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Final Projects Some simple ideas. Composition (1) program that "learns" some aspect of musical composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Projects Some simple ideas. Composition (1) program that "learns" some aspect of musical composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Projects Some simple ideas

2 Composition

3 (1) program that "learns" some aspect of musical composition

4 (2) fractal music that sounds musical

5 (3) program that creates engaging new styles

6 (4) vivaldi music maker (scales, arps, sequences, etc.)

7 (5) program that sets some of Messiaen's ideas into code

8 (6) real-time transformation of drawing to music

9 (7) improvisation program

10 (8) accompaniment program

11 (9) re-write masterpieces according to some plan

12 (10) logically replace one of the elements of known music

13 Analysis

14 (1) performance attributes of given performers

15 (2) mapping rhythm, texture, harmonic rhythm, etc.

16 (3) reduction by mathematics

17 (4) analysis using 2D cellular automata

18 (5) statistical representation and comparison

19 (6) analysis of chromatic versus diatonic content of music

20 (7) tension analyzing program (Hindemith theories?)

21 (8) relevance of dynamics to pitch, etc. (i.e., cross dependency)

22 (9) compare some aspect of music to some aspect of non- music

23 (10) a composer's use of some attribute over an extended period

24 Short Paper Well-Documented Code Five Sample Outputs

25 Presentations due Thursday June 12, 8-11am

26 Determinacy versus Indeterminacy

27 Sir Isaac Newton 1726 Principia “Actioni contrarium semper et equalem esse reactionem” “to every action there is always opposed an equal and opposite reaction”

28 Richard Feynman “it is impossible to predict which way a photon will go”

29 Murray Gell-Mann “there is no way to predict the exact moment of disintegration”

30 Werner Heisenberg uncertainty principle “the act of observation itself may cause apparent randomness at the subatomic level”

31 Albert Einstein “God does not play with dice.”

32 Cope “Observation alone cannot determine indeterminacy.”

33 Ignorance? Too complex? Too patternless? Too irrelevant?

34 Discrete Mathematics

35 Study of discontinuous numbers

36 Logic, Set Theory, Combinatorics Algorithms, Automata Theory, Graph Theory, Number Theory, Game Theory, Information Theory

37 Recreational Number Theory

38 Power of 9s

39 9 * 9 = 81

40 8 + 1 = 9

41 Multiply any number by 9 Add the resultant digits together until you get one digit

42 Always 9 e.g., 4 * 9 = 36 3 + 6 = 9

43 Square Root of Palendromic Numbers

44 Square Root of 123454321 = 11111

45 Square Root of 1234567654321 = 1111111

46 Pascal’s Triangle



49 The sum of each row results in increasing powers of 2 (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on). The 45 ° diagonals represent various number systems. For example, the first diagonal represents units (1, 1...), the second diagonal, the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...), the third diagonal, the triangular numbers (1, 3, 6, 10...), the fourth diagonal, the tetrahedral numbers (1, 4, 10, 20...), and so on. All row numbers—row numbers begin at 0—whose contents are divisible by that row number are successive prime numbers. The count of odd numbers in any row always equates to a power of 2. The numbers in the shallow diagonals (from 22.5° upper right to lower left) add to produce the Fibonacci series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...), discussed in chapter 4. The powers of 11 beginning with zero produce a compacted Pascal's triangle (e.g., 11 0 = 1, 11 1 = 11, 11 2 = 121, 11 3 = 1331, 11 4 = 14641, and so on). Compressing Pascal's triangle using modulo 2 (remainders after successive divisions of 2, leading to binary 0s and 1s) reveals the famous Sierpinski gasket, a fractal-like various-sized triangles, as shown in figure 7.2, with the zeros (a) and without the zeros (b), the latter presented to make the graph clearer.

50 Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. Series first stated in 1202 book Liber Abaci

51 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89... Each pair of previous numbers equaling the next number of the Sequence.

52 Dividing a number in the sequence into the following number produces the Golden Ratio 1.62

53 Debussy, Stravinsky, Bartók composed using Golden mean (ratio, section).

54 Bartók’s Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste

55 Fermat’s Last Theorum to prove that X n + Y n = Z n can never have integers for X, Y, and/or Z beyond n = 2

56 $1 million prize to create formula for creating next primes without trial and error

57 Magic Squares

58 Square Matrix in which all horizontal ranks all vertical columns both diagonals equal same number when added together




62 Musikalisches Würfelspiele





67 Number of Possibilities of 2 matrixes is 11 16 or 45,949,729,863,572,161 45 quadrillion

68 X n+1 = 1/cosX n 2

69 (defun cope (n seed) (if (zerop n)() (let ((test (/ 1 (cos (* seed seed))))) (cons (round test) (cope (1- n) test)))))

70 ? (cope 40 2) (-2 -1 -2 -4 -1 -11 -3 2 -1 10 1 -2 -1 2 -9 -2 1 2 29 1 -7 3 -9 -4 1 2 -2 -1 2 -1 3 1 -2 -1 2 4 1 2 -2 -1)

71 Tom Johnson’s Formulas for String Quartet

72 Iannis Xenakis Metastasis

73 (defun normalize-numbers (numbers midi-low midi-high) "Normalizes all of its first argument into the midi range." (normalize numbers (apply #'min numbers) (apply #'max numbers) midi-high midi-low)) (defun normalize (numbers data-low data-high midi-low midi-high) "Normalizes its first argument from its range into the midi range.” (if (null numbers) nil (cons (normalize-number (first numbers) data-low data-high midi-low midi-high) (normalize-number (rest numbers) data-low data-high midi-low midi-high))))

74 Class Sonifications

75 Assignment Sonify a mathematical process e-mail me a MIDI file turn in your code.

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