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Bp MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation bp Exploration & Production Segment.

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Presentation on theme: "Bp MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation bp Exploration & Production Segment."— Presentation transcript:

1 bp MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation MiDAS - Performance Management for a Global Organisation bp Exploration & Production Segment

2 MiDAS bp bp is one of the largest integrated oil companies in the world, with an estimated global market share of around 3% of oil and gas production and 4% of refining capacity.  revenues : $285 billion  number of employees : 105,000  reserves : 18.3 billion bbl of oil and gas  Market capitalisation : $210 billion  Capital employed : $100 billion Some key facts and figures  Exploration and Production  Gas, Power & Renewables  Refining and Marketing Three business segments …

3 MiDAS bp Group VP Group VP Group VP Group VP Group VP Group VP Group VP Group VP Innovene CEO R&M CEO E&P CEO Gas & Power CEO Group CEO Group Legal Counsel Chief Financial Officer Chief of Staff Deputy CEO BU SPU BU Business Segment TAG SPU PU Segment Executive Team (SET)

4 MiDAS bp Strategic Performance Units (SPU) 14 in all — represent clusterings of similar business types Business Units (BU): 28 in all —Performance Contract Performance Unit (PU): (136 in all) — Human scale — Clear activity focus — Significant pieces of business — Maximum of 6 per BU BU SPU PU

5 MiDAS bp  Current indicator of expected quarterly financial and operating performance identifying risks to delivery.  Allows for proactive interventions rather than corrective measures after the fact.  Focus on forward performance, driving conversations between the BU and the Segment Executive Team about mitigating risks for the future.  Provides understanding of what is changing and what are the drivers of that change

6 MiDAS bp  Leverage the existing knowledge base surrounding the E&P Segment performance management system.  Develop a toolkit of robust readily available components to deliver an “off the shelf” application to bp Segments/Business Units. Management Information Database using Analysis Services

7 MiDAS bp  Recognised that the use of Excel is an integral part of business process.  Anticipated that the effective use and deployment of the system was going to be end user driven – the interface needed to reflect a non technical user base.  Understood that audit trails and security were an important part of a performance management system – business continuity, Sarbanes Oxley…

8 MiDAS bp  Considered performance management to exist in a fast changing landscape – analysis and reporting is a time dependant activity – half of your analysis today will be irrelevant in a year’s time if it lasts that long…  Wanted to build a platform that could be used to support many data management requirements  Understood that the life of the application was indeterminate

9 MiDAS bp Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Aspex – bp built End user Tool XLCubed Add-in & Web Build cubes Manage dimensions Housekeeping Data load Reporting

10 MiDAS bp

11 MiDAS bp Rapid development and implementation capability Designed around the bp performance management framework Has sufficient flexibility to allow the Segment/BU to be creative in how the toolkit is used – build new subsystems or complete standalone applications Low cost to market and low ongoing maintenance costs

12 MiDAS bp Easy to use and maintain Makes maximum use of existing infrastructure Is capable of being the data hub of the organization Manages and maintains data of all types – numbers and text Promotes internal organizational capability Is scaleable and responsive

13 MiDAS bp  Assembled a team of BP people in London –engaged Altius Consulting to augment the Core Team.  Designed processes to be used as a blueprint by each BU.  Completed framework agreements with each of the Outsource providers to ensure that the BUs are treated consistently.

14 MiDAS bp  Developed standard hardware and software packages that are clearly understood by the IT providers to minimize rework when installation is being planned.  Designed, built and tested a rapid implementation methodology We want to leverage the scope and scale of E&P to deliver a world class system We want to leverage the scope and scale of E&P to deliver a world class system

15 MiDAS bp  Conducted a design workshop (2 to 3 days)  Deconstructed existing process  Looked at the current issues the business was addressing  Created a view of the desired state  Matched MiDAS to the requirements  Execute workshop (3 to 5 days)  Hardware and software installed  People trained in Aspex, XLCubed, reporting and input techniques  Project plan

16 MiDAS bp  Additional functionality identified.  Enthusiasm builds as people start to understand the toolset and what is possible.  Understanding the business is critical to building confidence with the people installing the system.

17 MiDAS bp  Sharing ideas and harvesting synergies depends on the energy and commitment of the project teams  Delivering the project in discrete manageable chunks facilitates control and helps to manage expectations  Word of mouth is a powerful ally

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