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Do Now (See handout) Carefully examine what you see. Compare & Contrast the two paintings – which one is from Medieval Era? From the Renaissance? How are.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now (See handout) Carefully examine what you see. Compare & Contrast the two paintings – which one is from Medieval Era? From the Renaissance? How are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now (See handout) Carefully examine what you see. Compare & Contrast the two paintings – which one is from Medieval Era? From the Renaissance? How are you able to distinguish the two? #1 #2

2 Medieval Art (things to notice) Look at the people, they all look the same. Close to stick figures (i.e Their proportions are not accurate). The idea of space, there is none. Some of the people and objects look like the are floating because of the lack of light and shadow to make it look 3D. There is no Perspective. It looks like a bunch of randomly placed objects that are all equal in size. Religion, most medieval art has some sort of religious aspect to it. The artists normally sign their work to know who’s work it is. In this painting we do not find this.

3 Renaissance Art (things to notice) - Notice the people and their faces, they look like real people with real faces. They do not look like stick figures and they all look different. -You can defiantly see depth perception in these paintings. As people and objects are closer they appear larger and as the fade to the distance they appear smaller. -As you can see there is defiantly linear perspective, vanishing or focus point. When you look at the painting your eyes are drawn to one point in the painting. -The people in the painting seem to be free to do whatever they choose. There is no reference to religion in this painting.

4 Why? Medieval art: Mostly religious; very focused on creating symbols of Christian concepts/values; not concerned with realism. Statues were shallow and flat. Bodies might be out of proportion. Renaissance art: Very focused on realism--on portraying things as they look. Used linear perspective in painting. Not as focused on religion. Often used to show the beauty in nature (including human beings). Often depicted everyday life. Used light and shadow. Attention to detail is focused on more heavily during the Renaissance. Times were very different as well. Medieval art was heavily focused on religion and work whereas those in the Renaissance times were more open and free. People wanted the truth and focused on realism. Realism focuses on life and how it is truly, not imaginative at all.

5 Assignment #1: What was the Renaissance? (Video)

6 Assignment #2: Complete the chart/graphic organizer 1.As per the HW, what was the Renaissance?  What comes to mind when you see the word, Renaissance?  Examine the causes  What changes came along as a result of the Renaissance?

7 Complete the chart: Examine the main points surrounding the Renaissance.

8 Trade: Created a wealthy class who became patrons of the arts. Classicism: Revival of Greek & Roman achievements & writings. Questioning Spirit Intellectual & Artistic Creativity Secularism: Other than religion. Humanism: Glorification of people & human reason. Individualism: Emphasis on the importance of the individual and achievements.

9 Renaissance Values:

10 The revival of trade in Europe helped bring an end to the Middle Ages & gave rise to the Renaissance Increased trade gave rise to Italian city-states & a wealthy middle class of bankers & merchants Wealthy bankers & merchants wanted to show off their new status by commissioning art The rise of cities brought artists together which led to new techniques & styles of art

11 The most important Italian city-state was Florence; In this wealthy trade city, the Renaissance began Florence was home to the Medici family, the wealthiest & most powerful bankers in Europe The Medici used their wealth to commission art for themselves & to beautify Florence

12 Please say that we can be MATURE for the next couple of Renaissance artworks.

13 New styles & techniques of Renaissance art Realism & emotion Classicism: inspiration from Greece & Rome Emphasis on individuals & interaction between people Geometric arrangements Perspective Using light & shadows Chiaroscuro Sfumato The first nude paintings & sculptures since the Romans GreekRenaissance

14 The Renaissance spread from Italy as scholars & merchants from other areas visited Italian city-states As these ideas spread, this “Northern Renaissance” developed its own characteristics

15 The Renaissance in France was most known for its unique architecture

16 The Renaissance in England was most known for literature, especially the plays of William Shakespeare

17 Wedding Portrait by Jan Van Eyck The Renaissance in the Netherlands was most known for realism in art

18 Medieval & Renaissance Medieval & Renaissance Comparison Comparison

19 Medieval & Renaissance Compared Art Medieval 1. No expressions on faces 2. Stiff and unrealistic poses Renaissance 1. Faces are filled with emotion and expression 2. Human poses are lifelike and realistic

20 Medieval & Renaissance Compared Art Medieval 3.European art was the property of the Church – often religious themes 4.Tempura paints were used – dried too quickly to correct mistakes Renaissance 3.A rtists take credit for their work and become famous 4.O il paints were used – lets artists work slowly, create new colors, and obtain more lifelike effects

21 Medieval & Renaissance Compared Art Medieval 5.The Church forbids displaying the naked human body 6.There is no balance, proportion, or perspective – pictures are “flat” and two dimensional Renaissance 5.L ike the Greeks and Romans, artists study anatomy to portray humans realistically 6.A rtists create proportion with the illusion of depth and distance on the flat surface

22 Medieval & Renaissance Compared Thought Medieval 1.Life on earth is preparation for the afterlife Renaissance 1.L ife on earth should be lived to the fullest

23 Medieval & Renaissance Compared Thought Medieval 2.The Church has all authority and power 3.Individuals should not seek to stand out Renaissance 2.T radition becomes less important and individuals become empowered 3.A ppreciation of unique individual Renaissance characteristics

24 Examples of Medieval Artwork Medieval Artwork Renaissance Artwork Raphael: The Nymph Galatea 1512-1514

25 Medieval vs. Renaissance Art Now, based on what we just covered, can you tell the difference? Pay close attention

26 So, what was the Renaissance? It is the Beginning of Modern Europe Era in Europe characterized by financial, artistic, social, scientific, and political growth Started in the Italian city-states and spreads North Public focus shifted from religion and the afterlife to the secular (non-religious) world Much of the financial growth was used to support the arts

27 Where did the renaissance Start? Began in Italy Later spread north to Germany and England What was the difference between the Northern and Italian Renaissance…?


29 The Italian Renaissance People were interested in human achievement (instead of religious or spiritual achievement) The figures in their artwork looked like Greek or Roman gods, i.e. perfect

30 The Northern Renaissance Various INDIVIDUALS were interested in the early Christian period. The figures in their artwork were more realistic.

31 Both Northern & Italian Renaissance Interested in Greek & Roman culture (“the classics”) Use of perspective in paintings Believed in humanism Used critical method of study

32 What’s Humanism? Hint: What word is inside the word? Idea started in the Renaissance that people have value, worth. MA: Only God can do good Ren: Humans can do good Liberal arts education (still here today)

33 Watch video (approx: 3:01): Renaissance Man ("Blister in the Sun" by the Violent Femmes)

34 Period #2 – Revival of Trade 1.Carefully review the handout titled, Essay Question: What were the causes and impact of the Revival of Trade?

35 HW: 11/12/13; due: 11/14/13 1.Complete your introduction (thesis statement) & the body paragraphs surrounding your revival of trade essay. - You will have the opportunity to work on this assignment tonight, during tomorrow’s class period, & once again during tomorrow night’s HW. 2.Due Thursday, list at least 3 impacts/effects surrounding the revival of trade (positives &/or negatives) & then show how they transformed people’s lives throughout the era in question. 3. Review the list PPT carefully.

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