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How can I ace the English Language Exam? LO1: Understand the key things you need to do in your English Language exam to get brilliant marks.

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Presentation on theme: "How can I ace the English Language Exam? LO1: Understand the key things you need to do in your English Language exam to get brilliant marks."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can I ace the English Language Exam? LO1: Understand the key things you need to do in your English Language exam to get brilliant marks.

2 READING - 75 minutes (1 & ½ minutes per mark) Generally Required (marks): - Q1 – Explaining Information (8) - Q2 – Analysing Presentation Features (8) - Q3 – Explaining what’s suggested and viewpoint (8) - Q4 – Comparing Language Features, usually between two texts (16)

3 READING cont… - Use PEA…L (Point, Evidence, Analysis & Link) - When comparing language, look out for: * Level of formality* Use of facts/opinions * Significant words* Emotive language * Sentence length* Rhetoric - Techniques to talk about: * Repetition* Similes * Metaphors* Alliteration ALWAYS EXPLAIN THE EFFECTS – How are the features used?

4 READING cont… KEY SKILLS BEING ASSESSED… - Ability to find information - Ability to analyse presentational and language features - Ability to compare features and effects - Ability to understand viewpoint and suggestions - Ability to analyse language

5 WRITING - 2 Questions - Shorter Task will be Inform, Explain, Describe (25 minutes) - Longer Task will be Argue and Persuade (35 minutes) You must always: Adapt to audience & purpose Add features – examples, anecdotes, quotes, rhetorical questions, lists, facts, similes. Make comments bright and interesting. Make stats believable (even if they are made up!)

6 WRITING cont… Regardless of type of writing, you can (and need to) vary: - Paragraph lengths (always include a short, punchy paragraph) - Sentence lengths & types (1 or 2 short sentences for effect) - Punctuation types ( ), - : ! ? “ “ ; - Vocabulary - Openings (Capture the interest of the audience) - Endings

7 WRITING cont… PLANNING IS KEY! Way to effectively plan in the time given: 1. Underline the important words in the title. 2. Produce a spider diagram. 3. Convert the ideas into a numbered list. 4. Add ideas you intend to include.

8 WRITING cont… A good approach to the writing tasks is: PLAN… 3-4 minutes WRITE… * 1-2 sides for inform, explain, describe (Task 1) * 2-4 sides for argue and persuade (Task 2) CHECK… go through in final 3 minutes, checking punctuation, sentence structures, etc.

9 WRITING cont… KEY SKILLS BEING ASSESSED… - Ability to write for audience and purpose - Ideas - Structure and paragraphing - Sentences and punctuation - Vocabulary and expression - Spelling

10 Last few reminders… - Don’t panic – you have 2 and a half hours! - Get the examiner on side – don’t waffle or make unnecessary comments. - Quality, not quantity is what’s important. - Do not put your pen down till you are asked too.

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