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Book V – Island of Calypso A Fantastic Cave Landscape with Odysseus and Calypso Painting by Jan Brueghel Even Hermes pauses to wonder at the beauty of.

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Presentation on theme: "Book V – Island of Calypso A Fantastic Cave Landscape with Odysseus and Calypso Painting by Jan Brueghel Even Hermes pauses to wonder at the beauty of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book V – Island of Calypso A Fantastic Cave Landscape with Odysseus and Calypso Painting by Jan Brueghel Even Hermes pauses to wonder at the beauty of Calypso’s cave.

2 Odysseus has been on Ogygia for seven years.

3 With Calypso’s assistance, Odysseus builds a raft.

4 Scheria After 17 days sailing, Poseidon sends a storm. Odysseus loses his raft, but with Ino’s help (Remember her from Ovid?) he swims for 2 days and nights and on the third day reaches Scheria, home of the Phaecians.

5 Book VI – Landing in Scheria, land of the Phaeacians Odysseus and Nausicaa, from the famous scene on the beach – a naked, scarred and grizzled warrior and a young, impressionable girl, just of marriageable age.

6 Nausicaa and the girls provide Odysseus with clothing.

7 Nausicaa in the “high wagon with good wheels” sees Odysseus fully clothed and seeming “like the gods ”.

8 Book VII – in Scheria, land of Phaeacians Cf. Brigadoon Odysseus entering the house of Alcinoos where he is to appeal to Alcinoos’ wife, Arete (“Virtue”).

9 Book VIII – Phaeacians: welcome the stranger with contests, feasts, and songs Note the rules of hospitality.

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