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By: Michael Armstrong Young Kim Antony Magdaleno James Statter

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Presentation on theme: "By: Michael Armstrong Young Kim Antony Magdaleno James Statter"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Michael Armstrong Young Kim Antony Magdaleno James Statter
Microsoft Paint By: Michael Armstrong Young Kim Antony Magdaleno James Statter

2 What is MS Paint? Basic Photo Editor Elementary Controls Simple Design

3 Objective To introduce MS Paint to a computer layperson, providing him/her a brief overview of Paint’s general functionality through a simple tutorial of “painting” a picture of a house.

4 Introduction To MS Paint
Paint’s main components – Labeled for easy comprehension

5 Introduction To MS Paint (Part 2)
The Bucket Tool allows the user to completely fill in a closed area Ex. Use the Bucket Tool to color the sky blue and the grass green Step 1: Select the Bucket Tool from the Toolbox Step 2: Select light blue from the color box Pictures of actual items are included in the instructions for easy reference

6 Introduction To MS Paint (Part 3)
Screenshots provide easy visual reference to what the expected outcome for each step should look like.

7 Walkthrough Add the roof, chimney, and smoke to the house (Steps 8-10).

8 Final Result

9 Areas Covered Line Tool Paintbrush Tool Curve Tool Paint Bucket
Ellipse Tool Polygon Tool Rectangle Tool Rounded Rectangle Tool Brush Tool Pencil Tool Airbrush Tool Colors Modifiers

10 Thank you! Questions?  Comments?

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