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IT05 New to the Role of ICT Subject Leader Session 2 10 th March 2011 Lisa Cattell & Sam Sulsh

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Presentation on theme: "IT05 New to the Role of ICT Subject Leader Session 2 10 th March 2011 Lisa Cattell & Sam Sulsh"— Presentation transcript:

1 IT05 New to the Role of ICT Subject Leader Session 2 10 th March 2011 Lisa Cattell & Sam Sulsh

2 Britannia House Health and Safety FIRE For your safety, it is necessary that you identify the nearest fire exit when using any room or area within the building. All exits are clearly signed. In the event of an emergency, a siren will sound. You should evacuate the building immediately by the nearest fire exit. Please assemble at the fire point in the Zone 3 car park. If you, or anyone with you, have mobility problems please advise Reception so arrangements can be made if necessary. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO THE FIRE ALARM WILL BE TESTED EVERY FRIDAY AT 11AM. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION. FIRST AID In the event that you or someone else requires First Aid attention, please contact Reception by dialling 5001 from any internal phone. SMOKING Please note that in line with all NCC buildings, smoking is not permitted in Britannia House or its grounds.

3 Objectives To reflect on actions taken since the last session to develop your role of ICT Subject Leader and the impact this has had in school To provide support to carry out lesson observations To consider ways in which monitoring can be followed up To support you in assessing and levelling children’s ICT capability in order to support effective Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning To consider effective tracking and recording of children’s progress in ICT

4 Outline of Day 9.30Impact of the last session – what have you done to develop your role since the last session and what impact has it had on ICT in your school? 10.00Monitoring: Triangulation 10.30Coffee 10.45Lesson observations Monitoring – how do you follow it up? 12.00Lunch 1.00Assessing children’s ICT skills and capability Recording and tracking Target Setting 3.15Evaluation and Finish

5 What Now? What are your next steps in school? Gap Task Plan and carry out some monitoring of ICT before the next session. If you do not have an ICT action plan identify the key areas for development and construct one. Spend some more time looking at the SRF. engage the head teacher, governors, SMT, other subject leaders.

6 Developing your role since the last session Question: What have you done to develop your role and to move ICT forward in your school since the last session? What impact has this had on standards of ICT? What has gone well? Why? What would you have liked to have gone better? What are the next steps?

7 Monitoring Standards Planning Work scrutiny Informal observations/ discussion with staff Learning walks Pupil interviews Audit of staff skills Lesson observations Analysing Data – will cover when we do assessment. Moderation between teams/classes

8 Triangulation Using a range of sources of information to gain a picture of standards Task: Look at the assessments for Child 1, 2 and 3 Look at the planning for the history session. What information can you gain from this? What comments would you feedback to the teacher involved? What would be your next steps?


10 Lesson Observations and Sampling What is the purpose of a lesson observation or lesson sampling? –To gather more information about standards in the school. –Not about making judgements but ascertaining where people are in order to establish whole school or individual training needs –Opportunity to identify good practice and share –Opportunity to assess resourcing –Opportunity to know where children are

11 What are the protocols when conducting a lesson observation? Must have a clear reason and focus that is shared with the teacher. Must give appropriate notice and take into account other things that may be happening. Oral feedback should be offered and given within 24 hours. Overall, whole school feedback should be collated and shared. The observer should not affect the normal process of the lesson.

12 How do we know what a ‘good’ lesson is? What would you be looking for in a ‘good lesson’? What makes a lesson outstanding?

13 Carrying Out Lesson Observations Task Watch the lesson segment. –What would judge to be good about the lesson? (in terms of the use of ICT) –What aspects could be improved? –How would you structure the feedback to this teacher?

14 Giving Feedback Say thank you! Ask the teacher how they felt it went first – this makes them reflect as well as you. Provide the Ofsted evaluation schedule. Reinforce the focus of the observation and relate your comments to this. Pick out positives as well as areas for development if this is appropriate. Ensure any feedback points given are included in the whole school record.

15 And After the Monitoring? What are the next steps? Whole school focus as identified from monitoring Re monitor a month/term later Set targets for people if necessary Procuring new equipment/software or training and supporting the use Team teach/lesson observation

16 Supporting Colleagues NQT Experienced teacher who is slightly ‘ICT Phobic’ and is only delivering the parts of the ICT SOW they feel confident with Good, experienced teacher who wants support in one particular area Teacher who is confident and technically very ICT proficient but is not following the school’s long term plan and is therefore not ensuring progression for the children in their class.


18 Assessment

19 What are we Assessing in ICT?

20 ICT National Curriculum Four aspects of the programme of study –Finding things out –Developing ideas and making things happen –Exchanging and sharing information –Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses 2/subjects/ict/keystage1/index.aspx

21 ICT capability Focus: Children use and apply their ICT knowledge, skills and understanding confidently and competently in their learning and in everyday contexts. They become independent and discerning users of technology, recognising opportunities and risks and using strategies to stay safe. From the ‘Rose Review’

22 ICT Skills and Capability Skills - knowing how to use a program, a piece of equipment or technology and being able to ‘make it work’ Capability - when a child is able to appropriately apply the knowledge, understanding and skills they have acquired to new learning situations and understands the significance of ICT in the world and in their learning and life.

23 Assessment Assessment for Learning –Integral part of all lessons –Enables children to be moved on within a session and between sessions Summative Assessment –End of every unit of ICT work –After ICT has been used as a tool in another curriculum area –Portfolio for cross section of class to exemplify standards

24 Assessment for Learning Provision of effective feedback to pupils Active involvement of pupils in learning Recognising the profound influence of assessment on motivation and self-esteem Pupils able to assess themselves and know how to improve Adjusting teaching as a result of assessment Enables teacher to know what has been learnt, not what they have been taught.

25 Assessment for Learning Strategies Effective questioning techniques Using effective feedback strategies Sharing learning goals and success criteria Peer and self assessment

26 The Characteristics of the Levels Task 1 The 8 National Curriculum levels focus on key characteristics which run through all aspects of the PoS. Children working within a particular level will demonstrate certain characteristics. Decide which characteristics are typical of Levels 1- 5

27 The Characteristics of NC Levels Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 Explore information Organise and classify information Find and use appropriate stored information Collect, find and interrogate information Select information, check its accuracy and organise Recognise that devices respond to instructions Plan and give instructions Use sequences of instructions to control devices Use ICT systems to control events Create sequences of instructions to control events Talk about their use of ICT Talk about their experiences of ICT Describe their use of ICT Compare their use of ICT with other methods Discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT Work with text, images and sound to help them share their ideas Share their ideas in different forms including text, tables, images and sound Share and exchange their ideas with others Present information in different forms and show they are aware of the intended audience Structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences

28 The Characteristics of NC Levels Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 Use of ICT to explore options and explore and share ideas Use ICT to develop work Use of ICT to develop and refine work Combine and refine information Combine the use of ICT tools Use of ICT to communicate meaning Use ICT purposefully Use of ICT to solve problems Interpret information Question reliability and plausibility of information Evaluates fitness for purpose Develop familiarity with ICT tools Use of ICT to towards achieving specific outcomes Use ICT to achieve specific outcomes Show an awareness of audience and a need for quality Fulfill specific purpose and meet the needs of the audience Talk about their use of ICT Describe how they use ICT to develop work Describe their use of ICT inside and outside school Compare their use of ICT with other methods and with its use outside school Discuss knowledge and experience of using ICT Use ICT safely by following instructions. Follow instructions on the safe use of ICT. Follow strategies for staying safe. Manage some of the risks associated with the digital environment. Use ICT safely and responsibly.

29 Key Features of Progression Level 1 – Exploratory use and developing familiarity Level 2 – Purposeful use toward specific outcomes Level 3 – Develop and refine ideas and solve problems. Achieve specific outcomes Level 4 – Combine and refine information from various sources. Interpret and consider plausibility. Show an awareness of audience and a need for quality. Level 5 – Combine the use of ICT tools to fulfil a specified purpose. Critically evaluate fitness for purpose and meet needs of the audience.

30 Assessment for Learning in the ICT SoW AfL built into all units of planning From Y5 Mo2/ Y5+6 Mo2 What formulae have been used to calculate the perimeter and the area? Why have brackets been used in the formula for perimeter? Approaches to teaching ICT

31 Progression in ICT Y1 Se1 Controlling a Floor Turtle Y2 Se1 Programming Routes Y3 Se1 Using Repeats to Control a Floor Turtle (Data logging) Y4 Se1 Writing Procedures On-Screen (Data logging) Y5 Se1 Controlling Inputs and Outputs Y6 Se1 Monitoring Environmental Changes to use as inputs Y1 Se2 Controlling an On- Screen Turtle Y2 Se2 Instructing an On- Screen Turtle Y3 Se2 Using Repeats On- Screen CM3 Y4 Procedures within Procedures MSW Logo Y5 Se2 Variable Inputs For Control and Monitoring Y6 Se2 Integrating Complex Procedures Y1 Mo1 Modelling Changes in Art Y2 Mo1 Photographic Collage Y3 Mo1 Layering Shapes Y4 Mo1 Combining Images Y5 Mo1 Creating 2D and 3D Graphical Models Y6 Mo1 Graphical Modelling Using Sketch Up Y1 Mo2 Exploring Simulations Y2 Mo2 Problem Solving using a Simulation Y3 Mo3 Using Formulae in a Spreadsheet Y4 Mo2 Using a Spreadsheet to perform Calculations Y5 Mo2 Creating Spreadsheets with More Complex Formulae Y6 Mo2 Creating Spreadsheets to Aid Decision Making Y1 Ha1 Presenting Information Graphically Y2 Ha1 Presenting and Organising Data Y3 Ha1 Searching and Adding to a Database Y4 Ha1 Creating a Database Y5 Ha1 Complex Databases Y6 Ha1 Evaluating Databases AF2 – Handling data, sequencing instructions and modelling

32 AF3 – Finding, using and communicating information Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 Y1 Co1 Entering Text Y2 Co1 Entering and Arranging Text Y3 Co1 Introducing Word Tools Y4 Co1 Arranging Text and Images in Word Y5 Co1 Organising and Presenting Information Y6 Co1 Using Reviewing Tools Y1 Co2 Sending and Receiving E-mails Y2 Co2 Sending an Attachment Y3 Co2 Creating an address book and forwarding an E-Mail Y4 Co2 Searching an E-mail Y5 Co2 Using Signatures Safely Y6 Co2 Copying-in and Creating Groups Y5 Co3 Creating a Podcast Y6 Co3 Creating a News Bulletin as a Podcast Y1 Co3 Stop Go Animation Y2 Co3 Taking Digital Images and Video Y3 Co3 Manipulating Images Y4 Co3 Stop Go Animation – 2 Camera Angles Y5 Co4 Combining Media Formats using Movie Maker Y6 C04 No Unit Y1 Co4 Creating a Presentation Y2 Co4 Creating a Presentation using Video Y3 Co4 Using Hotspots Y4 Co4 Creating a Linear Presentation Y5 Co5 Creating a Multi- Layered Presentation Y6 Co5 Planning and Creating a Presentation Y3 Co5 Sequencing Sounds Y4 Co5 Manipulating Sounds Y6 Co6 Creating a ‘ My Page ’. Y1 Fi 1 Navigating Web Pages Y2 Fi 1 Using a Search Engine Bookmarking Y3 Fi 1 Searching and Copying from the Internet Y4 Fi 1 Evaluating Content Y5 Fi 1 Validating Websites

33 APP for ICT APP materials are available for levels 3 – 8. Developed for assessment at KS3. Level 1 and 2 are Northamptonshire's interpretation and are therefore draft 3 assessment foci AF1: Planning, developing and evaluating AF2: Handling data, sequencing instructions and modelling AF3: Finding, using and communicating information

34 APP for ICT © Crown copyright 2008 AF1 – Planning, developing and evaluatingAF2 - Handling data, sequencing instructions and modellingAF3 - Finding, using and communicating information L5Across a range of contexts and practical situations pupils:  Plan and develop structured solutions to problems which use a combination of ICT tools and techniques  Use criteria to evaluate the quality of solutions, identifying improvements and refining their work  Identify benefits and limitations of using ICT both inside and outside school Across a range of contexts and practical situations pupils:  Use logical and appropriate structures to organise and process data  Create precise and accurate sequences of instructions  Change variables within models and explain the impact Across a range of contexts and practical situations pupils:  Take account of accuracy and potential bias when searching for and selecting information  Present information in a range of forms for specific purposes and familiar audiences  Use ICT safely and responsibly L4Across a range of contexts pupils:  Plan and implement solutions that combine and refine different forms of information  Evaluate the quality and success of their solutions  Explain how and why the use of ICT varies in and out of school Across a range of contexts pupils:  Organise and process data for a purpose  Devise and refine sequences of instructions.  Use models to explore relationships between inputs and outputs and explain how the models work Across a range of contexts pupils:  Use appropriate search criteria to find relevant information, and check its plausibility and usefulness  Present information in different forms suited to purpose  Use ICT to communicate and collaborate, identifying some of the risks and acting to minimise them L3Across a range of contexts pupils:  Plan how they will use ICT to solve a problem  Comment on success of their solution  Refine and develop information using ICT tools and techniques to make changes  Describe how they use ICT at school and how it is used outside school Across a range of contexts pupils:  Collect, store and retrieve data  Use a sequence of instructions to control events  Use ICT-based models or simulations to answer questions Across a range of contexts pupils:  Identify and select appropriate information using straightforward lines of enquiry  Present information using text, images and other media  Use digital communication to exchange ideas  Identify ways they can keep themselves safe when using ICT L2Across a range of contexts pupils:  Find and use information to answer questions.  Comment on how successful they’ve been in finding answers.  Use simple editing and formatting techniques to develop their work  Describe how they use ICT to develop their work Across a range of contexts pupils:  Sort and organise information and present it in different forms, including simple graphs  Plan and give instructions to make things happen and describe the effects.  Make informed choices when using ICT to explore what happens in real and imaginary situations. Across a range of contexts pupils:  Find, organise and classify information and present their findings  Present ideas in different forms, including text, tables, images and sound.  Use ICT to communicate with others following instructions on safe use. L1Across a range of contexts pupils:  Plan how they will use ICT to explore their ideas.  Comment on how their work could be improved  They describe their use of ICT. Across a range of contexts pupils:  Investigate imaginary and virtual worlds and explore options.  Explore how devices respond to commands. Across a range of contexts pupils:  Navigate onscreen resources to explore and locate information  Work with text, images and sound to explore and share ideas.  Use ICT safely by following instructions.

35 AF1 – Planning, developing and evaluating Opportunities for children to make choices about their use of ICT when working in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes. Support documents included in the SoW to help with this.

36 Making a Level Judgment Complete AF judgements against the requirements for each level. The decision should take account of how fully and consistently the criteria have been met and how far the pupil demonstrates independence and choice across a range of evidence. Finalise the overall level judgement by deciding whether the level is low, secure or high: Low –several criteria for the level are highlighted but there are substantial gaps. –Only 1 of the criteria in AF1 has been met. –The pupil is working within the overall level, but there are significant areas that need to be developed further before secure performance at the level is demonstrated. Secure –most of the criteria for the level are highlighted in each AF. –The first 2 criteria in AF1 are met. –There may be a few unmet criteria in other AFs, but the highlighting shows that the standard for the level has been substantially met across each of the assessment focuses. High –the criteria for the level are highlighted across all, or almost all, the AFs, with some criteria in the level above being highlighted for some AFs. – All criteria in AF1 are met.

37 Summative Assessment Class recording /Tracking sheet All pupils Below, At, Exceeding End of year ‘overall level’ Progression support document Based on Learning Outcomes and Level Descriptors Portfolio of work – Exemplify assessment judgements 3 children or more if more ability groups Below, At, Exceeding Annotation Unit of work Process/ significant points Feedback Next steps Level working within End of Term and Year Level Tracking sheet Example Unit of Work Levelled Assessment Document

38 Task Look at the assessment spreadsheet for a Year 3 group. What level would you award the first few children? What other information can you gain from this spreadsheet?

39 Assessing Children’s Work Task Consider the examples of work and using the Learning Outcome documents, decide whether the child should be recorded as ‘e’, ‘a’ or ‘b’. What might you include in the annotation?

40 Using APP Task Using the information provided, what aspects of the APP sheet would you be able to highlight? What level would you award?

41 Target Setting What targets should be set for ICT? How can this be made manageable? How will the children be involved? Foundation Stage: Baselining and assessment

42 What are your next steps?

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