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Locating the lost! Who are they? How many are there? Where do we go to find them? Not hard to answer; they are everywhere. Family, friends, neighbors,

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Presentation on theme: "Locating the lost! Who are they? How many are there? Where do we go to find them? Not hard to answer; they are everywhere. Family, friends, neighbors,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Locating the lost!

3 Who are they? How many are there? Where do we go to find them? Not hard to answer; they are everywhere. Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Why? Sin is what causes someone to be lost, (Isaiah 59:1-2). Who are the best possible prospects? Who could I have the most impact on for good? And how? Sin is our choice. We cannot blame others, (James 1:13-14). Sin is the course that all choose to follow, (Romans 3:23).

4 Locating the lost! Learn about the lost!

5 Understanding where people are in life and how they got there can help us form strategies on how to lead them to Christ. We must remember the value to "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." Jesus never compromised, but sought to teach, (Matthew 9:35-38). Paul never compromised, but sought to teach, (Acts 20:17-27). Brethren, "People won't care how much we know until they know how much we care!" We must never compromise, but seek to teach, (II Timothy 2:22-26).

6 Locating the lost! Learn about the lost! Love the lost!

7 First, realize that love is NOT some fuzzy feeling toward someone. It is to determine their value and to elevate them because of their value. How valuable their souls are. Jesus died for them too, (John 3:16). Before you can ever love the lost as you should, you must understand: How God feels about one soul being lost, (II Peter 3:9). When we understand how valuable the lost are, Only then will we work to reach them… How God wants everyone to hear the gospel, (Mark 16:15-16).

8 Locating the lost! Learn about the lost! Love the lost! Lift up the lost!

9 To “lift up” is to give them your special attention: Pray for the lost, (Colossians 4:3). Be an example, (Matthew 5:16). Teach the gospel, (I Thessalonians 1:6-10):  Be creative with ways to distribute tracts, bulletins, tapes, correspondence courses, etc.  Invite others to services, offer opportunities for Bible studies. The only way to reach the lost is with the truth of the gospel! Let us take it to them!


11 The reason that we may not succeed in spreading the gospel is not that we do not have a message or opportunity, but that we may not have the motivation that we need for the work. Motivation is vital in every area of life. "Motivation is an inner drive, an idea captured in the imagination. Motivation can be harnessed to an intense drive toward a goal. Men and women who are motivated push themselves forward, plow through the inevitable setbacks, heading ever onward to their dreams. Motivation is essential to succeeding in any endeavor you try.” - (Denis Waitley)

12 Locating the lost! Learn about the lost! Love the lost! Lift up the lost!

13 Reaching The Lost 1. _____________________________ - ______________________________, (Isaiah 59:1-2). - _____________________________, (James 1:13-14). - ______________________________, (Romans 3:23). 2. _____________________________ - ___________________________, (Matthew 9:35-38). - ______________________________, (Acts 20:17-27). - __________________________, (II Timothy 2:22-26). 3. _____________________________ - _________________________________, (John 3:16). - ________________________________, (II Peter 3:9). - _____________________________, (Mark 16:15-16). 4. _____________________________ - _____________________________, (Colossians 4:3). - ______________________________, (Matthew 5:16). - ______________________, (I Thessalonians 1:6-10). Reaching The Lost 1. _____________________________ - ______________________________, (Isaiah 59:1-2). - _____________________________, (James 1:13-14). - ______________________________, (Romans 3:23). 2. _____________________________ - ___________________________, (Matthew 9:35-38). - ______________________________, (Acts 20:17-27). - __________________________, (II Timothy 2:22-26). 3. _____________________________ - _________________________________, (John 3:16). - ________________________________, (II Peter 3:9). - _____________________________, (Mark 16:15-16). 4. _____________________________ - _____________________________, (Colossians 4:3). - ______________________________, (Matthew 5:16). - ______________________, (I Thessalonians 1:6-10).

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