicobar 300200100 Assam 2744222111 Arunachal Pradesh 17 16221111

7 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanc tione d post In pos itio n Train ed Sanc tione d post In positi on Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trained Bihar 392322210111 Chandigarh 200222100 Chhattisgarh 1812 200100

8 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In pos itio n Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Train ed San ctio ned post In positi on Traine d Daman & Diu 200222111 Delhi 1033200100 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 200211111

9 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In pos itio n Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posit ion Tra ine d Sanct ioned post In posit ion Traine d Goa 310311111 Himachal Pradesh 1300300100 Haryana 2117 322110

10 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trained Jharkhand 2213 200111 Jammu & Kashmir 1500210100 Kerala 1543311111

11 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trained Lakshdweep 200200111 Meghalaya 700222111 Manipur 1033200100

12 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In positio n Trained Madhya Pradesh 5125 222100 Mizoram 920333110 Puducherry 510222110

13 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posit ion Trained Nagaland970333111 Orissa3166211100 Sikkim500211111

14 Contractual Manpower Status under IDSP Name of States EpidemiologistsMicrobiologistsEntomologist Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trai ned San ctio ned post In posi tion Trai ned Sanct ioned post In posi tion Trained Tripura500200100 Uttar Pradesh 7246 311100 Total646295269855146352218

15 SSU / DSU non technical contractual Manpower Status under IDSP in all States 22 Consultant Finance are in position. (file linked) 12 Training Consultant are in position. 513/646 Data Managers are in position. 530/781 Data Entry Operators are in position.

16 Status of Trainings under IDSP S. No. Name of State TOTFETP Training Load Total trained till June 2011 Training Load Total trained till June 2011 1Andhra Pradesh9710423 2Gujarat105942537 3Karnataka1132112733 4Maharashtra14514435 5Punjab73 1719 6Rajasthan1331313230 7Tamil Nadu1211232922 8Uttarakhand5761139 9West Bengal7792187

17 S. No. Name of State TOTFETP Training Load Total trained till June 2011 Training Load Total trained till June 2011 10 Andman & Nicobar 82420 11Assam100942314 12 Arunachal Pradesh 5761130 Bihar1531513733 14Chandigarh9810 15Chhattisgarh69641615 16Daman & Diu8520 17D & N Haveli4410 18Delhi415295 Status of Trainings under IDSP

18 S. No. Name of State TOTFETP Training Load Total trained till June 2011 Training Load Total trained till June 2011 19Goa13921 20 Himachal Pradesh 53441213 21Haryana81881922 Jharkhand77722217 23 Jammu & Kashmir 6156143 24Kerala61761413 25Lakshdweep4110 26Madhya Pradesh1851574529 27Manipur41 99

19 Status of Trainings under IDSP S. No. Name of State TOTFETP Training Load Total trained till June 2011 Training Load Total trained till June 2011 28Meghalaya333876 29Mizoram41 83 30Nagaland374083 31Orissa12511930 32Puducherry211642 33Sikkim212940 34Tripura212040 35Uttar Pradesh2852197018

20 Summary of TOT & FETP Phase Number of States TOTFETP Training Load Total trained till June 2011 Training Load Total trained till June 2011 I9873961206173 II14806812184164 III12851789206104 Total3525302562596451

21 21 Trainings completed TOT training completed for 34 states and partially for Uttar Pradesh. 442 State/District RRT members trained as Master Trainers from April 2010 till date. Total trained till date 2562. 111 State Surveillance Teams trained from April 2010 till date. Total trained till date 641. 204 DSO trained in 2-week FETP from April 2010 till date. Total trained till date 451.

22 22 Trainings completed Epidemiologists induction training conducted for 11 States in the month of March, April and July 2011 at PHFI (Delhi,Hyderabad) and GMC, Nagpur. Entomologists Induction Training conducted for 11 Entomologists on 28 th March – 1 st April 2011 at NCDC,Delhi Microbiologist induction training conducted for 19 States in the month of May & June 2011 at NCDC,Delhi and BJMC,Pune. Data Managers Training completed on 11-12 November 2010 for 16 States. And remaining States completed on 9 th -10 th June 2011.

23 Monitoring & Supervision of Trainings (2010-11) Monitoring tool has been developed at CSU level to monitor the progress of the trainings. Visited the following Training Institutes for monitoring and supervision of FETP trainings:- BJMC, Ahmedabad PHFI,Delhi PHFI,Orissa, and TOT training at NIHFW,Delhi PHFI, Hyderabad PGI, Chandigarh

24 Training Previous budget In Rs. Revised Budget In Rs. ToT1,40,0003,02,220 2-week FETP6,01,8008.51,000 Induction training of Epidemiologists NAsame as FETP Induction training of Microbiologists NARs.4,60,460/- Induction training of Entomologists NARs.99,000/- Training Budget sanctioned in 2010-11 Financial guidelines shared with Training Institutes.

25 25 Training Manuals Training Manuals for Hospital Doctors, Paramedical Staff (Pharmacist, Nurses) Data Managers prepared and uploaded on IDSP portal in March 2011. Printing of training manuals under process. Orientation module to IDSP under process.

26 Action Plan 2011-12 (till December 2011) TOT (Master Trainers) Uttar Pradesh 2- week FETP Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Tripura, Andman & Nicobar, Nagaland, Mizoram, Sikkim and 5UTs


28 28 HR at State/district level Letter sent to states/UTs for decentralized recruitment (D.O.T. No. 18015/45/2010-IDSP, Dated-19 May 2010). Terms of Reference (TOR) provided by Central Surveillance Unit. Recruitment process expedited in most states.

29 29 Training Activities under IDSP Three-Tiered Training system under IDSP ToT through 11 National level Institutes Monitoring of State Level Trainings Need based special Training courses (2-week FETP for DSOs)

30 30 Three-tier Training LevelTraineesTrainersDuration NationalSurveillance Officers and RRTs (TOT) Faculty from 11 National level institutes 6 Days DSOs (2-week FETP) Faculty from 9 National level institutes 2 weeks StateMedical Officers, District Lab TechniciansMaster Trainers 3 Days 6 Days DistrictHealth Workers, Lab Technicians Master Trainers & Medical Officers 2 Days 3 Days Newly proposed training at State/District levels Hospital doctorsTOT1 Day Hospital pharmacists/ nurses TOT1 Day DM/DEOTOT2 Day

31 31 S No. Name of the Institute 1National Centre for Disease Control, (NCDC), Delhi 2National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), Delhi 3National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE), Chennai 4 Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore 5All India Institute of Health & Public Hygiene AIIH & PH) Kolkata 6B.J. Medical College (BJMC) Pune 7Government Medical College, (GMC) Nagpur 8Post Graduate of Medical Education & Research (PGI),. Chandigarh 9Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Varanasi 10Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Wardha 11Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical, University (CSMMU) Lucknow List of Training institutes for TOT

32 32 List of Training institutes for 2-week FETP training S.No.Name of the Institute 1National Centre for Disease Control, (NCDC), Delhi 2National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), Delhi 3All India Institute of Health & Public Hygiene AIIH & PH) Kolkata 4B.J. Medical College (BJMC) Pune 5Government Medical College, (GMC) Nagpur 6Post Graduate of Medical Education & Research (PGI),. Chandigarh 7BJMC, Ahemdabad 8B.M. Patil Medical College, Bijapur 9PHFI,Delhi

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