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Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)

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Presentation on theme: "Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)

2 MDTA Established in 1971 Purpose
Construct, manage, operate, and improve toll facilities Funded by toll revenues, not tax dollars Headquarters - Point Breeze Office Complex, Baltimore 9 Facilities

3 MDTA Facilities 4/21/2017 Toll facilities consist of high-volume signature bridges, tunnels and highways that are major interstate and U.S. routes I-95 ETLs MDTA Facility Toll Plaza Travel Plaza * * Note: the ICC uses All Electronic Tolling (No Toll Plazas) 3

4 Maryland Transportation Authority 6-Year Planned Budget ($Millions)
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 TOTAL $255.03 $74.5 $12.22 $0 $0 $0 $ Mega Projects $139.27 $157.30 $63.18 $79.70 $60.20 $10.50 $510.15 All Other Major Projects $133.5 $190.00 $240.4 $284.50 $273.00 $249.20 $1,370.5 System Preservation and D&E TOTAL $527.8 $421.8 $315.8 $364.1 $333.2 $259.7 $2,222.50

5 I-95 Improvement Project
Express Toll Lanes (ETLs) The construction of 8 miles of Express Toll Lanes (2) in each direction on I-95 from the I-95/I-895 split at the Baltimore City line to north of the I-95/MD 43 interchange and the improvement of the I-95 Interchanges at I-895, I-695 and MD 43. This segment of highway will be adjacent to four General Purpose Lanes in each direction that will not be tolled. This will be the second Open Road Tolling Facility in Maryland, collecting tolls electronically without the need to stop or reduce speed for a toll booth. The range of tolls will vary by the time of the day and the day of the week to allow for the management of traffic congestion. The total programmed budget for this project is $1.1 billion. The MDTA is responsible for planning, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and financing of this project. The MDTA will own, operate, and maintain the ETLs upon completion. Construction began in 2006 with completion anticipated in late Significant improvements are complete and have been implemented, including the I-95/I-895 interchange, as well as the general purpose portion of the I-95/I-695 interchange. 5

6 Hatem and Tydings Bridge Underwater Repairs
Hatem Bridge Preservation Project Description: Repair the underwater foundation and installation of scour protection for the bridge between Perryville and Havre de Grace. Project work began in April 2012 and is expected to be complete in September 2014. Traffic will not be affected by construction as all work is under the bridge deck. Estimated cost of this project is $43 Million 6

7 Bay Bridge Paint Projects
Westbound Bay Bridge Paint Projects (Phases 1 thru 4) Description: Clean and paint all of the structural steel on the Westbound Bay Bridge. The work was divided into 4 projects as follows: Phase 1: Girder spans, including the steel piers. Project cost was $15.2 million and was completed in March 2013. Phase 2: Suspension spans, including the exterior of the suspension towers, interior bases of the towers and interior surfaces of the towers. Project cost was $19.8 million and completed in August 2013. Phase 3: Steel deck truss spans. Project cost is $38 million. Work started in May 2013 and is expected to be complete in May 2015. Phase 4: Steel thru truss, signal gantries and east girder spans. Project is estimated to cost $17.9 million and is expected to commence in summer of 2015. 7

8 Bay Bridge Cable Rewrapping and Dehumidification
Bay Bridge Cable Rewrapping and Dehumidification of Cable and Anchorages Project Description: Inject dry air into bridge cables to reduce humidity that causes corrosion; replace cable wrapping to further protect cables from moisture and corrosion. Project work began in August 2012 and is expected to complete in February 2015. Traffic will be maintained during construction as work only minimally affects the roadway. Estimated cost of this project is $50 Million 8

9 Travel Plaza Replacements – P3
Maryland House final rendering Chesapeake House final rendering 9

10 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Phase 4 Painting (WB) Deck Rehabilitation (EB) Modify Lane Use System Modify Crossovers and Resurface Approaches Seal Deck (WB)

11 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Replace Vent Fans Rehabilitate K-Truss Spans Resurface Pavement north of the tunnel Deck and Superstructure Replacement over Patapsco Flats Replace Stand Pipes and Sump Pump in tunnel

12 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Baltimore Harbor Tunnel – Canton Viaduct Replacement

13 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Fort McHenry Tunnel Repair Vent Fans Replace Tunnel Lighting Replace Salt Barn Repair/Replace pumps Rehabilitate 4 Bridges over Herring Run and CSX

14 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
John F. Kennedy Highway Unbraiding of I-695 at I-95 Zone Paint Tydings Bridge Resurface Pavement from MD-24 to Delaware line Replace Light Poles Repair Corrugated Pipe Culverts ETL Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration

15 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Hatem Bridge Convert facility to All Electric Toll Collection Replace HVAC

16 Francis Scott Key Bridge
Projects In Design Francis Scott Key Bridge Resurface Pavement – Facility-wide Convert to All Electronic Toll Collection Overlay Bridge Decks at Dock Road and CSX Repair Median Barrier and Lighting

17 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Nice Bridge Bridge Replacement Project Preliminary Engineering

18 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
System-Wide Projects Replace Electronic Toll Collection and Operating System, 3rd Generation Replace Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Upgrade Fire Alarms and Security Systems Upgrade/Replace Sign Structures Install Virtual Weigh Stations

19 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Facility-Wide Programs for: Replacement of underground fuel storage tanks with aboveground storage tanks Repair/Replacement/Sealing of Bridge Decks Zone and Spot Paint Bridges

20 Upcoming Bid Opportunities
Ongoing On Call Contracts Structure Repairs Concrete Repairs Paving Sign Structures Electrical Repairs Facility/Building Repairs Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) – Environmental

21 Future Unfunded Capital Projects
I-95 ETL Project Deferred portions of Section 100 Section 200 (MD 43 – MD 22) Replacement of the Harry W. Nice Bridge Conversion of all Facilities to Open Road Tolling Bay Bridge Replacement/3rd Crossing


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