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The Happy Street By Dr. Rekha Shetty. Collection Bag.

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Presentation on theme: "The Happy Street By Dr. Rekha Shetty. Collection Bag."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Happy Street By Dr. Rekha Shetty

2 Collection Bag

3 Painting Competition

4 A Broken drain pipe & discarded mica

5 The Compost Drum The drum is used to recycle kitchen waste & is very easy and convenient to use with excellent results in the form of organic compost for your garden. Do not throw away this rich wealth. Compost it, keep the garbage off the streets, get a beautiful garden with natural compost for free.

6 The Four Pillars of Happy Communities Economic Growth and Development Preserving and promoting cultural heritage Encouraging sustainable use of environment. Establishing good governance.

7 Focus on  Form a Happy Street Committee of Five  Introducing Composting boxes  Improving Pavements and recycling  Collecting waste paper

8 Fund Raising Each house will generate waste of Rs.200/-per month. Conservatively about Rs.2000/- per year, a street with 50 houses can create a fund of Rs.1,00,000/-. This can be used to help students from the street. If we adopt a hundred streets. This project has a potential to raise Rs.1,00,00,000/-.

9 Towards a waste free world… Waste can look beautiful too & also be very useful! You don't have to be an artist. Just painting waste in vibrant colours will do wonders ! Shobha Manickam

10 Art on a Concrete Slab & Formica

11 Colourful Thermocol Butterflies

12 WC, Formica & Glass Art

13 Glass Art

14 Spreading the message

15 Parts of a WC & Netlon Dragonfly

16 An arty sink & vinyl boards

17 WC again

18 WC & the terrace door

19 Glass painting

20 Butterflies from vinyl boards

21 Art

22 A WC, Glass & Formica

23 A cock from discarded vinyl board

24 Glass Paintings - Jungle theme

25 A ‘Wild’ Tile

26 The Seven Radiant Actions For Happiness The First Radiant Action For Physical Wellness The Second Radiant Action For Emotional Wellness The Third Radiant Action For Personal Wellness

27 The Fourth Radiant Action For Family Bonding The Fifth Radiant Action For Nurturing The Workplace The Sixth Radiant Action of Social Bonding The Seventh Radiant Action For Dharmic Living

28 Annual Suggested Plan of Activities July - Form a Happy Street Committee of 5, including the Rotarian and discuss the activities suggested and arrive at time bound conclusions. August– A coffee morning for ladies and Paper man September – Introducing Composting boxes, Starting Vegetable gardens and pyramid gardens

29 October – Painting Competition for children, Navaratri celebrations. Honouring grandparents, Home get together for group of 5 families November – Diwali Celebrations December – Christmas and New year celebrations January – Kolam Competition, Tree planting and skits by kids.

30 Febraury – Water conservation plans – 52 weeks to save water – e-campaign March – A program with civic bodies – Corporation, Police, Electricity Board. April – Program for improving livelihood May – Simple cooking for summer

31 Letter to Neighbours Dear Neighbours, As we stand on the brink of the New Year, we want to thank all of you for including us in your lives. We came here just married and friendless. Today we wait for our baby to be born in the lap of an extended family of which all of you form a part.

32 We thank the aunties who taught us the lazy man’s way to good food. We thank the elders who held our hands during the roller coaster experience of being newlyweds. We thank those of you who gave us seeds and cuttings to adorn our balcony gardens. Thank you for returning our dog Tiger home, numerous times when he tried to explore the street. Thank you for making this street beautiful and garbage free. We are grateful that our baby will live on a safe and happy street! - Ammu

33 From the book “The Happy Street” By Dr. Rekha Shetty

34 Let’s spread the message of a garbage-free, eco friendly environment and leave a better world for our next generation.

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