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Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman,

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Presentation on theme: "Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman, Dave Davis, PowerPoint download,

2 Last week - hypocrisy Current perception: Christians say one thing but live something entirely different. Goal perception: Christians are transparent about their flaws and act first, talk second. Recapping last week – Hypocrisy may be seen as a means to an end – Christian lives don’t match Christian beliefs – We set ourselves up for failure by prioritizing “being good” 16-29 year olds Unfavorable ImageOutsidersChurchgoers Hypocritical85%47%

3 You can’t handle Jesus If lifestyle is the primary way we measure our faithfulness, it’s easy to make the prideful assumption than an inability to live virtuously is what’s keeping people from Christ This attitude seems particularly arrogant given last week’s data on how well Christian living matches Christian beliefs – John 8:2-11 Nobody is capable of living “right enough” to not rely on Christ

4 The Good-O-Meter

5 This is hard; let’s change the rules For a new generation of Christians, it may seem easier to compromise morality than to appear a hypocrite. Re-shaping the rules is a quick solution in an increasingly morally relativistic society. % morally acceptable Unfavorable ImageAge 42+Age 23-41 Gambling38%58% Sexual thoughts or fantasies35%57% Sex outside marriage23%44% Having a homosexual relationship13%28%

6 Radical transparency Christian transparency can disarm an “image is everything” generation – Young people value authenticity: Don’t pretend to be something you’re not; be open about your faults Being transparent about our own brokenness reinforces our reliance on Christ – Transparency simply means admitting what the bible says about us: Romans 3:23-24 Be transparent, but with boundaries & considerations – Use details with caution; resist self-centered motivation; focus on restoration; accept unconditionally


8 Hypocrisy – call to action Goal perception: Christians are transparent about their flaws and act first, talk second. 1.Re-assess your priorities; don’t measure faith by avoidance of sin – Mark 12:29-31 2.Strive for real-time transparency about our flaws, challenges & motivations – Romans 7:21-25 3.Live your beliefs; Jesus is your role model – Ephesians 4:22-24

9 Get saved!

10 Current perception – Christians are insincere & concerned only with converting others Goal perception – Christians cultivate relationships & environments where others can be deeply transformed by God Christians are too concerned with converting people. They are insincere. All I ever hear is “Get saved!” I tried that whole “Jesus thing” already. It didn’t work for me before, and I’m not interested now. Shawn, age 22

11 Always Be Closing Christians are seen as pushy salespeople, and even our genuine interest in peoples’ wellbeing is seen as “fake” – Just 1/3 of outsiders think Christians really care about them; while 2/3 of Christians feel their efforts would be perceived as caring Outsiders are skeptical & savvy; our interest in them has to go farther than getting them to a bible study

12 Next week Finishing up “Get saved!” Introduce anti-homosexual Feedback & resources – Kevin Bowman, – Dave Davis, – PowerPoint download,

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