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Alessia Romito ISFOL – Institute for the development of vocational training APPRENTICESHIPS IN ITALY Workshop on "Work based Learning and SMEs" Brussels,

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Presentation on theme: "Alessia Romito ISFOL – Institute for the development of vocational training APPRENTICESHIPS IN ITALY Workshop on "Work based Learning and SMEs" Brussels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alessia Romito ISFOL – Institute for the development of vocational training APPRENTICESHIPS IN ITALY Workshop on "Work based Learning and SMEs" Brussels, 5 March 2013

2 Main aspects of Italian Apprenticeship Apprenticeship is a labour and training contract with a specific supporting legislation Apprentices = paid workers, who have to attend specific vocational courses in order to acquire certifications or diplomas and university degrees Traditionally, apprenticeship is not linked to the education system The apprenticeship system was reformed by the "Consolidated Apprenticeship Act", approved on October 25 th 2011 and entered into force on April 25 th 2012. The new Law amends and reorganizes the previous legislation on apprenticeship and in particular introduces some new features in the three types of contract

3 Apprenticeship Typologies TypesTarget groupsPourpose Apprenticeship for the qualification and the professional diploma 15-25 years old to acquire a vocational qualification diploma recognized at national level Professional apprenticeship 18-29 years old to obtain a labour market qualification (recognized by collective agreement and enterprises) Apprenticeship for higher education and research 18-29 years old to acquire a diploma released by the education system, at secondary or tertiary level, or a doctorate degree.

4 Some data 504.558 Nr. of apprentices in 2011 (old apprenticeship system) Recruitment forecast of apprentices first quarter of 2013 (private sector only) 6,4% of the total recruitments in all enterprises 7,6% of the total recruitments in SMEs Up to 18 years old 19-29 aged SMEs Size-classes Nr of Enterprises Nr of Employees Micro 1-995,3%48,0% Small 10-494,1%19,6% 99,4%67,6% Medium50-2490,5%12,0% Large> 2490,1%20,4% 1° level: 6.643 (1,3%) 2° level: 496.920 (98,5%) 3° level: 995 (0,2%)

5 Steakholders State level national framework, fixing rights and duties of the enterprises and apprentices main features of the apprenticeship contract Regions/Autonomous Province local regulation, mainly related to the training aim of the contract length of the vocational training (key skills) supply of vocational training courses Social Partners (Collective Bargaining) length of the apprenticeship contract length and contents of the professional vocational training provision of on the job training further vocational training

6 Enterprises: role and benefits RoleBenefits The enterprise is responsible for the on and off the job training draw up the training plan; ensure the apprentice training, as provided in the training plan; ensure the presence of a company tutor; ensure the company tutor’s training lower wage for apprentice reductions in welfare and social security contributions for the entire length of apprenticeship contract – (No contribution for micro enterprises) technical and operative support, offered by Bilateral Bodies, for: drawing up training plans Accomplishing on the job vocational training Voucher for accomplishing vocational training, provided by special national programs or local Authorities.

7 Focus on Higher Apprenticeship This kind of apprenticeship contract can be offered to young people between the ages of 18 and 29 in all sectors of production The Regions establish the regulation and lenght of the training programmes, through an agreement with trade unions, business organizations, universities and other higher education institutions It is aimed to obtain a qualification: upper secondary diploma, university first degree or higher degree, doctorate degree It is a new form of apprenticeship and it is spreading very slowly. Main critical points Difficulites to link University and enterprices Governance Financial resources for extra work needed to university to plan and organize individual training programmes for apprentices

8 Thanks for your attention For more information: (Info in English)

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