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6 th grade Science 1. School Web Page!  Go to Web site: 2.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th grade Science 1. School Web Page!  Go to Web site: 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th grade Science 1

2 School Web Page!  Go to Web site: 2

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7 Essential question How do scientists investigate the natural world? 7

8 Who do you agree with?  Four students were having a discussion about how scientists do their work. This is what they said:  Antoine: “I think scientists just tryout different things until something works”.  Tamara: “I think there is a definite set of steps all scientists follow called the scientific method.”  Marcos: “I think scientists use different methods depending on their question.”  Avery: “I think scientists use different methods but they all involve doing experiments.”  Which student do you most agree with? ___________________  (Place your sticky circle on the front board above the student name to create a class graph and participate in class discussion.) 8

9 Invent Something Scientific- Terrific!  String  Pennies  Tape  Buttons  Paper clips  5 minutes!  2 minute group presentation: everyone says their name and 1 person will explain what the group made! 9

10 3 Ring Binder, Duatang & Supplies by Friday! 10

11 Essential question How do scientists investigate the natural world? 11

12 Science is Like a Puzzle  We often wonder if scientists are “wrong” because they can’t answer all the questions we might have to ask.  We know lots about the universe. But, we don’t know everything.  Does that mean that we can’t explain things based on what we do know now? 12

13 Science is Like a Puzzle  Just recently, the International Astronomical Union decided that Pluto was not a planet.  Does that mean that earlier astronomers were wrong?  What was the basis of the change? 13

14 Science is Like a Puzzle  This activity will take you through the steps of the scientific method and help you figure out how scientists make predictions and draw conclusions.  It will help you begin to think more like a scientist yourself. 14

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20 If you give a student a cookie? 20

21 Invention!  Ruth Graves Wakefield invented chocolate chip cookies in 1930 when she ran the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts.  At first Ruth did not mean to make chocolate chip cookies..  Ruth’s Inn was famous for her chocolate cookies.  One day, they sold so well that she was out of chocolate dough.  Then she thought to use broken-up bars of semi-sweet chocolate!  However, the chocolate did not melt and make the cookies chocolate. They were just in place and sweetened the dough!  The cookies were an ultimate success.  At first her new cookie invention was called the “Toll House Cookie.” 21

22 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Qualitative DataQuantitative Data  Overview: Deals with descriptions.  Data can be observed but not measured.  Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc.  Qualitative → Quality  Overview: Deals with numbers.  Data which can be measured.  Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc.  Quantitative → Quantity 22

23 Definitions Qualitative Data  Deals with descriptions. Data is observed but not measured. Quantitative Data  Deals with numbers. Data which can be measured. 23

24 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Qualitative DataQuantitative Data  Example 1: Oil Painting Qualitative data:  blue/green color, gold frame  smells old and musty  texture shows brush strokes of oil paint  peaceful scene of the country  masterful brush strokes  Example 1: Oil Painting Quantitative data:  picture is 10" by 14"  with frame 14" by 18"  weighs 8.5 pounds  surface area of painting is 140 sq. in.  cost $300 24

25 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Qualitative DataQuantitative Data  Example 2: Latte Qualitative data:  robust aroma  frothy appearance  strong taste  burgundy cup  Example 2: Latte Quantitative data:  12 ounces of latte  serving temperature 150º F.  serving cup 7 inches in height  cost $4.95 25

26 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Qualitative DataQuantitative Data  Example 3: 6 th grade Class Qualitative data:  friendly demeanors  civic minded  environmentalists  positive school spirit  Example 3: 6 th grade Class Quantitative data:  672 students  394 girls, 278 boys  68% on honor roll  150 students accelerated in mathematics 26

27 Let’s get to work! 27

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