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Temperature Reading System Team Members: Imran Shah Mahvash Shaker Anas Shaklab TA: Hanliu Chen Professor: Riadh Habash ELG4154 – Modern Control Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature Reading System Team Members: Imran Shah Mahvash Shaker Anas Shaklab TA: Hanliu Chen Professor: Riadh Habash ELG4154 – Modern Control Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature Reading System Team Members: Imran Shah Mahvash Shaker Anas Shaklab TA: Hanliu Chen Professor: Riadh Habash ELG4154 – Modern Control Engineering

2 References 1.) The development of the storage tank water heater by thermoelectrictechnology, Tohoku Electr. Power Co., Sendai; Publication Date 1998 2.) Consumer Strategies for Controlling Electric Water Heaters under Dynamic Pricing, Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center Working Paper CEIC-04-02 Publication Date 2002 3.) PID Controller Design for First-Order-Plus-Dead Time Model via Hermite-Biehler Theorem, Anindo Roy,, and Kamran Iqbal, Publication Date 2003 4.) A 200 mW, 1 Msample/s, 16-b Pipelined A/D Converter with On-Chip 32-b Microcontroller, Michael K. Mayes, and Sing W. Chin Publication Date 1996 5.) Multiple fuzzy model-based temperature predictive control for HVAC systems, Ming He, Year of Publication: 2005

3 Work Distribution Imran Assembly Coding Matlab Simulation Mahvash Hardware Implementation and Testing Research Anas Research Hardware Testing

4 Overview Analog-Digital Converter and Temperature Sensor  To demonstrate an understanding of an ADC with relation to a MC  Fully implement a system that outputs temperature value on a BCD. MC68HC912B32

5 Scope  Successful use of the ADC within the MC will allows the needed conversion.  Reading the thermistor voltage value into the MC, converting it to Celsius using a predefined array.  Outputting the temperature onto 2 BCD displays

6 Implementation  Temperature system code written in assembly Control Case:  When temperature reaches a high and low limit, triggers LED green or red.

7 Product Development There are many applications of our system such as:  Reading temperatures in various environments: atmosphere and land  Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC)  Climate Control for small to large living/working areas (Offices, home, etc)

8 Water Heater Control System

9 P Controller

10 PI Controller

11 PID Controller

12 Any Questions?

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