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1 1 FEMA Region VII Private Sector. Private Sector Representative Subject Matter Experts Provide Situational Awareness Manage Logistics Crosscutting Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 FEMA Region VII Private Sector. Private Sector Representative Subject Matter Experts Provide Situational Awareness Manage Logistics Crosscutting Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 FEMA Region VII Private Sector

2 Private Sector Representative Subject Matter Experts Provide Situational Awareness Manage Logistics Crosscutting Planning Logistics Operations Admin/Finance ESFs

3 RRCC State EOC PSR NRCC Located within the Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) Integrates private-sector expertise and resources into the Incident Command Structure through coordination with private-sector partners within the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC), the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), business fusion cell,or Business EOC (BEOC) and partners at the local level. Tested: activated during NLE11 and in the Joplin tornado response to support critical response operations. PSR

4 Banking Communications Transportation Retail Insurance Agriculture Health and Medical Ad hoc PSR Sectors

5 Why PS Works Organization: organized according to the Incident Command Structure, and NIMS… Focus: Private-sector efforts focused effectively on the critical, life-saving and life-sustaining response mission… Force multiplication: Private-sector partnerships at all levels multiplied the force by which local needs were assessed, processed and responded to…

6 Private Sector and FEMA Before After State FEMA HQ FEMA REGION

7 Critical Life saving Life sustaining

8 NLE11 Logistics

9 JOPLIN Opening roads for the delivery of emergency supplies: PSRs prioritized transportation routes for clearing debris so emergency supplies could be delivered to local retailers; ESF 1 Emergency medical services: PSRs coordinated medical partners to stock and deploy mobile emergency medical units with health supplies for disasters; ESF 8 Disaster assistance messaging: PSRs worked with partners to create billboards and Public Service Announcements, directing survivors to disaster assistance servicing locations. ESF 2

10 Joplin NRCC NBEOC Missouri BEOC ) ( =

11 11 (a few of our partners) premierstudios

12 Billboards & Televised Public Service Announcements Estimated value: $500,000 premierstudios

13 Strengthen partnership regionally Integrating additional business sectors Supporting local BEOCs Moving Forward

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